5 Jan, 2021

My Best Packing Tips

If only I got a penny for every time I got asked for my best packing tips. Ok I understand that perhaps its not the best time ever to talk about packing because where would we go? But perhaps you can bookmark this page because I am coming from a lot of travel experience, a lot of last minute packing and I think I have nailed it down to a T. What goes into the hand luggage, what goes into the main, what I mustn’t forget and all of the best packing tips and trips, what to pack and how to fold will be int his post.

Nowadays it takes me around 1.5hour to pack for even the most difficult trip, that involves many fashion events and different activities, but it can be as quick as 20minutes for a holiday pack. I actually became so good at making sure I have everything but not overpacking, and have spoken about my outfit planning many times before. Todays post will be a little bit more about the things you shouldn’t forget and how to practically include it all.

So lets start.

Before I tell you what and how I do it I would like to ask you what is it that you most often forget to pack?

  • Chargers
  • Electricity Adapter
  • Razor
  • Tooth Brush
  • Deodorant
  • Socks
  • Makeup Brushes

Those are the things that in the past as I would leave them accidentally behind I would end up having to buy over and over again. Now I challenge you to write you list of things you often forget, and then make sure to save it on your notes, every time you pack check this list and that will be the reminder of the ultimate things that you always forget. This list of most frequently forgotten items is different for everybody, but having my own one has saved me many times before. Now lets start with the real tips.

1. Roll don’t fold!

Oh this is so so so important, first your items wont be with weird lines once you get to the destination, but the suitcase also fits more. I mean do I even know to give you more reasons. I am 100% sure that the suitcase fits way more when you roll then when you fold. I have proven it to myslf so many times, and if you have never tried it, try it now. Its life changing.

I have been challenged on this theory so many times. Is it really better to roll? Yes, trust me on this one, if the fact that your clothes will arrive with no weird lines on them doesn’t convince you, then trust me on the space thing. You can roll and thick things in, you can of course roll tiny things and pack them in your bags, such as underwear, bikinis, and tiny tops. I really love this method and its effortless.

2. Pack one outfit in the hand luggage

I have to say that this is very important. I have been so many times in a situation when someone’s bag doesn’t arrive and they have to spend a whole day in that plane clothes. In case you are going somewhere warm just pack a pair of sandals and a dress, maybe even a bikini, this will save you on so many levels. Whenever I have an important event upon landing I always make sure to bring all of that impotant stuff in my hand luggage, plus some basic toiletries in less than 100mo size, because that is the hand luggage restriction.

3. Pack valuable items in the hand luggage

I have to say that this is very important. I have been so many times in a situation when someone’s bag doesn’t arrive and they have to spend a whole day in that plane clothes. In case you are going somewhere warm just pack a pair of sandals and a dress, maybe even a bikini, this will save you on so many levels. Whenever I have an important event upon landing I always make sure to bring all of that impotant stuff in my hand luggage, plus some basic toiletries in less than 100mo size, because that is the hand luggage restriction.

4. Camera, Sunglasses, Warm piece of clothing, maybe even spare socks

All of those should be in your hand luggage as you could be cold on the plane and also you don’t want to miss any important moments, I love polaroids for making special memories with more friends forever present. Make sure to bring a book and a snack, sometimes flights get delayed, and even though London airports are full of entertainment, I have to say that its not the same in the rest of the world.

Once I was put in that little room at the airport for extra questioning, you know they tend to be pretty random and in all of the travelling I have done it happened only once. I was so happy I had a book, a snack and a knit with me as it wasn’t a short experience – plus you are not allowed your phone with you. So think about all possible case scenarios and pack your hand luggage smart.

5. Check the luggage weight

Once your suitcase is packed, both hand luggage and check in make sure to check how heavy it is so you don’t end up paying for all of those airline charges for overweight they are the worst. I know this is so given, but so many people don’t do it, just stand on the scale with a suitcase and check its weight (when you deduct your weight from it).

I know these tips can be brief, but I would be happy to even create packing check list for you guys should you think you need it. Let me know your thoughts.

xoxo, Tamara