Start the New Decade on the Right Foot.
You guys know well by now that I am a big lover of personal development. My journey of self-transformation is something well documented on my YouTube Channel and Personal Blog but most importantly the inspiration behind my aspirations and dreams in life.
Dreaming big is essential for defining where you want to be in 2020 but taking action is where you need to focus, and what is considered to be the key to success. I like to focus on the following three elements: Analysis, Strategy, and Action. Remember, be a dreamer, but most importantly be a doer!
January is the first chapter of an exciting new book, and you can welcome the new year with new aspirations and goals both personally and professionally. January is one of the most important months for my business, a crisp new start for redefining my vision and ambitious and planning all the milestones I want to hit this year.
Self-improvement is a big passion of mine and something I keep on educating myself because you guys are always asking me for advice on how to stay motivated and how to achieve your goals. I decided to share with you my top five goals that will help you to shift your mindset and leave in 2019 all the fears and mental blocks that stop you from becoming all the things you have dreamed of.
No one is born with self-discipline; it is a behaviour you learn and keep progressing throughout your life. Set goals and have an execution plan. I worked on it a lot during the past ten years of my career and a valuable piece of advice I can give you is the following: Discipline is choosing between giving yourself a short-term happiness vs a long-term one. What do I mean by that? Creating a successful future often requires a lot of sacrifices that you might not be willing to take on a daily basis. Working on building your self-discipline through daily diligence, might be challenging when you have a vision, working towards it makes it easier. Develop an understanding of what success means to you and focus on creating an execution plan that will help you accomplish everything you have dreamed of. It might not be an instant feeling of gratification, but once you make it to the top, it is so worth it. So keep your willpower in check and go for it.
I personally find it an opportunity to visit different places, familiarise with new cultures and expand my horizons. It is a goal of mine for 2020 and I am already breaking down my ultimate goal into smaller bits, so I manage to study while staying top of my game when it comes to my business. Creating short-term goals with tangible outcomes will keep you focused on your goals rather than having unrealistic expectations that will soon be overwhelming on an everyday basis. A good suggestion? Treat yourself with a trip to a fabulous destination where you can test your knowledge and what you have accomplished so far while enjoying a new adventure!
We all have different limits and different comfort levels due to our unique personalities and that is fantastic! Disempowering habits that keep us in our safety zone and replacing them with empowering ones, will be a tremendous help to explore a new perspective, open our minds to the unknown and dare to try something new. We have all heard Albert Einstein’s famous line: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Envision yourself successfully doing what you fear and one step at a time you will achieve what months ago you considered to be impossible.
Oh, the Christmas Holidays! I simply can not resist my mum’s delicious food but this year I am all about getting back in shape. Feeling healthy and taking care of my body daily is something extremely important for me, not only because I am mostly working from my home but also because my everyday schedule requires high levels of energy from me to complete all the tasks. Take some minutes for yourself and think about why you want to get in shape. We all have insecurities and parts of our bodies we don’t particularly feel confident about but starting your day with a gym session should be an opportunity to connect with your body and say thank you for everything it does for you. Punishing yourself is going to take you only a few steps on the way, but creating a healthy long term relationship with your body is the golden pass you will forever treasure.
It is easier to save up if you have a specific goal, an object or experience you want to invest in. Let’s say you want to buy a designer handbag, visit an exotic destination, buy a new car; It is easier to stay focus and not get sidetracked, as well as motivated to reach the amount in a short period. Stay consistent and put each month an amount of money away that stills allow you to do everything you want every month. For me, it is easier to put the amount as soon as I have my monthly wage for others it works after paying the bills and rent so they feel secure and confident. Either way, do not pay a lot of attention to the amount you put, but on making sure you put it month after month. Once you establish this habit, you can increase the percentage from 10% to let’s say 25% and so on. There are also amazing apps on the App Store and Google Play Store that can help you achieve your goals and stay focused!
I Love Writing on my blog articles about productivity, law of attraction and lifestyle choices! Let me know your suggestions below and I will make sure to read all of them and create something both inspiring and interesting for you guys to read.