Early Morning
It’s really not a surprise that I love, ok maybe not love but have a habit of getting up early when travelling. Now, what I really love is having the worlds most treasured buildings and squares all to my self while watching the sunrise and catching the most beautiful light you can imagine. It’s really something I would recommend to everyone out there.
Sunday morning is the best day for doing this. I put on my currently favourite playsuit by Zimmermann, which is made of gorgeous sheer silk, that is almost like crepe silk, beautiful and doesnt crease. I put on some summer tunes, and started doing my makeup. It was still 5am while I was getting ready, but I knew it would be worth it. In my Rome vlog you can actually see how magical it was when we approached the Colosseum.
This beautiful building rising up between the other, completely normal looking buildings. Normal, a word I actually dont like using, because it doesnt represent absolutely anything. So scrap that. The buildings surrounding the Colosseum are pretty modern, but then there is also the ancient Forum, or Foro Romano, a rectangular forum surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient buildings of Rome.
Yes, all roads lead to Rome, and I know that because this city was the first international city I visited as a child. Maybe that isnt accurate, but its for sure the first international city I can remember. Even then my mother took me to Colosseum and I remember thinking how huge and scary it was, specially after as a 6 year old girl I heard about the history that took place in here.
Rome is one of those cities that are like a museum. Whole of the city is just spectacular. Everywhere you turn you can see a place that is very important for the history of the world, for humanity and for society. You can get inspired, you can think and really reset your thoughts and feel small after understanding that most of these things were built almost 2000 years ago when the machines didnt exist. Where there is a will there is a way.
There are about thousands quotes you can find online about Rome. Probably because so much can be learnt from it’s history, but my favourite one has always been “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. It’s a quote that inspires me even more when I get to see it. The reason why I find it so close to heart is probably because I am a dreamer. I have big ambitions and seeing this city pushes me to work more, to give my best and to strive to be my best possible self, because it gives me hope that good things take time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so dont expect your dreams and all you wish to be done overnight either.
Now I think you can understand why am I so in love with this city, that I even went back twice this year. I was super lucky to even get a private tour of Colosseum and understand all the organisation inside it, the history of society and the reasons behind everything that took place in here. Ok maybe my romantic soul couldnt understand all of it, but its been almost 2000 years since this structure has been built and it’s still here, so that is all that matters to me.
I think its time to talk about the outfit, because that is probably what you guys want to hear about.

Shop My Outfit
How many times can I wear this Zimmermann playsuit before you guys get sick of it and start telling me I should really change? Well I dont get often obsessed by clothing pieces but this has totally done it for me. I could style it so many different ways and have already featured it on my instagram and in my YouTube videos. Zimmermann is a brand I have worked with for over a year now, and you can see a similar post in here and here. Which one is your favourite?
I decided to combine it with my Chloe Nile bag which I love so so much. Its probably one of the best purchases this year, because its so different from everything else I own. I think the burgundy colour really compliments the colour of the playsuit. What do you think? The bag itself comes in several sizes and this is the smaller of the two (from the round shaped ones), it fits enough, but my phone which is 7+ simply doesnt fit. Thats probably the only down point, however so minor that I do not care :)
You can see me wear my usual jewellery, such as Cartier bracelets, Love and Juste Un Clou, I absolutely never take them off, there is also a mono earring by Delfina Delettrez in my ear. I want every single piece of jewellery by these designers. Send Help! On my feet you can see Miu Miu flats that I wore without laces, just because I wanted something simple and comfy. Another option would be gold sandals, but for some reason these flats are always with me when travelling and on this occasion were the best bet. What do you guys think? Do you like this look? Excited to read your comments.