17 May, 2017

Personal Shopping Experience at Heathrow

Airport Shopping

Hello from Greece. I am currently sitting on a balcony of my room soaking up the view. Yesterday I took 25th flight of this year, and I don’t even know where to start if I start thinking about all the experiences I had so far. Talking about flights, I have to admit that airports started feeling very comfortable for me, maybe because I am very comfortable with them now, but maybe it’s because I have learned a lot and managed to make the most out of each and every trip.

Yesterday I flew from Heathrow Terminal 5 and as always arrived way too early to practice my favourite hobby – shopping. I decided to share with you my best kept secrets and tips on enjoying every time your flight gets delayed or every spare moment you might get in the future from Heathrow, so lets start.

You might be now thinking that airports are for travel and not shopping, but here is where I will disagree and back my statement with so many valid reasons, so hear me out:

You get duty free shopping at many of the stores, and that is technically 20% off, which is why last time I was flying to the US, I got that Dior bag and saved myself few hundreds of pounds. Clever, right?

Terminal 5 is my favourite to fly from, because apart from Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Bulgari, Cartier, Gucci and even mzny high street brsndd they also have a huge selection of sunglasses and cosmetics at the World Duty Free. Its pretty much my tradition now to buy a pari of sunglasses every time I fly – I guess that also explains my never ending collection.

Javljam vam se iz Grcke. Trenutno sedim na balkonu u sobi i uzivam u pogledu. Juce sam sela na 25. let ove godine i ne znam ni kako da saberem sva iskustva koja sam dozivela ove godine. Kada vec pricam o letovima, moram priznati da su aerodromi za mene postali kao druga kuca, mozda zato sto sam se navikla na njih, ali mozda i zato sto sam naucila mnogo toga o njima i sada znam kako da iz njih izvucem maksimum.

Juce sam letela sa Heathrow aerodroma, tacnije omiljenog mi Terminala 5, a kao i uvek stigla sam prerano kako bih praktikovala moj omiljeni hobi – shopping. Odlucila sam da sa vama podelim moju najbolje cuvanu tajnu i savete kako da prekratite vreme ukoliko letite preko Heathrow-a.

Mozda mislite da su aerodromi samo za putovanje a ne za kupovinu, ali ja se tu uopste ne slazem, a sada cu vam reci i zasto. Na aerodromima cesto mozete u bescarinskoj zoni dobiti isti komad za manju cenu, jer ne placate porez, tako da je to nekada i do 20% manje. Upravo sam iz tog razloga poslednji put kada sam letela za Ameriku kupila Dior torbu i sacuvala nekoliko stotina funti. Nije lose, zar ne?

Terminal 5 mi je omiljeni jer osim butika kao sto su Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Bulgari, Cartier i Gucci imaju i pristupacnije brendove, suncane naocare i kozmetiku. Sada mi je vec tradicija da svaki put kada letim kupim suncane naocare – to objasnjava moju stalno rastucu kolekciju.


1.Style Rack  2.Checking out the Chloe bag from Harrods 3.Chloe section in Harrods

Valentino Trainers via Harrods

Trying on Reiss Blazer with YSL pin from Harrods


1.You can book Personal Shopping appointment at Heathrow in comfort of a beautiful private lounge.

2.All the Personal Shoppers are accredited stylists, and speak multiple languages.

3.There is no minimal spend required and it costs nothing. I also asked and they don’t get commission if you purchase something – meaning they are not at all pushy and will not try to convince you that you look good in something you hate

4.Items can be reserved in advance, and team can also transfer your desired item from other terminals if need.

5.My favourite tip is that if you arrive more than three hours before your flight – personal shopper can take you to other terminals, should you wish to shop somewhere unavailable at your terminal.

6.Personal Shopping Lounge is very comfortable and there you can relax while getting all you need rather than running from store to store searching for that one item.

To book a complimentary appointment for the next time you are flying, click HERE.

1.Mozete zakazati Personal Shopping termin na Heathrow aerodromu i kupovati u udobnosti prelepog lounge-a.

2.Svi Personal Shopperi imaju akreditaciju stiliste i govore mnoge jezike.

3.Ovo ne kosta bas nista i ne opostoji minimum koji morate potrositi. Takodje sam pitala i stiliste ne dobijaju nikakav procenat od vase kupovine, sto znaci da vas ne forsiraju da kupujete i ne kazu da vam sve super stoji.

4.Stvari mozete unapred rezervisati a tim vam moze preneti zeljenu stvar i sa drugih terminala.

5.Moj omiljeni trik je da ukoliko dodjete tri sata pre leta – licni stilista ce vas odvesti i do drugih terminala, ukoliko zelite da kupite ili pogledate nesto sto na vasem terminalu nije dostupno.

6.Lounge za kupovinu je veoma udoban i tamo se mozete opustiti pre leta bez da letite iz radnje u radnju sa kesama i koferima.

Da rezervisete svoj termin sa licnim kupcem kliknite OVDE.

Valentino at Harrods

Dolce&Gabbana Sunglass at Sunglasses Hut