27 Apr, 2017

Fragrance Combining


I recently became a huge fan of the baths. I say recently, and its not quite accurate. I was a huge fan of baths as a child, and then at some point growing up in this digital era got a bit bored of them. The whole laying in the warm water didnt make much sense to me, as I would think of all the other things I could do. Just like everything else, if you are having a bath you need to do it well, that is something I learned. First thing that made me change my mind were bath oils, I realised how much better they are then just traditional foaming stuff. My favourite bath oil to date is definitely Jo Malone Red Roses which was already featured on the blog in the past. I love it, it makes my skin soft, smells great and makes a simple bath feel like a spa experience.

This same digital era made me realise how much I appreciate the time spent relaxing, candles, pampering and those true moments for myself. In this fast pace life its easy to neglect ourselves, but that is something you should never do. I hope this post will inspire you to do something nice for your self and enjoy in a true multi-sensory experience. I will tell you why!

Skoro sam postala veliki ljubitelj tradicionalne kupke. Kazem skoro, iako to i nije tacno. Jos kao dete obozavala sam kada bi mi roditelji napunili kadu i uzivala sam u mehuricima, onda kako su godine prosle i digitalna era uzela maha, sve je to nekako proslo. Ceo proces lezanja u mlakoj vodi nije imao smisla, uvek sam razmisljala o ostalim stvarima koje sam mogla raditi umesto tog gubljenja vremena. Ali i to sam promenila. Ono sto mi je najvise promenilo misljenje jesu ulja za kupanje. Shvatila sam koliko su bolja od obicne kupke koja samo pravi baloncice i cesto isusuje kozu. Trenutno omiljno ulje za kupanje mi je brenda Jo Malone Red Roses koje sam vec prikazala na blogu pre nekih godinu dana. Obozavam ga, cini moju kozu mekom, mirise divno i kupanje cini pravim ugodjajem.

To isto digitalno doba naucilo me je da cenim vreme kada se zaista opustam, svece, ulepsavanje i iskreni trenuci koje sebi posvetim. U ovom brzom zivotu naucila sam da ne zapostavljam sebe i zelim da iskoristim ovaj post da na isto podsetim i vas. Nadam se da ce vas ovaj post inspirisati da uzivate u iskustvima koje mozete prirediti sebi sami i koja ce opustiti sva vasa cula.

Multi sensory Experience

Fragrance combining. A concept that I wasnt familiar before I got introduced to Jo Malone, and that is because its a signature for this incredible London brand. Combining different fragrances, different body products or even home scents is in their DNA and its how all of these incredible products were made. To be combined.

At the moment I have several different scents that I love combining and I have listed them below. My probably all time favourite is Peony and Blush suede as its feminine, fresh yet sweet.  Just a perfect combination in my opinion. More recently you could probably also hear me speak about Myrrh and Tonka Cologne Intense, as this fragrance literally smells so seductive and gorgeous that I just cant get off it. Fragrance combining works for me, because I get to create a truly unique signature scent, something that no one else will be wearing and something that people could recognise me for – isnt that what we all aim for nowadays?

Creating those multi sensory experiences, layering fragrances, enjoying in things that you create only for yourself, without an excuse, without a special occasion are the most valuable moments. I couldnt wait to share with you this post, as its a small reminder to appreciate yourself and treat yourself like any other person you love a lot. At the end of the day, we all deserve it.

Kombinovanje mirisa. Koncept koji mi je bio nepoznat dok nisam naisla na brend Jo Malone pre vise od 2 godine. Ovo je glavni moto tog brenda koji pravi proizvode za kombinovanje. Upravo ti slojevi razlicitih krema, ulja, parfema jesu u njihovom DNK i to je ono sto ih cini drugacijim.


Trenutno imam nekoliko razlicitih parfema koje volim da kombinujem i ispod sam ih zabelezeila. Moj omiljeni parfem ovog brenda jeste Peony and Blush Suede jer je zenstven ali svez. Savrsena kombinacija ako mene pitate. Skoro sam otkrila i Myrrh i Tonka Cologne Intense a ovaj parfem zaista mirise zavodljivo i ja ga se ne mogu zasititi. Kombinovanje mirisa je meni odlicno jer tako kreiram unikatan potpis i znam da niko nece mirisati isto. Ta neka nota individualnosti je meni zaista bitna.

Kreiranje tih multi culnih iskustava, slojevito mirisanje i uzivanje u stvarima koje ucinimo za sebe bez povoda, bez izgovora su zaista vredne stvari. Zelela sam da vas podsetim da cenite sebe i da se tretirate kao bilo koju drugu osobu koju mnogo volite. Na kraju krajeva vi to zasluzujete.