Dolce Vita
First thing I do when spring officially hits the streets is clean out my wardrobe. I get rid of at least 40% of things I own, and I try to keep things need and tidy in my wardrobe. Well at least for a week or so. Then I like to buy few pieces that I think are perfect for spring, things that will freshen up my wardrobe, things that will be classics, and items I will wear over and over again no matter what. You guys know how much I love Dolce and Gabbana and that their prints and shapes really suit my style. Recently I had a little shopping spree on Luisa Via Roma website and bought few pieces from favourite designer duo, yes, you guessed right this dress was one of them.
I bought some flowers and decorated my house with them, after all they matched my dress, right? I must admit there were some people commenting on my dress, but as you guys know I always wear what I feel like regardless to what people might think. On another note you might be wondering what happened to me since I didnt post in March, and truth be told I was reevaluating the direction in which I want my blog to go, I was trying to decide why and how I want to post, as quantity of posts was never my focus. Rest assured I have now a lot of beautiful content that I am so excited to post, mainly from Paris, Milan and India, things I cant wait to share with you and content I am so happy to show you. Stay tuned to see it all.
Prva stvar koju uradim kada prolece dodje jeste ciscenje garderobera. Otarasim se 40% svega sto imam i trudim se da to drzim urednim. Dobro, barem nedelju dana. Onda kupim nekoliko novih stvari, stvari koje mislim da su odlicne za prolece, koje izgledaju genijalno i koje izgledaju jednostavno, ponesto za svaku priliku. Vi znate koliko volim Dolce&Gabbana brend i da su njihovi dizajni ono sto najvise pristaje mom stilu. Skoro sam obavila i mali shopping na Luisa Via Roma sajtu i kupila par stvari mog omiljenog dizajnerskog dua. Da, ova haljina je jedna od tih stvari.
Kupila sam i cvece kojim sam ukrasila kucu, ipak je to bilo neophodno kada sam vec nosila ovakvu haljinu, zar ne? Moram priznati da iako je London veliki grad i ljudi ne komentarisu cesto, ipak ova haljina nije prosla nezapazeno. U svakom slucaju ja uvek nosim ono sto zelim i sto mi se nosi, bez obzira na misljenja prolaznika. S druge strane mozda se pitate gde sam bila sve ovo vreme i zasto nisam postavljala nista na blog u martu. Istina je da sam zapostavila blog ali sam zapravo jako radila na njemu, trudila sam se da otkrijem koji je to pravac koji zelim da uzmem i kako zelim da nastavim. Nakon 6 godina pisanja zelela sam da preispitam sebe i svoje zelje i shvatila da zelim da ulozim jos vise kreativnosti, rada i truda i da ne stancam postove vec da im se maksimalno posvetim. To sam i uradila, tako da sada mozete ocekivati zaista unikatan sadrzaj ovde. Imam mnogo toga da vam pokazem iz Pariza, Milana i Indije. Jedva cekam.
So the outfit is pretty bold. This incredible flamenco dress is self sufficient but I totally wanted to wear it in total Dolce&Gabbana style, so picked my favourite bag and earrings which I also got on Luisa Via Roma. The shoes were what I was considering the most, I wasnt sure what type or colour to go for, but think I picked well. Simple, strapy sandal is something everyone should have in their wardrobe. They go with everything and the only thing they require is a neat pedicure, right?
This Dolce&Gabbana bag is one of my absolute favourite one, it gets so many compliments and comments on the street and is such a great ice breaker. Once two guys even asked me if its a lunch box and what kind of sandwich do I have inside. Love it. Would you ever wear a bag like this? As always below you can find the links to every single item I am wearing. What is your favourite piece?
I know that in Devil Wears Prada Miranda sarcastically says: “Florals, for spring? Groundbreaking!”, but if you ask me, floral print will always be my favourite, specially with the beginning of the prettiest season of them all.
Kombinacija je prilicno upecstljiva. Ova prelepa flamenko haljina dovoljna je sama po sebi, ali sam ja zelela da je nosim u Dolce&Gabbana stilu, pa sam uz nju ponela torbu i mindjuse istog brenda koje sam takodje ugledala na Luisa Via Roma sajtu. Cipele su ono oko cega sam se najduze dvoumila, nisam bila sigurna koju boju da uzmem, ali ni koji stil bi najvise odgovarao haljini poput ove. Ipak, mislim da nisam pogresila. Jednostavne, crne sandale nesto su sto svi treba da imaju u s om garderoberu. Idu uz sve, a zahtevaju samo uredan pedikir, zar ne?
Ova Dolce&Gabbana torba je jedna od mojih omiljnih, uvek dobijem toliko komentara i komplimenata kada je nosim. Za razgovore je totalni razbijac leda, a jednom su me dva momka pitala da li je to kutija za rucak i kakav sendvic imam unutra. To mi je bilo jako simpaticno. Da li biste ikada nosili torbu poput ove? Kao i uvek ispod mozete naci linkove za sve sto nosim u ovom postu. Koji vam se komad najvise dopada?
Znam da je Miranda u filmu “Djavo nosi Pradu” sarkasticno dobacila kako je cvetni print izuzetno inovativan za prolece, ali ako mene pitate on ce uvek biti najsarmantniji i najlepsi print pogotovo kada je u pitanju meni najdraze godisnje doba.