3 Feb, 2017



Even though winter is pretty cold, and I am craving sunshine more than ever, I must admit that there is nothing prettier than sunny winter mornings. They are kind of like that tough guy that is nice to you only – you know what I mean? The appeal is difficult to explain. On the other hand I really can not complain, as in England winter means 15 degrees and its nothing like Serbia where I experienced this year some really freezing moments, such as -17 in January. Yep brrrr

Regardless of the temperature, the imperative is to stay fashionable. Well ok, maybe not the imperative, but wouldn’t it be nice if we can stay warm, comfortable and look nice? I know, I agree. You see, we complain about the cold, but still I don’t think I would ever like to live somewhere where its warm all year round. I mean, what would I do with my boot and coat collection, and also wouldn’t it be pretty boring to wear the same clothes all year round?

Iako zima zna biti prilicno hladna i nedostaje mi sunce, moram priznati da nema niceg lepseg od suncanog zimskog jutra. Ja ih cesto poredim sa onim opasnim momcima, koji su samo prema vama divni. Ima tu nesto zaista privlacno u vezi toga, zar ne? S druge strane ne mogu se zaliti jer u Engleskoj zima podrazumeva 15ak stepeni, nasuprot Srbije u kojoj me uhvatilo citavih -17 ovog januara. Da, smrzla sam se.

Bez obzira na temperaturu, imperativ je izgledati lepo. Dobro, mozda ne bas imperativ, ali zar ne bi bilo lepo kada bi nam bilo topo, udobno a usput smo i zadovoljni kombinacijom? Da, slazem se.  Iako se zalim na hladnocu, istina je da ne bih zivela negde gde je zima misaona imenica. Uostalom, sta bih radila sa cizmama i kaputima koje mnogo volim? Takodje, bilo bi mi dosadno da nosim jedno te isto cele godine.


Its unnecessary to mention that winter whites and pastels are my fave. Whenever I get to wear an outfit composed of these colours my heart jumps with happiness. i just feel the best in these tones, and think they match my dark hair well. I know that for most people white and pastel colours stay reserved for summer, but for me this is one cliche I like to break.

In todays look you can also see me wear these Isabel Marant Roxanne boots, which I definitely am not wearing enough. i don’t know what it is, because I wanted them badly. Then I got them, and for some reason didn’t wear them as much as I thought I would. The colour wasn’t what I expected and for some reason they stayed on the shelf until now. So recently I filmed a video in which I mentioned that I regret not wearing them, and you guys suggested I give them a chance. Et Voila.

I decided to wear them with an all white outfit and the touch of warm beige and caramel tones. These white jeans are from River Island, since you guys know how much I love their jeans. In order to stay cosy I put on the Tommy x Gigi sweater and didn’t require a coat but put on a sleeveless coat. Of course my Gucci Dyonisus was simply asking to come along so I had to bring her. Don’t you agree it would be too cruel not to? :) Wishing you all a lovely weekend, stay warm and have fun.

Nepotrebno je spominjati to da obozavam svetle boje i zimi. Kad god nosim kombinaciju u ovim bojama osecam se veselije i lepse. Jednostavno volim te boje i mislim da mi pristaju zbog tamne kose. Znam da je bela a vecinu ljudi boja za leto, ali ja rado razbijam ovaj klise.

Danas takodje mozete videti i cizme koje retko nosim, a to su ove Isabel Marant Roxanne gleznjace. Ne znam zasto ali ih bas ne nosim cesto, to me posebno iznenadjuje jer sam ih bas dugo zelela. Mislila sam da cu ih se nanosati, ali kada su se pojavile shvatila sam da boja nije bas kakvu sam ocekivala. Onda sam ih odlozila na policu misleci da cu ih ipak nekad nositi ali se to nije cesto desavalo. Skoro sam vam to i rekla u videu, nakon cega ste mi rekli da im dam jos jednu sansu. Et voila.

Odlucila sam da ih nosim sa potpuno belim autfitom, i da dodam neke bez i karamel tonove. Ove bele farke su iz River Island-a, a to je britanski brend koji mnogo volim. Onda sam ostala pri udobnosti i obukla veliki demper koji je iz linije Tommy Hilfiger u saradnji sa Gigi Hadid. Kaput mi nije trebao, a moja Gucci Dyonisus torba je molila da podje sa mnom. Bilo bi preokrutno da je nisam povela, zar ne? :) Zelim vam predivan vikend, ugrejte se i lepo se zabavite.