Coat. That precious piece of clothing we tend to spend several months in. It has to be warm, comfortable, light, and stylish. It should look good, maybe have pockets and its colour needs to blend in with your every day life, so that you can wear it literally every single day.
I am a huge fan of coats, you might even know that every season I like to invest in a piece that will be amazing season in and out, piece that I ll be able to wear even in the spring. Just like the coat that is a star piece of this blog post. Yes, I am talking about the military coat in burgundy colour by one of my favourite designers – Ermanno Scervino.
Even though this post is mainly about the beauty of this outerwear piece, I couldnt not mention Paris. You know the city of love. Its river banks, the streets and avenues. I will be back soon, simply because Haute Couture Week is around the corner and its something I wouldnt miss. Dont forget to stay updated if you want to see more from the most extravagant and elegant week of first half of the year.
Kaput. Taj neizmerno bitan komad tkanine u kom provodimo zimske dane. Mora biti topao, udoban, lagan i lep. Mora biti u trenfu, mozda bi mogao imati dzepove a njegova boja treba da bude neutralna kako bi se uklopio u vas garderober i svakodnevno nosenje.
Ja obozavam kapute, a kao sto znate svake sezone ulozim u komad koji mogu da nosim non stop, komad koji volim sve do proleca. Upravo o takvom kaputu zelim da vam ispricam u danasnjem postu. Radi se o Ermanno Scervino kaputu sa vojnickim kopcanjem.
Iako je ovaj post vecinom o kaputu, nisam mogla da ne spomenem i Pariz. Grad ljubavi. Njegove obale, ulice i avenije. Ubrzo se vrcam u ovaj grad povodom Haute Couture nedelje, ili ti par dana visoke mode. Ne zaboravite da pratite sve sto tamo radim putem drustvenih mreza, mislim da ce ovo biti najekstravagantnija nedelja u prvoj polovini godine.
Of course I couldnt skip the walk by the Alexander III bridge. Ever since I first came to Paris I loved this landmark, I felt like it doesnt get enough attention and really wanted to shoot there. Who wouldnt? For this walk around Paris I opted for a simply white dress and my beloved Chloe Harper boots. I was so happy to wear the Ermanno Scervino coat I saw on the catwalk in February and just couldnt think of a better time then now. The military style of coat is super trendy now and I am expecting to see a lot of it during the fashion week month.
You know I adore this Chloe Drew bag for several reasons. Its cute, perfect size and functional. I never have to worry about it getting scratched or dirty, its just easy. I thought what a coincidence that it matches my boots perfectly well. To complete the look I picked up my favourite Ray Ban sunglasses that I felt added a bit of coolness to it all. What do you think?
Naravno da nisam mogla preskociti Alexander III most. Zaljubila sam se u ovaj most jos pri prvoj poseti Parizu. Nekako mi se cini da je ova znamenitost nedovoljno hvaljena, pa sam zelela da se slikam upravo tu. Ko ne bi? Za setnju Parizom odabrala sam belu haljinicu i omiljene Chloe Harper cizme. Bila sam toliko srecna sto mi se konacno ukazala prilika da obucem Ermanno Scervino kaput iz snova, pogotovo nakon sto sam se u njega zaljubila jos proslog februara na modnoj pisti. Vojnicki stil je nesto sto mi se dopada i sto ocekujem da vidim mnogo puta za vreme nedelje mode.
Znate da volim ovu Chloe Drew torbu, sta vise za to imam mnogo razloga. Idealne je velicine, funkcionalna je i lagana za kombinovanje. Nikada ne brinem da li sam je ogrebala ili isprljala jer je veoma jednostavna za odrzavanje. Da upotpunim kombinaciju uzela sam i Ray Ban naocare koje su dodale cool faktor svemu ovome. Kako vam se cini?