29 Jan, 2017

De Grisogono Diamonds in St.Moritz


There is something calming about Swiss Alps, and no I am not talking about the quietness and slow pace of living which is generally present in Switzerland. There is this oasis of white untouched snow, fresh air, the sights I only got to see on post cards, until I got to St.Moritz. Sure I ve been to mountains before, and sure that skiing holidays were very common in my family, its just that since I am doing this job (of a blogger), I sometimes forget how important it is to reconnect with the nature.

Winter holidays are more than just that, its about a culture, life style, about apres-ski sometimes more than about actual skiing. Its all about the people you go with, about cosy nights by the fire, and of course fashion choices. I personally love being dressed in pastel colours, picking my favourite boots and bag, packing cosy knits, and favourite jewellery pieces. I was lucky enough to go to Swiss Alps with one of most luxurious jewellery brands out there – de GRISOGONO.

This opulent brand, de GRISOGONO, is infused with a Mediterranean character that fills its creations and activities with emotion, purpose and intensity. Its full of youth and character, and today I wanted to show you how I wore spectacular pieces from different collections on daily basis in St.Moritz. From breakfast to dinner, different pieces, different colours and different precious stones. I am super excited to hear what you think about this little diary of my winter holiday in Switzerland.

Ima nesto u vezi Alpa sto me posebno smiruje. Ne, ne govorim o uobicajenoj smirenosti i letargiji koja prati Svajcarsku. Tu je oaza netaknutog snega, svez vazduh, predeli koje sam do sada videla samo na razglednici, sve dok nisam stigla u St.Moritz. Naravno da sam bila na planinama i ranije, ovaj tip putovanja uobicajen je u mojoj porodici, ali nekako od kako se bvim ovim poslom (blogera), zaboravljam koliko je bitno uspostaviti tu konekciju sa prirodom.

Zimski odmori, putovanja i praznici su mnogo vise od toga. Radi se o celokupnoj kulturi, stilu zivotu, ponekad je apres-ski bitniji od samog skijanja. Poenta je u ljudima koji krenu sa vama na putovanje, u nocima pored kamina, toplim dzemperima koje spakujete i naravno omiljenim komadima nakita. Imala sam ogromnu srecu sto sam na Alpima bila gost jednog od najprestiznijih brendova nakita – de GRISOGONO.

Ovaj carobni brend, de GRISOGONO, odise mediteranskim karakterom koji puni ove kreacije lepom emocijom i zivotom. Pun je mladosti i individualnosti, a danas sam pozelela da vam pokazem neke od meni omiljenijh komada. U St.Moritzu sam nosila ove posebne komade svakodnevno, od dorucka do zabave. Mindjuse, prstenje, ogrlice u raznim bojama, ukrasene dragim kamenjem. Veoma sam uzbudjena da sa vama podelim slike i pokazem vam dnevnik zimovanja u Svajcarskoj.


When I was packing my suitcase, as usually I really wanted to reach out for light and pastel colours, but I also wanted to be warm, so I started from the jackets. I packed big cosy teddy coats, Fendi shearling, Jimmy Choo Moon Boots, and some of my favourite bags, such as Dolce&Gabbana Family bag and a Gucci Dyonisus. I wanted also few evening options, and in those cases I went for dresses, mainly in darker colours, because you guys know that even though during I never wear black, I love wearing it in my personal time, and specially in the evenings.

The trip itself was to celebrate the famous Black Book by de GRISOGONO. This is the special St.Moritz edition of the book which you can request on their website in case you are interested. Its filled with useful information and will guide you though out your stay in this beautiful Alpine place. Without talking too much about my outfits, and the jewels I am wearing, I will let the pictures speak. The collections are listed below, make sure to let me know which one is your favourite.

Kada sam pakovala kofer razmisljala sam o tome sta bih najradije nosila za vreme boravka na planini. Kao i uvek uhvatila sam se svetlih i pastelnih boja, ipak zelela sam da mi bude toplo i udobno. Pakovala sam tople kapute, teddy jakne, Fendi ovcije krzno, Jimmy Choo cizme za sneg, neke od mojih omiljenih torbi kao sto su Dolce&Gabbana Family torba, Gucci Dyonisus te Versace Palazzo Empire. Onda sam spakovala i nekoliko vecernjih stvari koje cete videti u vlogu. Ovi komadi su u tamnijim bojama, a iako me na blogu retko vidite u crnoj boji, nosim je rado u vecernjim satima povodom nekih privatnih dogadjaja.

Sam put je bio povodom proslave cuvene Black Book by de GRISOGONO, ili ti Male Crne Knjige koju ovaj brend izdaje. U ovoj knjizi mozete procitati nesto o gradu u koji idete, a ja sam imala primerak iz St.Moritza. Prepuna je zanimljivih informacija o ovom Alpskom gradicu. Bez previse objasnjavanja o mojim kombinacijama i nakitu, pusticu vas da pogledate fotografije. Sve kolekcije koje su mi se dopale mozete naci ispod, nadam se da cete mi reci koja vam je omiljena.



Different de GRISOGONO Collections I like: