21 Dec, 2016

Wrapped up warm


Baby its cold outside. And what can you do when there is no handsome boy around to kindly offer you his jacket or to warm up your hands in his pockets? Oh well, I guess you better wrap up warm, put on that cosy coat, thick knit and some warm socks. The stuff that will keep you warm regardless of your relationship status. Trust me, I know that well.

Its the end of the year and its pretty crisp outside. I am really enjoying wearing the casual warm outfits while enjoying the holiday season and just spending time with the people I love the most. There is so much to it. The hot chocolate, the high spirit, and of course the presents that I got for Christmas and that I am still absolutely loving.

If you ask me what is my favourite thing about the festive season, I really wouldnt be able to tell you. There are only two more days left of this year and I am going to focus all of my positive energy into one thing: making some serious New Year’s resolutions and goals for 2017. The excitement is overwhelming.

Bejbe napolju je hladno, a sta uraditi kada u okruzenju nemate nekog zgodnog dzentlmena da vam ponudi svoju jaknu ili makar dzepove iste kako biste ugrejali ruke? U tom slucaju ja se najradije pouzdam u svoju toplu jaknu, dzemper i debele carape kako se ne bih smrzla. Ovi odevni komadi ugrejace vas bez obzira na status veze. Verujte mi, ja to dobro znam.

Kraj je godine a napolju je bas sveze. Onako ostro hladno ako znate na sta mislim. Zaista uzivam u zimskim kombinacijama pogotovo sada za vreme praznika kada je sve tako lepo i veselo. Ne mogu da odlucim sta najvise volim. Toplu cokoladu, dobro raspolozenje ili poklone kkoje rado razmenjujem sa mojim najvoljenijim ljudima.

Ako me pitate cemu se najvise radujem ni na to ne umem da odgovorim. Jos dva dana do kraja ove godine, a ja cu svu svoju pozitivnu energiju usmeriti ka snovima i ciljevima koje sam sama sebi zacrtala za 2017.godinu. Jedva cekam!


Todays outfit is all about this big teddy coat. I was looking for something similar for what feels like months and then I finally found it on Abercrombie&Fitch website this month. I was so happy as I knew it will be made of good quality, it will be soft and warm and that what we all seek, isnt it. I love Abercrombie and remember the days it only just opened in London, I used to pop in the store and would stay for hours browsing their new collections. Now I prefer shopping online, and while I was browsing the New In section, I also spotted this light pink sweater that you guys already saw on my instagram. What do you think?

This outfit is very simple, and I basically had skinny grey jeans on with my favourite flat Hermes Jumping boots. These boots are just perfect because they are so classic yet statement at the same time. I couldnt decide which bag to go for, but finally picked this Jimmy Choo dream on a chain. Its a bag that is simply calling for snow, dont you think?

How do you like this outfit? Do you also like teddy coats? They are simply perfect for casual but warm outfits.

Danasnja kombinacija vrti se oko toplog kaputa. Trazila sam ovaj kaput koji podseca na plisanog medu mesecima i onda ga konacno ugledala na Abercrombie&Fitch sajtu ovog meseca. Toliko sam bila srecna jer sam znala da ce biti dobrog kvaliteta, da ce biti topao i mekan a to je ono sto sam zelela. Obozavam Abercrombie i secam se dana kada su tek otvorili svoj prvi butik u Londonu, nisam izlazila iz njega satima. Danas radije kupujem preko interneta, a na njihovoj New In stranici ugledala sam i ovaj roze dzemper koji ste verovatno videli da rado nosim i na instagramu. Kako vam se cini?

Kombinacija je jako jednostavna, obicne sive farmerice i moje omiljene Hermes Jumping cizme. Ove cizme su savrsene jer su klasicne a ipak i posebne u isto vreme. Nisam mogla da se odlucim koju torbu da izaberem, ali sam na kraju uzela ovaj Jimmy Choo san na lancicu. Ova torba priziva sneg, zar se ne slazete?

Kako vam se dopada kombinacija? Da li i vi volite ovakve kapute? Ja ih obozavam za tople lezerne kombinacije.