13 Dec, 2016

Season to Love


Holiday season was always a big deal in my family. It represents a time of unity and it was something special to every single member of my household. Every year this feeling of that special time with my family grows bigger and bigger. My absolute favourite part of the holiday season is getting that chance to spend with my family, from the little things to baking cookies together, decorating our home to opening our presents on Christmas morning. I realised I get most excited about the holiday season because it’s the most affectionate, happy and loving time of the year. I was raised to believe that nothing comes close to spending time with your loved ones, that is why the holiday season is so special to me.

We have many traditions that spontaneously developed out of nowhere and they are the most precious things I hold onto while living abroad. My mother always makes gingerbread cookies and then we decorate them together. Imagine the whole house being filled with the smell of cinnamon, while Christmas songs are playing, mulled vine cooking and Christmas tree shining in the colours we chose for that season. Ah, let me not forget the tree, I made this rule that no one is allowed to decorate the tree until we are all at home. We then finish it off with the golden angel on the top of the tree and start bringing presents to put under it. The tree is not complete until you see the presents in all shapes and forms at its feet, wrapped in different papers, with shiny bows and name tags.

Giving presents is my favourite thing to do during the holiday season (ok I admit cake eating too). I say giving, because I prefer it to receiving gifts. I feel that there is nothing better than seeing the face of the person who is tearing the wrapping paper, the excitement, the surprise and of course the gratitude. Its all about those symbols of love.

Praznična sezona je uvek bila velika stvar u mojoj porodici. Ovo doba predstavlja vreme ujedinjenosti i svaki član moje familije je gleda na isti način. Svaka godina mi je posebnija od prethodne, a ono što najviše volim jeste mogućnost da se vratim kući i provedem vreme sa najmilijima.Dekorisanje kolača, ukrašavanje kuće, otvaranje poklona za Novu godinu. Shvatila sam da volim ovaj period jer tada svi nesebično daju ssvoju ljubav, pažnju i vreme. Roditelji su me odgajali tako da pre svega vrednujem vreme provedeno sa voljenim ljudima a onda sve ostalo. Zato volim Božić.

Vremenom je moja porodica oformila neke svoje tradicije, a one su mi ono čega se držim dok živim u inostranstvu. Moja majka svakog decembra peče kolače od cimeta i djumbira a onda ih zajedno dekorišemo. Zamislite kuću ispunjenu mirisom cimeta dok se čuju Božićne pesme a vino kuva. Da ne zaboravim najelku, ja sam izmislila pravilo da niko ne sme ukrašavati jelku dok ne budemo svi na okupu. Ipak svake godine zaboravim da je i kićenje jelke veliki posao pa se obradujem kada na kraju zajedno stavimo zlatnog andjela na vrh jelke. Jelka nije potpuna dok se njeno dno ne ispuni poklonima u šarenim bojama, sa mašnama i čestitkama veselih dezena.

Davanje poklona je moja omiljena aktivnost za vreme praznika (ok, priznajem da volim i jedenje kolača). Kažem davanje poklona, jer to preferiram od primanja istih. Mislim da ništa nije bolje od face osobe koja otvori nešto što nije očekivala. Uzbudjenje, iznenadjenje i naravno zahvalnost. Sve su to simboli ljubavi.


I am known for not only giving presents to my friends and family but also for giving presents to myself. If you followed my blog for a while you know that I often wrap Christmas gifts and place them under the tree as a little award for myself. This season I decided to capture the most beautiful holiday moments at the cosiness of my home.

Cartier is a brand about which I dreamed even as a child and it embodies a lot more than just exquisite pieces of jewellery. This season I decided to treat myself with an item that sat on top of my wish list for the longest time ever, and you are thinking right, its the Cartier Love bracelet. The ultimate and most perfect Christmas gift one can receive. This magical piece seemed appropriate as it encapsulates the purest and the most important feeling of the holiday season – LOVE.

I will still never forget the first time I unwrapped a gift on a Christmas morning, to discover a beautiful red box with golden detailing. It felt heavy and important. I remember touching its edges with my fingers and thinking what could it be. Everything was perfect about this moment. The anticipation, the gift and the beautiful Cartier Christmas wrapping that is pure magic.

I wanted to bring a true Christmas feeling to your home through these photos. The hot chocolate, gingerbread men, the Christmas tree in my favourite gold and red colours and of course impeccable Cartier Christmas wrapping. I am curious to hear about your favourite holiday traditions and who will you show your unconditional Love to this season?

Ja sam poznata po tome što ne kupujem poklone samo prijateljima i porodici već i sebi. Ako pratite moj blog duže vreme, onda znate da sama sebi zamotam poklon i stavim ispod jelke svake godine. To je nešto poput nagrade za uspešnu godinu. Ove sezone odlučila sam da ugrabim najlepše momente Božićne atmosfere u svom domu i za blog.

Cartier je brend o kom sam sanjala i kao dete a za mene predstavlja mnogo više od nakita. Ove sezone odlučila sam da sebe počastim komadom nakita koji je dugo bio na mojoj wish listi, u pitanju je Cartier Love narukvica. Najsavršeniji i najposebniji poklon koji neko može da primi. Magija ovog komada leži upravo u emociji koja se krije iza njega, a to je najbinija emocija u vreme praznika – LJUBAV.

Nikada neću zaboraviti osećaj kada sam prvi put otpakovala poklon na Božićno jutro da bih ispod papira ugledala crvenu kutiju za zlatnim detaljima. U ruci je bila teška i imala neku svoju bitnost koju vam ne mogu opisati. Sećm se dobro da sam prstima prelazila preko njenih ivica i maštala o tome šta se krije unutra. Sve je bilo tako čarobno u ovom trenutku. Božićno pakovanje brenda Cartier zaista je neverovatno.

Želela sam da i u vaš dom unesem Božićno raspoloženje ovim postom. Topla čokolada, kolači od djumbira, jelka u mojim omiljenim crvenim i zlatnim tonovima i naravno Cartier pokloni. Jako me zanima da čujem sve o vašim omiljenim prazničnim tradicijama i kome ćete pokazati bezuslovnu ljubav ove godine?

In collaboration with Cartier