2 Dec, 2016

Peonies in a Bottle

Relax Mode

In the digital times it can be easy to lose the real connection with ourselves. Sometimes I feel that long working hours, dedication to our dreams and goals can make us forget what we really want and how important it is to do those little things for ourselves in order to stay in touch with our inner voice.

The real 21st century luxuries, devoting time to yourself, being feminine, having that beautiful milk bath, adorned by flower petals and just letting the feeling of relaxation sink in. My favourite pamper routine usually starts somewhere in nature where I get to pick my favourite flowers and start playing with them until I can use the petals to make the most luxurious bath. If you followed my blog for a while you must know that my absolute favourite flowers are Peonies, in their beautiful pink colour. This rich and opulent flower not only looks magical but smells beautiful too.

U ovo digitalno doba veoma je lako izgubiti istinsku konekciju sa svojim unutrašnjim ja. Ponekad mislim da iako bez problema radim mnogo sati dnevno i trudim se da ostvarim svoje snove i ciljeve sve ovo može doprineti tome da zaboravim šta je to što zaista želim i koliko je bitno posvetiti i sebi nekoliko sati nedeljno.

Jedini luksuz 21.veka jeste vreme, posvetiti ga sebi, negovati ženstvenost, uživati u stvarima kao što su kupka od mleka ukrašena cvetnim laticama. Sve ovo hrani dušu i opušta misli. Moja prava rutina opus3tanja počinje u prirodi, negde gde imam priliku da pokupim moje omiljeno cveće i onda iskoristim njegove latice za bogatu kupku. Ako pratite moj blog već dugo, sigurno znate da su božuri moje omiljeno cveće, pogotovo u nežno roze boji. Osim što izgleda prelepo, ovaj kraljevski cvet može svačiji dom ispuniti najlepšim mirisnim notama.



Since winter is not the prime time for peonies, and my feminine side is totally attached to their scent I found a perfect alternative that is making me excited every morning. Instead admiring these royal flowers on my bed side table, I start my day with the sumptuous scent of Acqua di Parma Peonia Nobile fragrance, the unique blend of sensual and refined notes. This fragrance wakes up most stunning memories, such as those of mornings in Paris. That time I got a chance to wake up in Montmartre and have a breakfast on the roof followed by long walks in the gardens of City of Lights.

Sometimes its crucial to take the time and disconnect from the digital world, to have an hour or two in which you can pamper yourself using the luxurious fragrances, such as Peonia Nobile which evoke the best side of your femininity. December will be the month I dedicate to myself, to my favourite routines and a month in which I try to enjoy every moment I get to spoil myself. What is your favourite pamper routine?

Pošto zima nije sezona božura a moja ženstvena strana konstantno traži njihov miris, našla sam savrs3enu alternativu kojoj se radujem svakog jutra. Umesto divljenja ovom neverovatnom cveću, u vazi, na prozoru, dan započinjem nanošenjem bogatog mirisa Acqua di Parma Peonia Nobile . Mešavina senzualnih i profinjenih nota totalno me je osvojila. Ovaj parfem u meni budi divne uspomene, kao one iz Pariza. Ovog dana probudila sam se u Montmartre delu grada i iuživala u doručku na krovu nakon čega sam istraživala grad svetlosti.

Ponekad je neophodno diskonektovati se i posvetiti sat-dva sebi, negujući se i koristeći omiljene mirise koje bude najbolje u vama. Za mene je to Peonia Nobile. Decembar je mesec koji posvećujem sebi, svojim omiljenim rutinama i mesec uživanja. Koja je vaša omiljena rutina?