12 Dec, 2016

Pastel Pink in Winter

High From The View

Paris. I think I visited the capital of France more than 10 times this year, but you couldn’t blame me considering its the capital of fashion too. This is a city I could never get bored of, and even though Samuel Johnson said that “When a man is tired of London he is tired of life” I feel its also true for Paris.

This beautiful city keeps giving, its gives its beauty, art, opportunities and all of it only if you are willing to admire it and look at it through the pink sunglasses. Something like every woman. As long as you love and adore it, as long as you idealise and believe in it, it will keep giving you itself until ints maximum. One of those numerous times I visited Paris this year was for a shoot with Monnier Freres. An online luxury boutique which stocks some of my favourite brands. Think likes of Valentino, Chloe, Stella McCartney. Think Versace and Aquazzura. Basically all I love and more. I then chose some of my favourite pieces and together with them created a which list we decided to call Monnier Freres Christmas Windows.

Pariz. Mislim da sam posetila prestonicu Francuske više od 10 puta ove godine, ali ne možete me kriviti s obzirom da je isti grad i prestonica mode. Ovo je grad koji mi nikada neće dosaditi i iako je Samue Johnson rekao da “Čovek koji je umoran od Londona zapravo je umoran od života”  ja bih dodala da je isto kada je Pariz u pitanju.

Ovaj grad konstantno daje, daje svoju lepotu, umetnost, prilike i gomilu toga što će vam pružiti samo ako znate da ga volite. Nešto kao i svaka žena. Ukoliko je volite i obožavate, ukoliko se divite njenoj lepoti i karakteru, ona će dati sve od sebe. Jednom prilikom pri poseti Parizu slikala sam kampanju za vebsajt Monnier Freres. To je sajt koji prodaje luksuzne brendove p a i neke od mojih omiljenih kao što su Chloe, Valentino, Stella McCartney. Takodje i Versace i Aquazzura. U suštini sve što ja volim pa i više. Napravila sam listu mojih omiljenih komada i istu možete naći upravo ovde. Nazvali smo je Monnier Freres Christmas Windows.


You can check both of my wish lists HERE and HERE. They are different, as they have different themes, something you will see when you check them out. Of course I had to include this Chloe bag which you can see in todays outfit for several reasons. One of them is that even thought I had it in smooth leather, suede was still on my wishlist. That must mean something, right? I wore it several times, and thought how funny it is that it looks so small but actually fits quite a bit.

The shoes from todays post are also from Monnier Freres and I got them several months ago, I think in February. I wore them so much and thought they really compliment the pastel tones of this outfit. I guess they are the type of shoes they go with many different things and are super cool for both winter or summer.

What do you think about this outfit? Hope you like it, and let me know what you think about my Monnier Freres Christmas Windows and the styling I had at the shoot.

Možete pogledati more listed OVDE i OVDE . Napravili smo dve, jer su u pitanju različite teme, pa vam predlažem da pogledate obe. Naravno i ova Chloe torba dospela je na listu, jer sam o njoj razmišljala jako dugačak vremenski period. Iako sam Chloe Hudson torbu imala još odavno, ova od prevrnute kože mi je posebno zapala za oko. Nosila sam je nekoliko puta i posebno mi je simpatično to što izgleda kao da je jako mala, ali zapravo u nju stane više nego u istu torbu od glatke kože.

Cipele iz današnjeg posta su takodje sa Monnier Freres sajta a imam ih već nekoliko meseci. Mislim čak od februara. Nosila sam ih toliko puta do sada, a ovaj put dopalo mi se kako idu uz pastelne boje. Ove cipele bile su pun pogodak jer idu uz sve i mogu ih nositi i leti i zimi.

Kako vam se čini kombinacija? Nadam se da vam se dopada i obavezno mi recite šta mislite o mojim Monnier Freres Božićnim Izlozima, te o stajlingu koji sam imala na slikanju.