7 Dec, 2016

Party In Style

Dresses, Heels and Sequins

Its December which means so many things for me. First let’s start with the fact that you can officially start getting excited about Christmas presents, or if you are like me, you can get excited about buying them and surprising your loved ones with stuff they don’t expect. December is also that time when our schedules are booming. As I am writing this I have already 3 Christmas dinners behind me, 2 official festive parties, and several to come through out December.

I will be going home to Serbia in the other half of the month which includes packing my best festive wardrobe for two weeks. Think dresses, over the knee boots, ankle boots with high heels and even sandals. Sandals, I know are not the most common thing people wear in December but years ago someone told me that when it comes to New Years Eve party, there are no rules and even sandals are an option? Did you know about this rule?

Decembar. Za mene ovaj mesec podrazumeva mnogo toga.Pre svega želim da naglasim koliko se radujem oko kupovine Božićnih poklona, a ako ste kao ja, onda sigurno razumete zašto više uživam u davanju poklona nego u primanju. Decembar je takodje vreme prepunog rasporeda, gužve. Dok ovo pišem imam 3 Božićne večere iza sebe, 2 žurke i još gomilu toga što me iščekuje.

U drugoj polovini meseca idem kući u Srbiju.To znači da moram spakovati pun kofer praznične garderobe za dve nedelje. Mislite na haljine, čizme preko kolena, čizme do gležnja, štikle ma čak i sandale. Sandale u decembru? Da mozda nisu najučestalija vrsta obuće, ali mislim da mi je neko jednom rekao da je za Novu godinu sve prihvatljivo. Da li ste vi čuli za ovo pravilo?


I think Christmas time can be pretty difficult on the wardrobe situation. Most of the parties I attend include same people which means that I can’t really wear same dress many different times. In fact my wardrobe just got richer by several new Self-Portrait dresses from Farfetch. You know the brand, I know the brand its everywhere around us. Recently I was browsing party wear on Farfetch Website, one of my favourite destinations whenever I am looking for a certain piece or particular theme. Their options for party wear are simply unlimited. I picked few dresses by Self-Portrait in the one I am wearing today already made it to the Christmas wardrobe. I wore it the other night and really enjoyed it. What I love about Self Portrait is the fact that dresses look special, different yet aren’t too expensive, but also aren’t overly cheap so that everyone has them. I am a big fan.

To finish off, I opted for my favourite Jimmy Choo Trick sandals, and my only excuse is that they are shaped as boots, and that since they are from fall collection technically I should be excused to wear them, right? Ohhh I simply love them. They are comfortable and allow me to stand and dance whole night long, while feeling fabulous. The coat is a must of course, and I picked this big, beige Pinko one which keeps me warm and wrapped. This type of coat is just great for any occasion. Since the coat was warm coloured, I also took my Chloe Drew bag the ultimate helper when I want to have a small bag but also bring nice amount of stuff since it fits a lot.What do you think?

Do you have any tips for Christmas dressing? What are your favourite festive moments? I am so excited for the season that I just can’t wait to hear all about it!

Praznici su vreme kada najviše razmišljamo o garderoberu. Sada se odvijaju sve bitne zabave, večere, žurke a ja na većinu idem sa svojim drugaricama koje su takodje blogerke. Ovo je super, ali to znači da se oko kombinacija sve posebno trudimo. Upravo iz tog razloga ove sezone obogatila sam se za nekoliko novih Self-Portrait haljina na Farfetch sajtu. Znate taj brend, nije nepoznat. Skoro sam gledala šta bih to mogla kupiti na Farfetch sajtu, jer tamo uvek odem kada mi treba najveći izbor i kada sam posebno neodlučna. Opcije su bile neograničene, ali sam se na kraju odlučila za haljinu koju vidite u ovom postu. Ono što mi se svidja kod Self-Portrait haljina jeste to da su posebne, ali nisu previše skupe, s druge strane nisu ni jako jeftine, pa ih nema baš svaka devojka na ulici.

Kombinovala sam haljinu sa omiljenim Jimmy Choo sandalama, a moj jedini izgovor je taj da su u obliku čizama, a pošto su iz zimske kolekcije , u suštini to je skroz ok. Ohhh koliko ih samo volim.Udobne su te u njima mogu plesati celu noć. Ovaj bež Pinko kaput često mi pravi društvo to i sami znate, pa sam uz njega uzela i bež torbu brenda Chloe. Ova torba je super jer osim što odgovara danju, često je ponesem i uveče. Šta vi mislite?

Da li vi imate neke savete za praznično oblačenje? Koji su vaši omiljeni praznični momenti? Ja se jako radujem decembu punom zabave