19 Dec, 2016

Why Paris is Never A Bad Idea


Are you ready for the Eiffel Tower overload? Oh I can never have enough of it so please don’t blame me. December was probably the most incredible month of my career so far. Maybe because I am totally in a good place with myself, but maybe because of some wonderful experiences that I had. At the very beginning of the month I was in Paris for the magical Victoria’s Secret Show. This trip all together was a dream come true, and I was there for three days because we were also celebrating the collaboration between Ciroc Vodka and Victoria’s Secret which resulted in the most beautiful limited edition bottle.

This post will be a diary of the trip as I wanted you to feel like you were there with me. I want to post photos of my outfits, of the event, of all the great things I saw and did, so hope you will enjoy it. Scroll down for a trip down my memory lane and I will tell you a story of how it all went on. Enjoy!

Pre nego sto pocnem da pisem, mozda cete primetiti da danasnji tekst na nasem jeziku neka takozvane kvacice, te da koristim slova engleske abecede. To je zato sto ne koristim svoj kompjuter, ali u svakom slucaju vi necete imati problema sa citanjem, ja sam ubedjena u to! Danasnji post bice oaza Ajfelovog Tornja, gomila slika istog jer ga ja obozavam. Decembar je bio mozda najbolji mesec u mojoj karijeri, mozda zato sto se osecam odlicno u svojoj kozi a mozda zbog neverovatnih iskustava koje sam imala. Na samom pocetku meseca isla sam u Pariz povodom Victoria’s Secret revije. Ceo put bio je kao sam, a tamo sam bila tri dana jer smo osim revije slavili i njihovu saradnju sa Ciroc vodkom, koja je rezultovala prelepom flasom koja svetli u mraku i ima andjeoska krila.

Ovaj post bice dnevnik mog putovanja, prosto jer sam zelela da se osecate kao da ste s amnom. Zelim da vam pokazem odevne kombinacije, slike sa eventa, iz hotela i sve sto sam videla i radila. nadam se da ce vam se dopasti, a sada  nastavite dalje kako biste pogledali moje uspomene.


Let me start from the beginning. We arrived in Paris to my favourite hotel in the whole world – Hotel Plaza Athenee, and I was welcomed in such an incredible way (have you seen the video? If not I have attached it below). After some relaxing time I went for the party of the night with Ciroc where we tasted some delicious cocktails and even took on the mannequin challenge, yep its all documented in the vlog. I was super excited for the Victoria’s Secret Show but that wasnt until the next day.

Next day I woke up early for a stroll around Paris, you can see the outfit I wore in this post. I then had an incredible hair and makeup appointment, proper pamper routine and loved the way girls beautified me. Everything was like a dream. Around 7pm I joined my fellow blogger friends and we headed to the Grand Palais for the show. Things seemed surreal. I was wearing a little black dress and sandals, which seemed appropriate for this type of the event.

The show was incredible, think all the VS angels, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars and my current favourite The Weeknd all at the same place. The performances, the confetti and the inspiration, I still get goosebumps when I think about it. After the show we headed to the After Party with Ciroc where we celebrated this amazing event. It was pretty amazing to dance and have fun surrounded by Victoria’s Secret Angels, and something I never thought was an option. This whole event was a dream come true and I am so happy I had an opportunity to be part of it. Hope you enjoyed this post!

Da krenem od pocetka. Stigli smo u Pariz i odseli u meni najdrazem hotelu na svetu -Hotel Plaza Athenee. Dobrodoslica je bila neverovatna (Da li ste videli video zapis? Pogledajte ga na dnu ovog posta). Nakon opustanja red je dosao na Ciroc zurku, pridruzila sam se drugaricama i tamo smo uzivale u koktelima te probale mannequin challenge koji smo i snimili. Vec sam bila uzbudjena povodom revije ali ona je bila tek sledeci dan.

Sledeci dan probudila sam se rano i krenula u malu setnju Parizom, taj outfit mozete videti u ovom postu. Posle podne imala sam zakazan termin sa sminkerkom i frizerkom i jako mi se dopalo kako su me ulepsale. Sve je bilo kao iz snova. Oko 7 uvece spustila sam se u lobi hotela odakle sam sa drugim blogerkama krenula ka Grand Palais-u povodom revije. Sve je izgledalo tako nestvarno. Nosila sam malu crnu haljinu i sandale, to mi se cinilo prikladnim za ovakav dogadjaj.

Revija je bila fantasticna, zamislite na jednom mestu sve Victoria’s Secret andjele, LAdy Gaga, Bruno Mars i The Weeknd koji je trenutno meni omiljeni. Ovaj spektakl bice nesto sto cu zauvek pamtiti. Na kraju revije andjeli su plesali a zlatni konfeti ukrasili su dvoranu. Nakon revije krenuli smo na After Party sa Ciroc timom i tamo slavili ovaj uspeh. Sve je bilo sjajno, ali meni i dalje nestvano to da sam imala priliku da nazdravljam i slavim upravo sa manekenkama. Ceo dogadjaj bio je neverovatan. Zahvalna sa, sto sam imala priliku da dozivim ovako nesto. Nadam se da se vama dopao post!