I’ve always been a girl’s girl, someone who loves having girlfriends, always has their back and would do anything for them. I guess the description is a little bit longer, it means I am as excited for my friends’ success as I am for my own and would be angry at any guy who breaks my friends’ heart. Us girls we need to stick together as even though we often act strong, we are really pretty incredible human being, and for that reason men often find inspiration and mystery in us.
From Rembrandt and Goya to Bonnard and Picasso, male artists have always found that women in their lives were the biggest muses for their creation. The topic of todays story is indeed a woman, but not just any woman, its a Modern Muse, the one that is like a magnet attractive, yet bold, feminine, sensual, mysterious, glamorous and addictive just like the new Estee Lauder fragrance Modern Muse Nuit.
Oduvek sam bila neko na strani devojaka, ženama rado čuvam ledja i za svoje prave drugarice bih uradila bilo šta. Mislim da bih to mogla opisati na još mnogo načina, ali u suštini to znači da se radujem njihovom uspehu kao da je moj i ljutim se na svakog muškarca koji mojoj drugarici slomi srce. Mi devojke treba da se držimo zajedno jer iako se često pravimo da smo jake, zapravo smo krhka ljudska bića a muškarci neretko u nama prolaze inspiraciju.
Od Rembrandta i Goje do Bonarda i Pikasa, muški umetnici su pored sebe uvek imali muze – žene koje su u njihovim životima igrale bitnu ulogu. Tema današnjeg posta itekako je žena, ali ne bilo kakva, već prava moderna muza, kao magnet atraktivna, jaka, ženstvena, misterozna, glamurozna i privlačna baš kao i novi Estee Lauder parfem Modern Muse Nuit.
I think that fragrance plays key role in our confidence and that is something I mentioned in my latest YouTube video. I also read somewhere that certain notes bring certain moods, and that while Jasmine boosts confidence, Musk makes any woman irresistible. Now, I am not a perfume specialist but I can tell you that Estee Lauder Modern Muse Nuit is the ultimate evening fragrance, the one that makes me feel pretty amazing, as it smells like night-time glamour in a bottle. Its luxurious and opulent smell encapsulate everything that femininity is about. That is why I love it.
I took these photos after filming the video, as I wanted you to get the emotion of the story that was important to me. Smokey eyes look and the full tutorial is as always waiting on my YouTube channel, and my recommendation is to definitely stop by the Estee Lauder counter this month and smell this fragrance, as I am sure you will love it as much as I do. Its never too late to transform into Modern day Muse.
Mislim da miris igra bitnu ulogu u našem samopouzdanju, a to sam i spomenula u skoraśnjem YT videu. Takodje sam negde pročitala da odredjene mirisne note bude raspoloženja, te da jasmin donosi samopouzdanje a mošus neodoljivost. E sad, nisam specijalista za parfeme, ali vam mogu reći da mi se Estee Lauder Modern Muse Nuit parfem jako dopao za večernje izlaske. Opisala bih ga kao dozu večernjeg glamura u bočici. Njegov luksuzan miris u sebi sadrži sve ono što me podseća na ženstvenost. Zato mi se dopada.
Ovih par fotografija uslikali smo nakon snimanja videa, jer sam želela da na vas prenesem emociju ove priče koja mi je veoma bitna. Tamna šminka i ceo tutorijal za istu vas čeka na mom kanalu a ja vam iskreno preporučujem da pomirišete ovaj Estee Lauder parfem ako ga slučajno ugledate u prodavnici. Sigurna sam da će vam se dopasti koliko i meni. Nikada nije kasno da i vi postanete Muza Modernog Doba.