22 Dec, 2016

Christmas Windows

Almost Christmas

Todays post is a little bit special. As you can already see its an outfit post, but also a small reveal of photos that I shot for Monnier Freres recently in Paris. Since I have so much to tell you I guess the only thing left to do is start from the beginning. I think you all know I had loads of fun recently on a short trip to Paris when I met with 5 of my friends for a fun shoot for luxury e commerce Monnier Freres. We all had a chance to pick out favourite items, made our very own Christmas wishlists, and got a chance to play a different role, in terms of look to describe what each wishlist entails. My first list of products was inspired by winter looks, sheep skin, shearling and a lot of cosiness, the second look was called Beauty and the Beast and its completely different. What I loved the most is the fact that both looks were very unusual for me, hair style in the first one is very preppy yet fun and second includes even the fringe which I dont have normally. I loved it so much that I refused to take it off at the end of the shoot. Oops.

In case you are interested in seeing my wishlist, I strongly recommend you check out Peau d’âne and Beauty and the beast themes to see which products I picked as my favourites! Let me know what you think about my very different looks! Now lets get onto this outfit

Danasnji post je malo drugaciji. Kao sto vec vidite u pitanju je standardan autfit ali takodje sam ponosna da sa vama podelim fotografije sa skorasnjeg slikanja u Parizu za sajt Monnier Freres. Posto vec imam toliko toga da vam ispricam najbolje da krenem od pocetka. Mislim da se secate kada sam na kratko skoknula do Pariza i zajedno za mojih 5 bliskih blogerskih drugarica slikala nesto zabavno za Monnier Freres. Imale smo priliku da izaberemo omiljene komade koje oni prodaju na sajtu i potom da napravimo listu koja bi pomogla vama pri kupovini. Ja sam napravila dve liste i one su u razlicitim raspolozenjima. Prva lista imala je kao temu udobnost, opustenost, nesto veoma devojacko ali sama tema bila je ovcija koza, dok je druga bila Lepotica i Zver. Ono sto mi se posebno dopalo jeste koliko su me sminkerke i frizeri transformisali, jer sam imala priliku da se poigram sa drugacijim izgledom. Siske su mi se takodje veoma svidele pa sam odbila da ih skinem posle slikanja. Ups.

U slucaju da vas zanima koji artikli su se nasli na mojim listama, obavezno pogledajte Peau d’âne i Beauty and the Beast teme. Sta mislite o mojim sasvim drugacijim kombinacijama i frizuri? Sada cu se baciti na drugi deo ovog posta.


Every time I wear baby pink I feel so happy. Pastel colours are just so calming for me, and I feel amazing wearing them. Who could blame me? I love this look so much and you could probably see it in one of my recent vlogs, remember? I opted for favourite jeans, cashmere knit and a huge almost blanket like coat that I love so so much. Then I wasnt sure what to wear on my feet. I felt like black or dark coloured boots would kill this pastel dream, then I grabbed a grey bag and figured out that pink loafers would be ideal.

This day was so dreamy. It was sunny, my sister and I had coffee and cake at our newly discovered coffee shop and then had a stroll around Brighton. Sometimes you think its pastel colours that make you happy, but its actually spending time with your favourite people in the whole entire world. Either way it was a wonderful day.

Svaki put kada nosim roze osecam se srecno. Pastelne boje me smiruju i osecam se odlicno u njima. Ko bi me krivio? Obozavam ovu kombinaciju a vi ste je verovatno vec videeli u mom vlogu, da li se secate? Obukla sam omiljene farmerice, dzemper od kasmira, veliki topao kaput koji je kao neko udobno cebe. Onda nisam bila sigurna sta da obujem. Nisam htela da mi tamne cizme pokvare neku laganu notu. Zgrabila sam svetlo sivu torbu i pomislila da ce pink mokasine odlicno leci na sve ovo.

Ovaj dan je bio kao san. Bilo je suncano, sestra i ja otkrile smo novi kafic u kom smo pile kafu i jele omiljeni kolac. Onda smo se prosetale Brajtonom. Ponekad vas boje ucine srecnom, a ponekad je zapravo krivac za srecu osoba sa kojom provodite vreme. Ja moju sestru volim najvise na svetu pa mozda je ipak to u pitanju. U svakom slucaju bio je ovo divan dan.