23 Nov, 2016

The Satin Dream

The Good Life

Last time my mum visited we tried to clear out my wardrobe. We really wanted to make it season appropriate and soon realised that I always need to have both summer and winter clothes on hand. That is what living in England means I guess. After 9 years of living here, I finally realised that the good old stereotype “It always rains in England” isn’t true. The weather however is the most unpredictable thing, which is why its often most common topic of small talk.

Todays post is a typical example. We had the most gorgeous sunset down here by the seaside and I simply had to capture it. Imagine beautiful summer haze but in November, pretty hard, right? Oh well, I must say that living here has so many perks, and its something that I wouldn’t change for anything else. I am happy to be able to use so many different pieces from my wardrobe whole year long.

Prošli put kada me je mama posetila pokušale smo da zajedničkim snagama sredimo moj orman. Htele smo da ga prilagodimo godišnjem dobu i onda shvatile da mi treba i letnja i zimska odeća pri ruci. To se podrazumeva kada živite u Engleskoj. Nakon 9 godina ovde, shvatila sam da je stereotip o kiši u Engleskoj lažan. Ipak vreme je veoma promenjivo i zbog toga česta tema razgovora.

Današnji post je idealan primer. Pre neki dan uživala sam u prelepom zalasku sunca u Brajtonu i morala sam ugrabiti taj trenutak. Zamislite prelepo letjne svetlo ali u novembru, prilično teško za zamisliti, zar ne? Ipak život u Engleskoj ima toliko prednosti i nešto je što ne bih menjala. Presrećna sam što mogu da nosim razne komade iz garderobera cele godine.


Since I started this post by mentioning my mother, I wonder what would she think if she saw I am wearing satin slip ons in November. I am sure she would have several health concerns, but then the moment she would look at them and notice how beautifully made they are she would warm up to them. No.21 signature shoe has been on my radar for the longest time, and I finally managed to get my hands (or my feet) on them while browsing on Style.com the other day. These are exclusive to their website, and I simply couldn’t wait anymore. There was a sea of options, and since I never shopped on Style.com before I decided to try it out and test the service. I was very pleased with how everything went, and instead of another pair of boots in the post received these beauties.

Pre-Black Friday sales got me crazy, and I shopped a lot in the last few weeks. While buying the shoes, I was also looking at Chloe and Dolce & Gabbana section since those are the two brands I am truly crazy about lately. Besides the shoes, whole outfit is pretty simple. I opted for my favourite boyfriend jeans, white shirt and the cosy cashmere knit. What better way to stay warm then a cashmere wrap, or in fact cashmere anything, right?

This green Chanel bag has a really special place in my wardrobe and I know for fact that I will never part from it. Its a classic, but with a twist because of the beautiful emerald colour that is the same as one on shoes. Match made in fashion heaven I would say, what do you guys think?

Pošto sam na početku posta spomenula majku, zanima me šta bi pomislila kada bi videla da u novembru nosim satenske papuče? Sigurna sam da bi mi rekla po nešto o zdravlju i prehladi ali kada bi ih bolje pogledala i njoj bi se dopale. No.21 čuvene sandale bile su mi na listi želja duži period, nekako sam ih preskočila ovo leto a onda ih konačno kupila na Style.comsajtu neki dan. Ove se ekskluzivno prodaju samo na njihovom sajtu i ja nisam mogla više čekati. Bilo je tu mnogo opcija, a pošto nikada nisam kupovala na Style.com sajtu, odlučila sam da ih bacim na test. Jako sam zadovoljna celim iskustvom a umesto čizama koje bi bile očekivan izbor ove zime kupila sam papuče.

Rsprodaje koje su krenule pred Black Friday totalno su me bacile u potrošnju. Dok sam kupovala obuću gledala sam i Chloe i Dolce & Gabbana sekciju jer sam u poslednje vreme luda za ovim brendovima. Osim cipela, cela kombinacija je prilično obična. Obukla sam najobičnije boyfriend farmerice, belu košulju i udobni kašmir džemper. Da li ima išta bolje od kašmir dzempera, ili bilo čega od kašmira?

Ova zelena Chanel torba ima posebno mesto u mom garderoberu i znam da je se nikada neću rešiti. Klasična je ali i neobična zbog prelepe smaragdne boje, baš kao i cipele. Ako mene pitate ovo je kombinacija iz raja. Šta vi mislite?