18 Nov, 2016

Power Of Plants

A Rose By Any Other Name

Back in 1480s Sandro Botticelli expressed his admiration for femininity in the famous master piece also known as, Birth of Venus. I saw it in real life a few years ago in Florence and it left a strong impression.

The painting itself contained a powerful message, and the beauty of Venus was adorned with flowers that were thrown at her. Flowers – symbol of love, daintiness, beauty and trust. Flowers play an important role in my life, as I am not only interested in their beauty, but also in their efficacy – an interest that started in my fourth year of university when I decided to take on an extra module in ‘Power of Plants’.

Jos 1480-e godine Sandro Boticelli izrazio je svoju nakonjenost ženstvenosti i lepoti kroz jedno od svojih najčuvenijih dela “Rodjenje Venere”. Ovu sliku videla sam i uživo u Firenci i na mene je ostavila snažan utisak.

Sama slika šalje poruku, lepota Venere koja je ukrašena cvećem. Cveće – simbol ljubavi, krhkosti, lepote i poverenja. Cveće igra bitnu ulogu i u mom životu, nisam samo zainteresovana za njegovu lepotu, već i u dejstvo – nešto što me interesuje od četvrte godine fakulteta kada sam izabrala predmet “Moć Biljki”.

Simple Beauty

I very soon started making my own rose water, reading about essential oils and looking for products that contained real stuff, not just several letters or numbers that I couldn’t understand. Every time I would visit a botanical garden I would be reminded that these plants were so much more than just a part of someone’s garden, they were sources of health, beauty and an oasis of ingredients.

As you know by now, I have been using the new Roger&Gallet skincare range called Aura Mirabilis, and the story doesn’t end there. I first started using the range when I read it was inspired by the Aqua Mirabilis – a secret recipe that monks created over 300 years ago. This natural elixir was used as a miracle formula that could treat and beautify. Roger&Gallet now owns this formula.

I was inspired to tell you the story whilst wearing an outfit I recently shot. The outfit inspired exactly by floristry and beauty that can be found all around us. Rosemary, Lavander, Neroli, Lemongrass, Magnolia, Geranium are just some of the plants that can be found in Aura Mirabilis range. They are also the plants that I appreciated this afternoon in the botanical garden.

Sometimes beauty is simple. It requires going back to our roots and using the ingredients that our ancestors used to cherish, but are still easily available to us now. I hope you like this slightly different post, dedicated to the simpler beauty.

Ubrzo sam našla i recept za vodu od ruže, pa sam to počela praviti kod kuće. Čitala sam o esencijalnim uljima, tražila proizvode koji sadrže prave stvari, a ne samo projeve i slova koje nisam razumela. Svaki put kada bih posetila botaničku baštu shvatila bih koliko su biljke posebne, ne samo deo nečijeg tanjira ili bašte, već i izvor zdravlja i lepote.

Kao što sada već znate, koristim Roger&Gallet proizvode iz linije Aura Mirabilis, a priča se ne završava ovde. Počela sam da ih koristim kada sam pročitala da je osnova ovih proizvoda recept za Aqua Mirabilis star 300 godina. Ovaj prirodni eliksir korišten je kao čarobna formula koja ima lekovita i ulepšavajuća svojstva. Roger&Gallet sada posebuje ovu formulu.

Dobila sam inspiraciju da vam ispričam ovu priču jos u oktobru kada sam slikala ovaj autfit. Sveće i priroda inspirisali su odevnu kombinaciju. Ruzmarin, lavanda, neroli, magnolija, geranijum i mnoge druge biljke krase Aura Mirabilis liniju. Ovo su takodje biljke koje sam videla u botaničkoj bašti kadasam slikala ovaj autfit.

Ponekad je lepota jednostavna. Potrebno je da se vratimo svojim korenima i koristimo sastojke koje su naši preci čuvali i voleli a koji su nama i dalje dostupni. NAdam seda vam se dopada ovaj, malo drugačiji post.


In collaboration with Roger&Gallet