Big thanks to WebStyleStory and Edwardspict for some of these photos! Check out their accounts.
Fashion month is so over that I felt I should recap the Paris with a single post, telling you a little about each of my outfits I wore there. October was the month of fun. I really had a great time playing with the clothes, seeing my friends, shooting, planning, travelling and more than anything else – learning. It was also a month of changes, but I will speak about those in another, more personal post. Even though I enjoyed fashion month to the max, I am really loving the fact that now I can take my own time, be at home, enjoy autumn and watch Gilmore Girls in bed with hot cocoa. Yes! Its time to wrap up Paris outfits and to move on to autumn looks from tomorrow, hope you are excited about it as much as I am.
Below you can see all the different looks, with where they are from and links to buy the pieces. Hope you like this slightly different type of a post.
Mesec mode se odavno završio a pošto nisam objavila nijedan post o tome odlučila sam da vam sve kombinacije pokažem u ovom postu. Oktobar je bio mesec zabave. Zaista sam uživala igrajući se sa odećom, u društvu drugih blogera u fotografijama, planiranju, putovanjima i ako ništa drugo lekcijama koje sam naučila. Ovo je takodje za mene bio mesec promena, ali o tome ću vam više reći u nekom drugom, malo ličnijem postu. Iako sam uživala u mesecu mode, sada sam najsrećnija kod kuće kada pijem toplu čokoladu u krevetu i gledam Gilmore Girls. Da, vreme je za poslednji post meseca mode, a ja se nadam da se radujete jesenjim kombinacijama koliko i ja.
Ispod možete videti sve odevne kombinacije kao i informacije, te linkove gde iste možete kupiti! Nadam se da vam se dopada ovaj malo drugačiji post.