7 Nov, 2016

How I Changed My Life | Monday Confessions


I am sitting above the keyboard of my computer for probably around three hours now. There is a lot I want to say but I am not quite sure what the real topic of this post will be. Something personal, my current thoughts and stuff that I felt like I really wanted to share with you right now.  A lot of stuff has happened to me in the past 2-3 months. Good and bad, all with a valid reason and somehow I managed to learn a lot. I managed to get some of the best lessons in life in a short period of time, just by analysing situations, people and my life in general.

If you follow my YouTube account you probably know that I touched on this topic yesterday in my video (its embedded for you to watch below). I wanted to talk more about it , since it seemed that many of you were really intrigued and interested to hear more. Not sure what to say, maybe watch the video first? Or maybe later…There is  no rule I guess.

The title of this post is very obvious, I changed my life for the better and even though it was a development that probably took around 3-5 years all together, I finally figured it out now. I realised that my attitude in life has changed 100% and it was something I wanted to share with you because I am pretty sure it can be helpful. My attitude towards life, my thoughts and the results changed all together causing one big chain reaction which resulted in ultimate happiness. I would like to share all the details with you today

Sedim u kancelariji and tastaturom i pokušavam da napisem post već bas 3 sata. Imam toliko toga da vam kažem ali nisam sto posto sigurna koja će biti tema ovog posta. Nešto lično, moje trenutne misli i stvari koje jednostavno želim da podelim sa vama. Mnogo toga mi se desilo u poslednja 2-3 meseca. Dobro i loše ali sve sa razlogom, pogotovo jer sam naučila mnogo. Analizirala sam dobro sve te situacije u kojima sam se našla i shvatila da sam iz njih izvukla vredne lekcije.

Ako pratite moj YouTube kanal znate da sam ovu temu dodirnula i u jučerašnjem videu (možete ga pogledati ispod). S obzirom da ste mi na sve to postavili još pitanja i da vas je moj način razmišljanja intrigirao odlučila sam da vam napišem i post na tu temu. Nema pravila, možete prvo čitati post ili gledati video, kak ogod vi želite.

Naslov ovog posta je očigledan. Ja sam mnogo promenila način života i sve se to desilo u nekih 3-5 godina, ali sam to shvatila tek sada. Moji stavovi su se jako promenili i to delim sa vama jer mislim da moje iskustvo može biti od pomoći drugima. Moj odnos prema životu i moje misli izazvale su lančanu reakciju koja je rezultirala ogromnom srećom. Sada bih detalje toga podelila sa vama.


If you are not into self improvement and philosophy, I would say now is the time to opt out from this post. Your regular dose of fashion will be waiting for you tomorrow, but this is something for my readers who are looking for inspiration, motivation, happiness and how to be the best possible version of them self. So lets start.

A lot of you have asked me how come I am so happy all of the time, and the truth is I am not. I don’t think anyone is. Its absolutely normal for every human being to go through ups and downs and to have days when you just don’t want to get out of your bed. The thing that makes people different is that some people are often moody, sluggish, grumpy, negative and sad, whereas there are people that are energetic and happy most of the time. Without false modesty I will tell you that I belong in the second group. I am happy most of the time, 19 out of 20 times I will be happy to get up early in the morning to go to the gym and will not complain about bad life events, headache, hunger or amount of work. I am simply not a complainer.

This type of attitude isn’t something I was born with, and even though I am a natural optimist and enthusiast, I still think that everyone chooses the way they think and act and I don’t want to be a bitter person. It might be easier to complain and moan all the time, but the truth is that no one wants to be surrounded by people like this. Around 4 years ago I proactively started searching for books that helped me train my thoughts, books like The Secret, The Power of Now and The Sedona Method. Some books were disappointing others were great, but mostly what mattered is that I practiced positive thoughts every day and that I managed to attract the good stuff in my life.

I wouldn’t say “Oh I so made it” I also wouldn’t say that I made all of my dreams come true, in fact I am still far from it, but I am happy. And along this process I learned that happiness and motivation isn’t something others will give you. You won’t be happy when you find a boyfriend and you won’t be happy when you get a job. Happiness comes from your head and if its not there now – the fact is that it will never be there. Since I received so many posts recently from you guys asking me how to be happy and how to become more motivated in what you do, I decided to leave you with this post and with the cruel but real fact. Only you can make yourself happy and motivated, I can’t do that for you.

Now if you are still struggling with the Monday blues and are feeling sluggish because you think you have million reasons to be unhappy or demotivated, remember that you chose those thoughts. Go back to square one, write down all the amazing things that are happening to you, acknowledge them, sort out your thoughts and start finding happiness in your own skin. Hope this post came at the right time and that you will enjoy it!

Ako vas ne interesuje filozofija življenja niti kako postati najbolja moguća verzija sebe, sada je vreme da izadjete iz ovog posta. Vaša redovna doza mode čekaće vas na blogu već sutra, ali danas vam se obraćam na drugi način. Ovo je post koji ttreba da vas inspiriše, motiviše i pokrene.

Svakodnevno me pitate za savete. Pitate me kako to da sam ja uvek srećna, a zapravo istina je da nisam. Mislim da niko nije baš uvek srećan. U ljudskoj prirodi je da prolazimo kroz razne uspone i padove i svi mi imamo po neki dan kada nam se baš ništa ne radi. Ipak neki ljudi su većinom neraspoloženi, ogorčeni, ljuti, agresivni, bez energije, negativni i tužni, dok su neki drugi često srećni, veseli i traže pozitivno čak i u egativnom. Bez nekog pretvaranja, reći ću vam da ja spadam u drugu grupu. Srećnaa sam najveći deo vremena i u 19 od 20 slučajeva ustajem rano ujutru sa osmehom na licu. Nećete me čuti često da se žalim na glavobolju, glad, činjenicu da me je neko slučajno gurnuo, očepio, na to da imam mnogo posla i slično. Jednostavno nisam neko ko se mnogo žali.

Ovaj moj karakter nije nešto sa čime sam rodjena, jer iako sam po prirodi entuzijastična i optimistična, mislim da je dosta toga u nac3inu razmišljanja koji sam usvojila. Ja ne želim da budem ogorčena osoba jer mislim da niko ne želi da bude u društvu takvih ljudi. Pre oko četiri godine počela sam da proučavam moć uma i da čitam knjige kao što su “The Secret”, “The Power Of Now” i “The Sedona Method” naslove sam napisala na engleskom, jer sam ih na tom jeziku pročitala. Pročitala sam gomilu. Neke su me razočarale, druge oduševile, ali sam ja izvukla ono najbolje iz svakog poglavlja i nauc3ila kako da svojim mislima privučem ono najbolje u svoj život.

Ne bih rekla da sam “u životu uspela” ili da sam “ostvarila sve svoje snove”, jer imam još toliko ciljeva i ambicija, ali vam mou reći da sam srećna. Naučila sam da sreća i motivacija nisu nešto što vam drugi mogu doneti. Ne, nećete biti srećni kada nadjete momka ili dobijete posao. Sreća dolazi iz vaše glave i ako je tamo nema sada, neće je niko drugi tamo staviti. Pošto me svakodnevno pitate da vam otkrijem tajnu kako da budete srećniji i motivisaniji odlučila sam da vam napišem ovaj post sa možda blago surovom činjenicom. Samo vi možete učiniti sebe srećnim i ako vi to niste ustanju da uradite, za sebe, niko drugi neće moći.

Ako vas i dalje muči ovaj ponedeljak i mislite da postoji milion i jedan razlog zbog kog ste nesrećni, podsetite se da je to način na koji vi želite da posmatrate stvari.Rekalibrirajte svoju dušu, vratite se na početak i na papir zapišite sve lepo u vašem životu. Počnite od malih stvari, razbistrite svoje misli i emocije i pronadjite sreću u vlastitoj koži. Nadam se da vas je ovaj post našao u pravom trenutku!