8 Nov, 2016

Autumn Whites


How can nature be so incredibly stunning at this time of the year. Red leaves and autumn light leave me absolutely speechless season in and out. Even though the coldness totally stepped up its game, and my face pretty much froze yesterday on the way to the gym I can’t not love this beautiful season also known as autumn or fall in case you live in the States. I want to take so many photos for the blog before all of this is gone, specially since I know it will be 5minutes before winter is here. You know what I mean, right? Time is relative!

Koliko je samo priroda savršena u ovo doba godine! Crveno lišće i prelepo jesenje svetlo uvek me ostave bez teksta. Iako je zima baš začinila ovu sezonu i moram priznati da mi se lico skoro zaledilo kada sam juče išla u teretanu, nee mogu da ne volim ovo prelepo godišnje doba. Želim gomilu slika za blog pre nego što parkovi postanu sivi i ogoljeni. Znam da će zima doći za otprilike 5 minuta. Jasno vam je šta hoću da kažem, vreme je relativno!


For some reason everywhere I look people are in black, grey, dark dark blue, you know in all the dark (boring) colours, and as much as its fun to be mysterious and sleek from time to time I enjoy in wearing bright colours in autumn. Winter too for that matter. So in this post you can see me wearing my favourite colours of the season. Deep caramel colour and white with the touch of beige.

You have seen me talk about the Celine Belt Bag on now numerous occasions, including my YouTube channel and I honestly think its one of my best purchases this year. The bag is a dream. Its fits a ton, its not too heavy and the colour is so perfect for my wardrobe. I am warning you that you might see it many many times on this blog. Coincidentally it perfectly matches this Burberry trench coat which I might have stollen from my ex boyfriend? Or have I? Either way don’t tell him! The trench is a classic and I truly love it for autumn.

The basic pieces in this outfit are white jeans and white turtle neck, something that most of us own and have in our wardrobe. These bits are so great as they are all year items, since we wear white jeans in both summer and winter right? I then grabbed my Gucci belt and Sandro ankle boots to add a bit of Rock’n’Roll, I mean, as much as my style allows considering its usually pretty girly, right? Here we go, one of my friend autumn looks is live, and I am super curious to hear your thoughts!

Iz nekog razloga gde god se okrenem vidim ljude u crnom, sivom i nijansama tamno plave, u suštini svim tamnim (dosadnim) bojama. Iako se slažem da su ovo postulati mode i elegancije ipak radije nosim vesele i svetle boje. U ovom postu moz1ete videti neke od mojih omiljenih boja za jesen, bež, karamel i belu boju.

Već ste me videli ili čuli kako pričam o Celine Belt Torbi sigurno gomilu puta. Na mom YT kanalu sam spomenula da mislim kako mi je ovo omiljena stvar 2016. godine. Torba je kao san. U nju stane mnogo toga, nije preteška, bolja je divna. Upozoravam vas da će te je mozda videti previše puta na blogu. Istovremeno odlično se slaže sa Burberry mantilom koji sam možda ukrala od bivšeg momka! Ma samo se šalim, ali ipak nemojte mu reći. Ovaj mantil je klasičan komad koji rado nosim na jesen.

Osnovni komadi ove kombinacije su bele farmerice i bela rolka za koje mislim da su super jer ih svako ima u svom ormanu. Takodje volim ovakve komade jer su nosivi cele godine, zar ne? Onda sam stavila i Gucci kaiš koji me je podsetio na ove Sandro čizme do gležnja i kombinacija je bila gotova. Čizme su dodale malo rock and roll-a celoj kombinaciji, ako je to ikako moguće, s obzirom da je moj stil generalno veoma ženstven. To je to za jedan od mojih prvih jesenjih autfita ove sezone, kako vam se dopada?