Sunrise in the City of Lights
I am staring at the Eiffel Tower through my window as I am writing this post. November. Month of my best Parisian experiences. From sun rise to sun set I explored the streets of this incredible city that has so much to offer. I wish I could reveal all at once, but it will take a while. So many posts from Paris, so many outfits, dreams and ideas. My first of all is this neutral outfit I wore for breakfast at Carette.
Many of you asked about the blouse ever since. Its a beautiful front lace blouse that I recently came across on Chicwish. Its a really cute website which stocks affordable fashion pieces. In fact I managed to grab few more tops there which i can’t wait to show you. I decided to wear it with the white trousers, and few caramel coloured pieces. To add a bit of fun my Gucci bag turned out to be such a fab piece.
What do you think? Do you like how it all came together? Hope you enjoy this slightly shorter post then usually. Don’t blame me I don’t want to be late for the Victoria’s Secret show!
Gledam kroz prozor, a Ajfelov toranj se svetluca dok ovo pišem. Novembar. Mesec mojih najlepših Pariških uspomena. Od izlaska do zalaska sunca lutala sam ulicama ovog grada koji nudi toliko toga. Volela bih da vam pokažem sve odjednom, ali strpite se. Toliko autfita, toliko postova, snova i ideja. Prva kombinacija je ova koju sam nosila za doručak u jednom od mojih omiljenih kafea – Carette.
Mnogi od vas pitali su me za ovu kosuljicu. Prelepa čipka krasi njen prednji deo, a ja sam je slučajno otkrila na Chicwish sajtu. To je simpatičan i neskup sajt na kom możete naći svašta nešto. Kupila sam nju, a onda sledećom priliko još par majica koje jedva čekam da vam pokažem. Sve sam uparila sa komadima karamel boje i onda začinila Gucci plavom torbom. Šta vi mislite?
Nadam se da vam se dopada post kao i odevna kombinacija. Oko slika smo se posebno potrudili pa me zanima šta mislite? Sada moram da idem, da ne zakasnim na VIctoria’s Secret reviju!