8 Oct, 2016

Last post from NYFW


The lights, the music, cameras clicking. Outfits, pouts, this seasons handbags. Its all part of attending a fashion show. There is the excitement before, as we are all anticipating what designers will present us with, but then there is the real show after, the one happening on the streets. NY is usually very exciting for me as that the first week of the crazy month in which I catch up withy friends from all around the world.

The photos you can see in todays post are taken after Tory Burch show, and I realised that I am almost twinning with one of my best blogger friends Leonie who writes blog OhhCouture. We both wore the gorgeous Gemini Lock bags and Gucci Princetown slippers, but I will talk to you about that later. We caught up, spoke about the schedules, looked at the madness occurring on the streets, and then headed of in different directions.

This day was pretty exciting for me, and I hope you like the photos, specially since they are different than usually, since they were taken by Alex, Leonie’s boyfriend. I know I have been missing in action, but today I am finally at home after a whole month and will be preparing many new posts for you, so stay up to date :)

Svetla, muzika, zvuk fotoaparata. Odevne kombinacije, napućene usne, torbe koje su tek juče izašle na tržište. Redovni prizori kada posećujete revije. Ima tu toliko uzbudjenja, svi mi iščekujemo željno da ugledamo šta će se to nositi sledeće sezone. Ipak pravi šou je onaj koji se odvija na ulicama pre i posle revije. Njujork je uglavnom grad koji donosi mnogo letih trenutaka, pogotovo jer je prvi na listi i onaj gde vidim sve moje drage drugarice koje žive na drugom kraju sveta a bave se istim poslom.

Ovo što danas vidite slikano je posle Tory Burch revije, kada sam shvatila da sam obukla iste modne detalje kao i jedna od mojih najboljih drugarica Leonie sa blog OhhCouture . Obe smo se opredelile za Gemini Lock torbu i Gucci Princetown papuče ali o tome ću vam pričati kasnije. Ćaskale smo, pričale o rasporedima, obavezama a onda posmatrale sve što se dešavalo oko nas.

Ovaj dan bio je prilično uzbudljiv za mene, nadam se da to možete osetiti na fotografijama, pošto su drugačije nego inače. Ako se pitate zašto, slikao ih je Alex, momak od Leonie. Znam da me nije bilo, ali sam konačno kod kuće i danas pripremam mnogo toga za vas, nadam se da ćete uživati :)


This fashion month was all about comfort for me, of course I say that but actually I also wanted to look nice, which is compulsory when attending the shows. I was lucky enough to have few very comfortable but stylish looking pieces in my suitcase, pulled them out and it turned out to work.

Pinko has always been one of my favourite brands for following trends and making good quality clothes, so I almost jumped with excitement when I saw this military jacket. I wanted to wear it with the denim culottes, and that was the beginning to this look. Tory Burch recently came up with his Gemini Lock bag and I love the fact it fits all of my every day necessities such as camera, phone, wallet, sunglasses, and a bunch of other not so necessary stuff that I like to carry around.

To give my feet a break from heels I wore the Princetown slippers by Gucci. We are all used to them now? Or not? I am so used to them now that I am almost over them haha. Still love is inevitable, specially since they feel like heaven on my feet. For sunglasses I decided to wear the newest babies in my collection – these Dior Split sunnies. They are simply stunning and give me a bit edgier look. What do you think?

Ovaj mesec mode fokusirala sam se na udobnost. Naravno, slagaću ako ne priznam da je izgled bio veoma važan, ali sam htela da se osećam prijatno. U koferu su bile i neke opuštene stvari, pa sam ih ovog dana izvukla napolje i iskombinovala ovo što vidite.

Pinko je uvek bio jedan od mojih omiljeni brendova kada je u pitanju pravljenje trendi a kvalitetne odeće. Skoro sam skočila od sreće kada sam videla ovu jaknu. Želela sam da je nosim sa teksas pantalonama, te je ova kombinacija jednostavno započela. Tory Burch je skoro dizajnirala ovu Gemini Lock torbu i meni se jako dopala pogotovo jer u nju stane sve neophodno, ključevi, aparat, telefon, novčanik, a onda i ono manje bitno kao što su mnogo brojni sjajevi za usne.

Kako bih dala stopalima malo odmora, obula sam Princetown papuče marke Gucci. Jesmo li se svi navikli na njih do sada? Ili ne? Ja sam ih već toliko puta videla da su mi skoro dosadile. Ipak volim ih jer imam osećaj da hodam po oblacima kada sam u njima. Za sunčane naočare izabrala sam najnoviji par u mojoj kolekciji – Dior Split. Obožavam ih! Šta vi mislite o ovoj kombinaciji?