I already mentioned how comfortable and “at home” I feel in London, and there is a good reason for that. London is the city where you can be anything you want or anyone you want. Its the city with no limits and city that allows you to express who you truly are.
I love London because that is where I learned the most about myself and I really figured out my personal style. London Fashion Week started with a bang and it was a good one.So much inspiration on the streets, so much freedom, outfits that were comfortable, sometimes slightly crazy but really its a city where you can dress how you feel, and thats why LFW doesn’t feel like a chore to me. I guess there is something beautiful about all four major cities that host fashion week, but I will be slightly biased and tell you that London holds a special place in my heart.
Već sam spomenula koliko se prijatno i “kod kuće” osećam u Londonu, a postoji i dobar razlog za to. London je grad u kom možete biti bilo šta i bilo ko. To je grad bez limita i grad koji vam dopušta da se izrazite na iskren način.
Ja volim London, jer sam u ovom gradu naučila mnogo toga o sebi i u njemu otkrila svoj lični stil. Nedelja mode u Londonu počela je uz prasak, i to onaj najbolji mogući. Toliko inspiracije na ulicama, ponekad to mogu nazvati i cirkus, ali sve u svemu ovo je grad u kom se možete obući kako želite i kako se osećate bez da vas iko osudjuje. Ovo je razlog zašto se osećam prijatno u Londonu. Mislim da postoji nešto lepo u vezi svakog od četiri grada koja posećujem povodom nedelje mode, ali biću pristrasna i reći vam da London zaista zauzima posebno mesto u mom srcu.

Can we just take a moment and talk about metallics? I told you this will be a huge trend for another year or so,so embrace it. If you love it go all out, if you hate it – learn to get used to it. I am pretty excited to play around with it – as obvious. Last fashion week I told you all how in love I was with the collection Ganor Dominic for Eudon Choi. I attended Eudon Choi fashion show and instantly fell in love with everything I saw. The designer saw my post and got in touch with me. I was lucky enough to get my hands on these metallic boots and couldn’t wait to wear them. They are sort of space meets romantic trendsetter type of a shoe and that is what caught my attention. What do you think?
I decided to keep rest of the look pretty simple by layering some casual pieces from Reiss and Topshop. What do you think? Burgundy and pink is such an underdog of all colour combinations, but I love it. Its always been a dear colour combo to me. I am super curious to hear your thoughts about this look so mane sure to leave the comment below!
Možemo li se samo zaustaviti na trenutak i raspraviti taj skoro spomenuti trend metalik boja? Rekla sam vam da će ovo biti trend, zato se spremite. Ako ga volite, onda slobodno uživajte u njemu, a ako vas nervira, moram vam reći da je bolje da se što pre naviknete. Ja se radujem da se malo poigram. Prošle nedelje mode u Londonu gledala sam reviju dizajnera Eudon Choi na kojoj sam ugledala cipele iz njegove saradnje sa Ganor Dominic. Zaljubila sam se u sve cipele izto vam i rekla na društvenim mrežama. Dizajner je ugledao moj post i izrazio želju da mi pokloni koje god želim. Naravno izabrala sam ove jer su kombinacija svemira i nežne ženske prirode. Kako vam se čine?
Odlučila sam da sve ostalo zadržim na minimali, pa sam ukombinovala neke klasične komade iz Topshop-a i Reiss-a. Kako biste vi nosili ove čizme? Bordo i svetlo roze kombincija mi je jako draga a mislim da nije toliko česta. Baš me zanima šta ćete vi misliti o ovom autfitu, pa ostavite komentar ispod!