15 Oct, 2016

Floral in London

Getting Used to Autumn

Its ok. Summer is over, but there are so many reasons to love the seasons that are coming and I can count about a thousand. Maybe I should leave that to another post. What do you guys think of that idea? I have slowly now removed all the kaftans from my wardrobe, even though I told my mum that wardrobe for me isn’t a seasonal thing since I am known to be a sun chaser in the winter, but I still got really excited for trench coats, jackets, parkas and cosy, cosy knits.

How many cashmere sweaters does one person need? A question that will remain unanswered until the day I stop buying them. Its never enough, they are so soft and beautiful, but thats not the topic of todays post. I wanted to tell you more about the continuation of my fashion month. London is always same temperature during the fashion month, maybe its a tad colder in February but its pretty much always that standard not cold not warm temperature. And from todays outfit you will know exactly what I mean!

Ne brinite. Leto je prošlo ali ima toliko razloga da se radujete sezoni koja dolazi. Ja mogu da vam nabrojim bar hiljadu, ali možda bih to trebala ostaviti za drugi post? Polako sam sklonila kaftane i kupaće iz prvih fioka, iako sam majci rekla da moj garderober nije sezonski, s ozbirom da cele zime jurim sunce. Ipak moram priznati da se radujem parkama, kaputima i udobnim džemperima.

Koliko džempera od kašmira treba jednoj devojci? Mislim da će ovo pitanje ostati misterija sve dok ne prestanem da ih kupujem. Nikada mi nije dosta, pogotovo jer su tako mekani i lepi, ali ni to nije tema današnjeg posta. Želim da nastavim sagu o londonskoj nedelji mode. Temperatura u februaru i u septembru je skoro ista u Londonu. Ne previše hladno ali ni toplo. A po današnjoj kombinaciji znaćete tačno šta hoću da kažem.



Of course this silk Oscar de la Renta trench coat made the whole outfit much more special, since the rest of it is just jeans and t shirt. But wait till I get there. This outfit is a proof that you need good quality simple pieces in your wardrobe which you can always embellish with one special piece. I saw it on THEOUTNET in September and knew that it will be an amazing transitional piece. You can even wear it as a dress. It would be so much fun to style it that way too.

Last season in New York I discovered a brand called 3×1 and their jeans really caught my eye. I love the frayed hem and am in constant search for more jean like this. They are widely available online and I just like the fact that quality and trend don’t have to be compromised. The frayed hem jeans are super cool when worn with current trend piece- sock boots.

My absolute favourite sock boot award went to 3.1 Phillip Lim for creating this pair. In all honesty I wanted them in velvet but they were so sold out it was almost funny. SO I got the leather ones with the consolation that I will probably wear them more. I love the smooth leather on them as well s the statement heel which makes the whole look better.

As you can see jeans and white shirt, black ankle boots, and aviator sunglasses don’t have to create a “boring” outfit. I love that this trench coat gave everything more sophistication, and my favourite Gucci clutch added an extra pop of colour. What do you think?

Naravno da je ovaj svileni Oscar de la Renta trenč učinio celu kombinaciju posebnijom, s obzirom da je ostatak veoma jednostavan. Ovo je autfit koji dokazuje da u ormanu treba imati kvalitetne osnovne komade. Dobre farmerice, pamučnu belu majicu, koje onda možete nositi sa nekim interesantnijim komadima. Ugledala sam ovaj mantil na THEOUTNET sajtu u septemberu i to je bilo to. Znala sam da će ovo biti odličan komad koji će poslužiti kao most izmedju leta i jeseni. Možete ga nositi i kao haljinu, što bi takodje bilo interesantno.

Prošle sezone u Njujorku otkrila sam brend pod imenom 3×1 i njihove farmerice su mi posebno zapale za oko. Obožavam ovakav rub na nogavicama i trenutno tražim još istih komada. Kod ovog brenda mi se dopalo to što kvalitet i dizajn ne isključuju jedno drugo. Ovakve farmerice najradije nosim sa – čarapa čizmama.

Ako se pitate koje su to čizme, odgovor je jasan. One su skroz uske uz članak baš kao i črape, a trenutno su veoma popularne. Nagradu za najbolji par ove sezone dala bih 3.1 Phillip Lim-u. Iskreno želela sam iste ali od pliša, medjutim bile su toliko rasprodate da je bilo skoro smešno kada sam ih pokušala naći. Sama sam sebe tešila da ću kožne više nositi. Štikla im je posebno zanimljiva a meka koža odiše kvalitetom.

Kao što vidite, farmerice i bela majica sa crnim čizmama do gležnja i aviatorkama ne znači da ste nekreativni. Samo znači da ukoliko dodate neki zanimljiv komad imate bingo kombinaciju. Za ekstra poene ponela sam jednu od mojih omiljenih Gucci torbica. Kako vam se čini?