6 Sep, 2016

Self Portrait Dress


I guess that as much as I tried to fight it over years, my character is very contradictory. Sometimes so much that I even confuse myself. Besides being very strong, independent, open minded, free and believing in equality, I am also very ladylike, romantic, slightly old-fashioned, maybe traditional. I do love being a girl, I love makeup, dressing up and wearing beautiful clothes on any random days.

On this particular morning I woke up early. I admired sunrise from my bed and thought that its going to be a wonderful day. Romantic, slightly exciting and full of surprises. If you are a follower of Glam&Glitter for a long time, then you know how much I love Eze. It is a place where even a rock would feel an emotion, romantic, beautiful, extra special. I really wanted to transfer the ultimate experience on you, and let you see this village through my outfit.

Iako sam to ignorisala godinama, shvatila sam da je moja ličnost prilično kontradiktorna. Ponekad toliko da sama sebe zbunjujem. Osim što sam prilično jaka, nezavisna, puna razumevanja i verujem u jednakost polova, takodje sam veoma ženstvena, romantična, ponekad staromodna, možda tradicionalna. Volim što sam žena, volim odeću, šminku, volim da se sredim i kada nema potrebe.

Ovog dana probudila sam se rano.Posmatrala sam izlazak sunca iz kreveta i razmišljala o tome kako ću se potruditi da ovaj dan bude savršen. Romantičsn, uzbudljiv i pun iznenadjenja. Ako pratite Glam&Glitter sigurno znate koliko volim selo Eze. To je mesto na kom bi i kamen osetio emociju, mesto koje je zaista posebno. Želela sam da ovo iskustvo prenesem na vas te vam pokažem Eze kroz moj outfit.


If I could describe Eze in an outfit, it would be this one. Its cute, traditional but popular and desirable. This dress, just like the village evoked special feelings in me the first time I saw it. Its by Self-Portrait and I already wore it more than I can count. Its great for meetings, dinners, events, parties, even walking around the city. I love that I can achieve a totally different vibe if I wear it with heels opposed to flats. The dress itself is magic, right?

I didn’t have much choice on footwear, so I opted for my  Chanel slingbacks, but the bag selection process was slightly more difficult. I was in love with the sight of silver Bulgari Serpenti Forever bag and the navy blue together. The moment I put the bag on my shoulder I knew that it was the one. I also wanted feminine but cool sunglasses, ones which would say “I promise I am from 21st century”, so I picked these Fendi babies, and boy how can I even describe my love for them. They are truly the pair I love the most.

How do you like the look? Hope you are enjoying these photos as I Really wanted to create something different for you!

Ova kombinacija savršeno opisuje Eze. Slatka je,malo klasična ali popularna i poželjna. Haljina baš kao i selo u meni bude emociju, te je to bila ljubav na prvi pogled. Kao što znate, ja rado nosim Self-Portrait kao brend, a ovu haljinu am u samo mesec dana nosila malo više nego što bih priznala. Odlična je za sastanke, večere, žurke,  ma čak i šetnju gradom. Svidja mi se što je mogu nositi uz ravnu obuću, a onda obujem štikle i efekat je skroz drugačiji. Ova haljina je čista magija.

Nisam imala mnogo izbora u koferu, te sam obula Chanel slingback cipele.  Ipak za torbu sa se dvoumila, sve dok nisam uzela ovu Bulgari Serpenti torbicu, koja je zaista pravo rešenje. Želela sam i lepe naočare, neke koje nisu prestaromodne i samim tim kažu “Obećavam da sam iz 21.veka”, pa sam zgrabila ovaj Fendi model i izletela iz kuće. Mislim da su ovo naočare koje od svih najviše volim.

Kako vam se dopada kombinacija? Nadam se da vam se post dopada, jer sam se potrudila da slike budu malo drugačije.