Sunset in the field of Cacti
There are few things I love seeing the most when travelling. Cliches and repetitive things that I often see in places and I never stay calm when passing them. I am sure you are curious to know what kind of things, and I will give the secret away. The old wooden doors and window blinds, fields of cacti, panoramic views from a hill, vintage bikes, Chanel shops, flower shops, . I don’t know why its just that those are the things I simply squeak every time I see. No one really reacts anymore.
On this occasion we were in Monaco. You see this whole area is full of exotic gardens, views and all those things I listed above. It is like a blogger heaven, so it was easy taking these outfit shots. Sun was setting faster than I thought, and a really strange feeling was hugging my body. Not good, not bad, just strange. In my stomach I could feel that something changed. Maybe its that late summer feeling, the one that makes little bit more melancholic than usually.
Ima nekoliko stvari koje me najviše privlače na putovanjima. Standardni prizori koje često vidjam i koji me nikada ne ostave ravnodušnom. U pitanju su stara drvena vrata u boji, arhitektura primorskih gradića, polja kaktusa, panoramski pogledi, vintidž bicikli, Chanel radnje i cvećare.
Ovaj put bili smo u Monaku. Celo područje puno je egzotičnih bašti, pogleda i svih stvari koje sam gore nabrojala. Pravi raj za blogere, tako da mi slikanje nije teško palo. Sunce je zalazilo brže nego što sam očekivala, a jako čudan osećan grlio je moje telo. Nije to bio dobar osećaj, ali nije ni loš. Osetila sam da se nešto promenilo. Možda je to osećaj koji nas obuzme krajem leta, osećaj zbog kog smo melanholičniji nego obično.

The Outfit
And now the moment you were all waiting for. Me wearing sneakers. I think you probably couldn’t see a post in sneakers for around a year! Am I right? Its just not my favourite type of shoe, it doesn’t suit my style or personality. However these Gucci sneakers made me change my mind. The shape, the embroidery, the colours. I don’t even know where to start, and its not even true that they are very sporty. In fact in this post I wore them with a Tularosa dress, and some of my other beloved accessories.
When I bought the trainers I was so confused with what attracted me to them that I just couldn’t believe it. I means Gucci has been doing sneakers for years, they have so many different designs and styles, but this is the only pair I wanted. I wore them already more than you can imagine, and oh the comfort is so appealing.
I guess I won’t be becoming a strictly sneaker type of person, but every now and then its interesting to see how my interest can change from time to time. Lets see how long will this sneaker phase last for.
A sada trenutak koji smo svi čekali. Ja u patikama. Mislim da me niste videli u takvoj obući bar godinu dana. Jesam li upravu? Jednostavno to nije moj omiljeni model cipele, ne uklapa se u moj stil i ne ide uz moju ličnost. Ipak sam promenila mišljenje zbog ovih Gucci patika. Oblik, boje, dizajn i ručni rad. Ne znam odakle da krenem. Zapravo odlučila sam da ih nosim uz haljinu, jer mislim da nisu čak ni previše sportske.
Kupovinom patika zbunila sam samu sebe. Gucci pravi patike godinama ali ih ja nikada nisam poželela.Ipak, sada sam opsednuta njima, nosim ih stalno a moja stopala su srećna jer sam štikle zamenila patikama.
U svakom slučaju ne prelazim na mračnu stranu i iako volim ove patike, ne mislim da će one išta promenitikada je u pitanju moja ljubav prema štiklama. Hajde da vidimo koliko će me drżati ravna obuća.