29 Aug, 2016

How to Pick Yourself Up | Monday Confessions


Its Monday, and all the Glam&Glitter followers know what that means. Its time to give you a fresh, inspiring and personal story that will give all of us a bit more power to push through the week. To be honest I just came from a very draining trip, I am not inspired as the only thing I can see around is a pile of laundry. There are also some unopened boxes, a lot of mess and a whole beauty cabinet which is out for some reason. Wait I need to write a blog post, but then there are emails arriving. So much to do and at the same time I don’t know what to write about. I really don’t want to talk about what happened in St.Tropezr again, because I had to tell the story so many times. To my mum, dad, sister, police, friends, more friends, film a youtube video and talk about it for days. I am so over it, and I am happy its over which is why I decided to talk to you about how to pick yourself up after something bad happens, without actually mentioning the story again! So lets try!

Ponedeljak je, svi čitatelji Glam&Glittera znaju tačno šta to znači. Vreme je da vam napišem nešto inspirativno, lično nešto što će nas sve pogurati na početku nedelje. Da budem iskrena vratila sam se sa jako iscrpljujućeg putovanja, nisam inspirisana jer sve što oko sebe vidim je gomila veša za pranje. Tu su i neke neotvorene kutije, haos u ormaniću za kozmetiku, čekaju me mejlovi a moram da napišem ovaj post. S druge strane zaista ne bih opet da govorim o iskustvu iz St.Tropeza, već sam o tome pričala dosta puta. Prvo mami i tati, sestri, policiji dva puta, prijateljima, pa još nekim prijateljima a onda još i u videu. Toliko sam već s tim raskrstila da vam ne mogu opisati. Srećna sam što je sve gotovo, pa sam odlučila da napišem post o tome kako se ja nosim sa uznemiravajućim situacijama i kako sama sebe podignem posle svakog pada.


Now I must tell you that I had a fair share of bas experiences in my life. Hard times which varied from broken heart to losing home, loved ones or just really anxious times. And its all ok, we all go through hard times but important thing is never to judge what is difficult for others. I had a friend who would always have a nervous break down when her mother would say no to new pair of shoes, but also had friend who was absolutely fine through out a difficult divorce. Its important to know that different things are difficult for different people. Now I will tell you how I normally pick myself up when down:

1.Look your best

Whenever I am down or after a break up I make sure to look my best. Wash your hair, maybe get a hair cut or a colour touch up. Have a long bath, put on a face mask, paint your nails and just feel great. Put so much time into doing your make up until you feel amazing. This will not only make you feel beautiful but it will also boost your confidence and help elevate your mood. Who doesn’t like to look great?

2.Leave your home

Since you already look fabulous, you should leave the home. Arrange a coffee with friends, have a lunch and laugh. Now I wouldn’t be a responsible online friend if I wouldn’t warn you that overly indulging in alcohol doesn’t help here – trust me I tried. Instead just laugh a lot. I am known to often even joke about stuff that happens to me. Try to see something good in it. Sure your vacation got cancelled but maybe that means you can spend more time with your mother? Maybe that means you can finally do something else that you really should be doing instead!


This is specially great when angry or sad. Run, such the bag, do yoga, cycle, meditate, swim, depending on what you like. Its scientifically proven that exercising helps when you are down, so do it. Now!

4.Clean your home

This one is actually my favourite. Change the bed sheets, clean the windows, wash the clothes, freshen up the space. Maybe even change some furniture around. You will be so occupied with doing work that you will forget about what is really bothering you. In the end you will be so happy as your living space will be beautiful and you will enjoy it much more.

5.You are not the only one

Really you never are. Its so important to remember that sadly bad things are happening everywhere in the world. You are not the only one going through grief, heeling a broken heart, dealing with loss. When burglars broke into our house in St.Tropez I was grateful to know that it wasn’t worse than what happened. Why? Because I knew these things happen all the time, to many people and the worst thing you can do is think “Why me?” .

Its really fine to be sad and shaken from time to time. No one is saying you should get rid of the feeling right away, because these things take time, make sure to give yourself plenty of time to deal with whatever is going on, but I still thought I would share some hacks which always help me when I am distressed. Remember that hard times only make us better in life, they help us grow and develop so they are absolutely necessary in life. Wishing you all a fantastic week.

Pre nego što počnem moram vam reći da sam imala popriličan broj teških trenutaka u životu. Teške trenutke je nezahvalno definisati ali recimo nešto od raskida sa voljenom osobom, preko gubitka doma, gubitka voljenih ljudi, do onih jednostavno psihički teških momenata. Sve je to ok, ničiji život nije lagan, ali ono što je bitno da ne osudjujemo druge na osnovu toga šta je za njih teško. Imala sam drugaricu koja je uvek doživljavala nervni slom kada joj mama ne bi kupila cipele koje hoće, ali isto tako sam poznavala i devojku koja se nije potresla ni oko razvoda. Važno je da imamo razumevanja i da ne može svako mnogo da podnese. Sada ću vam reći šta ja radim kako bih se podigla posle pada.

1.Izgledaj fenomenalno

Kad god sam tužna ili pogotovo posle teškog raskida uvek sam želela da izgledam super. Operi kosu, možda otidji na frizuru, razmisli o novoj boji. Predlažem i dugu kupku, lakiranje noktiju, masku za lice. Sve ono da bi se osećale fantastično. Ovo ne samo da će vas oraspoložiti već će vam i popraviti samopouzdanje. Ko ne voli da izgleda super.

2.Izadji napolje

Kad već izgledaš super, šteta je da ostaneš kod kuće. Dogovori kafu sa prijateljima, možda ručak i mnogo smeha. Ne bih bila odgovorni online prijatelj ako vas ne bih upozorila da konzumiranje alokohola u velikim količinama ne pomaže – verujte mi probala sam. Umesto toga smejte se mnogo. Ja se uvek šalim čak i na račun nemilih dogadja, to mi pomaže da ih banalizujem. Ponavljajte sebi šta je to dobro u svoj toj nesreći. Kad se jedna vrata zatvore druga se otvore!


Ovo je pogotovo dobro kada sam ljuta ili tužna. Trčanje, yoga, bicikli, meditacija, box. Naučno je dokazano da vežba pomaže kada ste tužni, zato bacite se u akciju. Odmah!

4.Čišćenje doma

Ovo je moja omiljena stavka. Promenite posteljinu, operite prozore, ozvežite svoj životni prostor. Možda biste mogli premestiti nameštaj i učiniti sve lepšim. Ne samo da ćete na ovaj način okupirati mozak da ne razmišlja o tužnim stvarima, već ćete i uživati u divno spremljenoj i očišćenoj kući.

5.Ne dešava se samo vama

Zaista, verujte mi na reč. Jako je bitno da kada vam se nešto loše desi podsetite sebe da se slične stvari dešavaju svakodnevno svugde u svetu. Niste jedini koji tuguju, kojima je teško i koji se bore sa gubitkom. Kada su lopovi upali u našu kuću u St.Tropezu bila sam zahvalna što se nešto gore nije desilo. Zašto? Zato što sam svesna d se ovakve a i gore stvari dešavaju svugde u svetu. Najgore što možete je da se pitate “Zašto baš ja?”.

U svakom slučaju, ok je biti tužan. Niko ne kaže da treba prihvatiti i tugu, ali ove stvari zahtevaju vreme. Dajte sebi dovoljno vremena i strpljenja za sve što se dešava. Ipak želela sam da sa vama podelim neke savete koji su meni pomogli u životu. Ne zaboravite da su żivotne prepreke bitne za razvitak i rast, a ja vam żelim divnu nedelju.