“Today is going to be such a productive day”I told myself as I proudly cancelled the alarm at 6am, opened my eyes and with smile full of hope decided to just check Snapchat before getting out of bed. The day went by so quick, I then watched the instastories, got up, had few coffees, browsed Luisa Via Roma website, applied a face mask, I looked up and it was almost noon. “Wow the morning is gone, and I did nothing” I told myself. What happened to being productive?
I guess sometimes we need a bit of a nudge, a bit of an organisation in order to be productive as otherwise everything just falls through. I for sure need to prepare in order to be productive. Mentally and physically. These are my tips on how to prepare for a productive week:
“Danas ću biti jako produktivna” rekla sam sebi dok sam gasila alarm u 6 ujutru, otvorila sam oči i sa osmehom punim nade odlučila da pogledam šta se dešava na Snapchat-u pre nego što ustanem. Dan je prolazio tako brzo. Sledeće sto sam uradila je pogledala instastories, pa popila dve kafe, da bih onda tražila interesantne komade na Luisa Via Roma sajtu, stavila masku na lice i dopisivala se sa drugaricama. Kada sam pogledala na sat već je bilo podne. “Vau, dan je skoro prošao a ja ništa nisam uradila, šta se desilo sa mojim planovima i produktivnošću?”
Mislim da nam svima ponekad treba nešto, nešto što će da nas gurne da se malo više potrudimo. U suprotnom sve propadne. Ja imam ritual i način na koji moram da se pripremim kako bih bila produktivna. Isto je bilo na fakultetu isto je i sad. Ovo su moji saveti kako da se spremite za produktivnu nedelju:
1.Mental Preparation
On Sunday evening I would go though my diary. All the deadlines have to be clear, posting schedule is made, then I on the side think about things I need to do. I scribble it all on the side, made a list and mentally prepare for doing all of that work. These little notes to self include everything from ideas to “Buy milk”. Once I have thought about it day before its so much easier to focus on it when the time comes.
Come on guys, you know me – I know you! Of course there has to be a list. I write down everything I need to do on which day. If I am shooting an outfit on Tuesday I would write down what outfit, plan the location, prepare the clothes, iron it, and hang it on the side.
3.Stay Hydrated
You might think “What in the world?” but actually this is so important. If I am not drinking enough I am distracted, I am hungry all the time, I feel kinda moody or lazy, but regular wanter consumption makes me really focused and on top of the game
Not every aspect of your or my job is fun. Its work and it requires discipline. I often start by doing first the jobs that I like the least and I can do that only with discipline.If I do them first then I can relax and do all the other stuff I enjoy more after.
5.Keep track of how much you did
What helps me most to be productive is to measure it. If I start clearing my inbox when I have 300 emails, it feels so good when there is only 50 left. If I am filming videos, it helps to cross them off the list. Things like this encourage us to work even more and at the end of the day you will feel even better. Maybe make a system where you text your boyfriend or a sibling telling them how much you did. “13 Chapters read, two more to go!” – that is a text I remember sending. Trust me it helps
I hope you are all getting ready for a productive week, and even though its summer it doesn’t mean we should get lazy. Four gym sessions are on this weeks schedule? That also counts as being productive!
1.Mentalna Priprema
Nedelja uveče je rezervisana za jedno te isto. Otvorim moj kalendar i gledam šta mi sledi. Da li su na vidiku neki rokovi, kada putujem, kada ću biti kod kuće. Sa strane zapišem sve što mi padne napamet, a to rangira od: “Pošalji važan imejl do Kupi mleko”. Kada sam sve to stavila na papir mogu mnogo bolje da se koncentrišem na obaveze, ispred mene su crno na belo tako da znam šta me čeka sutradan.
Ma da, znamo se! Naravno da nema toga što ja radim bez liste. Napišem sve što moram da obavim koji dan. Ako slikam autfit u utorak, onda zapišem koji autfit nosim, stavim ga sa strane i ispeglam.
Možda ćete misliti da je ovaj savet zalutao, ali je veoma važan. Kad god ne pijem dovoljno vode, ne mogu da se koncentrišem na rad. Toliko mi toga odvraća pažnju, gladna sam, neraspoložena. Redovno unošenje vode pomoći će vam da budete koncentrisani.
Nije svaki aspekt mog ili vašeg posla zabavan. Ali posao zahteva disciplinu. Primorajte se da obavite najnemilije obaveze prvo, tako da vam za kraj ostaje samo ono jednostavnije. Ovo je moj najveći savet kako biste zaista obavili sve što treba da obavite.
5.Budite svesni šta ste sve uradili
Pre nego što krenem da odgovaram ne mejlove, zapišem koliko ih je bilo na početku. Recimo da sam imala 300 a sada ih je svega 50, to me motiviše da nastavim, jer vidim da je napredak neminovan. Ukoliko učite pošaljite poruku momku, devojci ili prijatelju “Naučila sam 13 lekcija, ostale još samo 2”. Osećaj je odličan, jer ponekad nas ništa ne motiviše kao sopstveni rad.
Ja se nadam da se spremate za produktivnu nedelju, jer iako je leto uvek ima nešto što možete uraditi. Cilj vam je da odradite četiri treninga u teretani ove nedelje? I to se računa u produktivnost!