Morning Light
I love waking up early before everyone else. I also love sleeping, but I am a woman so I am allowed to be contradictory and to change my mind all the time, but let me get back to the story. I love getting up early in order to finish stuff before everyone else is up. There is something so appealing and so exciting, specially when I am up even before my two year old nephew, and tryst me that means 6am. The reason behind this is probably that I feel so productive when I already did so much before 9am, I feel great and like I can spend the rest of the day working moderately. You know that feeling right?
Another reason for getting up early is getting the morning light, my favourite for the photos. Nothing simply compares to the softness of the photos taken in the morning. I am curious to hear what you think about that!
Obožavam kada se probudim veoma rano. Isto tako obožavam da spavam, ali ja sam žena i dozvoljeno mi je da budem kontradiktorna i da ne znam šta hoću s vremena na vreme. Volim da ustajem rano jer onda završim toliko toga pre nego što se svet probudi. Ne znam šta je tačno u pitanju ali osećam se odlično kada ustanem pre mog nećaka, a to nije jednostavno jer on ima tek dve godine i ustaje oko 6 ujutru. Pravi razlog je taj da se osećam produktivnije kada uradim gomilu stvari pre 9 ujutru, a onda tek poslovni dan počinje. Sigurna sam da vam je poznat taj osećaj!
Još jedan razlog za rano ustajanje je prelepo jutarnje svetlo. Ništa se ne može uporediti sa bojama koje možete uhvatiti samo kad je sunce mlado!
The Outfit
One does not to go French Riviera without a straw hat and a cute top. I ve had this particular top for few months now, and was waiting for a perfect occasion to wear it. I think peplum tops look the best when worn with shorts, skirts or skinny jeans, otherwise they can give an appearance of a slightly larger figure. Either way I only had what I had in the suitcase and it happened to work.
I decided to put on my favourite Gucci Princetown sliders as well as my beloved Chloe Faye bag! I told you I ll be wearing it more now that I made a small bag wardrobe clear out. Its just such an easy piece to wear, but I do wish it fit more things…However then it would be heavy all the time, right? I told you this girl is hard to please!
Also new Chloe sunglasses shouldn’t be forgotten. Normally I love wearing cat eye sunnies, and rarely ever go for the round ones, but just couldn’t resist these. They look so boho and cool that they had to make it to my collection, I am sure you will agree! Now leave me a comment on what would you wear to French Riviera, after all I am coming back tomorrow.
Ipak, ne bih posetila francusku rivijeru bez slamnatog šešira i simpatičnog topa. Ovaj sam kupila pre nekoliko meseci i konačno sam dočekala pravu priliku da ga obučem. Mislim da je peplum majice najbolje nositi sa nečim užim dole, uzmite šorts ili uske farmerice, jer u spurotnom peplum može učiniti vašu figuru krupnijom. U svakom slučaju ja sam obukla šta sam imala i nekako je dobro ispalo.
Odlučila sam se još i za omiljene Gucci papuče kao i voljenu mi Chloe Faye torbu. Oba komada su tako nosiva i laka za kombinovanje. Volela bih kada bi u Chloe torbu više toga stalo, ali onda bi bila i preteška. Rekla sam vam da mi je teško udovoljiti.
Takodje ne mogu da zaboravim na nove Chloe naočare. Inače rado nosim naočare mačkastog oblika, jer mislim da mi okrugle ne stoje, ali ove nisam mogla zaobići. U nekom su boho fazonu pa su morale postati deo moje kolekcije, sigurna sam da ćete se složiti. Sada mi ostavite komentar i recite šta biste vi nosili na francuskoj obali, jer se svakako sutra vraćam!