11 Aug, 2016

Bulgari Serpenti Forever


No one wants to see a snake in the high grass. Every time I would hear or see something move in the grass my hear would stop. Sure I wanted to get amazing photos for this post, but the thought of unknown was terrifying. I mean just for a second I would make a step, or two and then two back. “Go on” – my sister yelled – “there shouldn’t be any snakes around here, well unless the beautiful one on your bag” she continued. I looked back and grinned. Looked down on my bag and realised that the only snake I want to see in grass is definitely the Bulgari Serpenti one. In all of its glory, the bag is so beautiful that it deserves a post of its own. Don’t you agree?

Niko ne želi da vidi zmiju u visokoj travi. Svaki put kada čujem nešto ili vidim pomeranje u travi srce mi se zaustavi. Naravno, želela sam da imam divne slike za vas, ali sama pomisao na nepoznato mi je ubrzavala puls. Na sekund bih pomislila da je sve u redu, jedan korak napred, dva, pa opet dva nazad.” Hajde” – uzviknula je moja sestra – “nema zmija u ovoj travi, osim te prelepe na tvojoj torbi” nastavila je. Pogledala sam je i nasmešila se. Onda sam bacila pogled na svoju torbu i shvatila da jedina zmija koju goneralno želim da vidim jeste upravo ova. U svoj njenoj slavi, ova torba blještala je na suncu a ja sam joj se divila. Zbog toga mislim da zaslužuje ceo post, da li se slažete?


This gorgeous Bulgari creation was on my wish list for around 2 years. I would admire it at airports, boutiques, malls and would always ask myself the same question. Deep green or shiny blue? The decision was made, by chances I would say rather than by me – because I am terrible at even deciding if I want a bag or not when paying for groceries. It went home with me and I admired its beauty. The first thing I do when I bring a new bag home is decide on its position in my bag storage – crazy I know. Once we went through the basics, I then pulled out some dresses and thought how marvellous it would look with this Peter Pilot number – a dress that tells a story of its own.

Yes, I wore it so many times already and have shown it on my YouTube and Instagram numerous times, yet it never bores me. I found it on Avenue 32 and after 3 minutes of trying to decide between the top or the dress I made the right decision. I picked a dress that I wore more than I could count in period of 30 days. The thing is not only I wore it to parties, but also as a day dress with flat shoes, to lunch events, to go shopping, everywhere. Its such a versatile piece and makes cost per wear your friend.

The shoes for this occasion complemented my Bulgari bag, and these are classic pumps by Rupert Sanderson. I love them because they are basic, but emit the quality and look beautiful with the suede leather. What shoes would you wear with this dress?

Hope you like this post – I couldn’t wait any more to share it with you!

Ova Bulgari kreacija bila je namojoj listi želja dve godine. Divila sam joj se na aerodromima, u buticima, shopping centrima i uvek bih samu sebe pitala isto. Tamno zelena ili teget plava? Sudbina je na ovaj ili onaj način pomogla u toj odluci, jer ja ne mogu da odlučim ni da li želim kesu ili ne kada me prodavačica u supermarketu pita. Kada sam je ondela kući divila sam se svakom detalju. Kada donesem kući novu torbu prva stvar na kou pomislim je “Gde ću je držati?”. Nakon što sam se odlučila za njeno mesto izvadila sam neke haljine iz ormana i shvatila kako je ova torba savršena za Peter Pilotto kreaciju – haljinu koja priča svoju priču.

Da, nosila sam je toliko puta da vam je možda već i dosadila. Pokazala sam je i na YouTube kanalu i na Instagramu, ali mi još nije dosadila. Našla sam je na Avenue 32 sajtu i nakon tri minute odlučivanja izmedju majice i haljine donela sam pravu odluku. Ovu haljinu nosila sam mnogo puta u zadnjih 30 dana, to znači da se već skoro isplatila, zar ne? Ovo je komad koji možete nositi na žurke, ručkove, rodjendanske proslave, u grad, ma svugde, zato je ja i posebno volim.

Cipele sam izabrala jer mislim da posebno idu uz Bulgari torbu, klasične Rupert Sanderson štikle. Volim ih jer, iako su krajnje jednostavne, izgledaju lepo i kvalitetno. Koje biste vi cipele odabrali uz ovu kombinaciju?

Nadam se da vam se dopada ovaj post – nisam mogla dočekati da ga podelim sa vama!