My little travel rituals. So far I developed a plenty. The way I pack the way I process all the memories, beautiful sunsets, every moment in my head. This month started in such a great way, after trip to NY my boyfriend invited me to come to a spontaneous trip to Maldives with him and his family. At first I thought I have way too much too do in order to go on yet another holiday, but realised you guys will also love the content and I will be able to share some amazing stories, as well as make some lovely memories. I was right.
I am now sitting in the lounge at the airport doing what I always do after a trip – sorting out photos, stories and just planning when to post what. All of a sudden an alarm starts in my head, its like a little voice: “You haven’t replied to any emails and its Friday..” the voice keeps going “you know that no one is impressed with the blogger that neglects all the work and isn’t responsible with administrative work…” I look up and think “Maybe I shouldn’t have gone on a holiday after all”, but then I smile and tell me self – what is life about if not about balancing it all. To tell you the truth my priority is anyway creating amazing and inspiring content for you guys.
Moji mali putni rituali. Do sada sam ih stvorila nekoliko. Način na koji se pakujem, način na koji pažljivo spremam sve uspomene u svom pamćenju, sve te zalaske sunce, svaki trenutak u mojoj glavi. Ovaj mesec počeo je veličanstveno, nakon Njujorka dečko me je pozvao na spontani odmor na Maldive sa njegovom familijom. Prvo sam pomislila da imam previše posla i da ću ga odbiti, ali sam onda shvatila da je ovo još jedna prilika da stvorim lepe uspomene, a istovremeno radim na sadržaju za blog. Bila sam upravu.
Sada sedim u laundžu na aerodromu i radim isto što i uvek posle puta. Prebacujem slike, sortiram ih, selektujem omiljene, planiram kada koji post ide. Onda neki alarm kreće u glavi “Nisi odgovorila ni na jedan mejl, a petak je…” glas ne prestaje “znaš da niko ne voli blogere koji zapostavljaju komunikaciju i administraciju..” pogledam gore i pomislim “Možda ipak nisam trebala otići na odmor”, ali onda se nasmešim i shvatim da je ključ života balansiranje. Da budem iskrena, moj prioritet je interesantan i lepsadržaj a ne novac.
Right when I started having negative thoughts about not being organised enough and about losing the thread of my own game, a beautiful blonde girl approached me “Hi, I love your blog” she said. I looked above my cappuccino and as always in a slightly shy but appreciative way introduced myself. She reminded me that actually even though I thought I was about to fail my balancing act I kinda kept it up. Elsa, if you are reading this – thank you for the kind words, they couldn’t come at the better time.
I could tell you so many more things in this post, but I wont. I will leave you with two little notes. In life you need to balance, work hard, but also have fun. Don’t say no to opportunities, and be that person – that charming, lovely person that is confident enough to give a compliment and really improve someone else’s day. Today I am going to give a compliment to all of you, if you are reading this I want to say thank you for helping me whenever I feel like I am about to fall of the grid, I hope I can be there for you too to remind you that after all, we all have good and bad days, but we need to be good at keeping head above the water in order to keep swimming. Wishing you a lovely – almost end of the week!
Baš kad su negativne misli počele da se roje i kada sam sebe kudila zbog neorganizovanosti veoma lepa plava devojka mi je prišla i prekinula u razmišljanju “Ćao, samo sam ti htela reći da ja jako volim tvoj blog” rekla je. Pogledala sam preko svog kapućina i kao i uvek malo stidljivo ali zahvalno predstavila se. Podsetila me je da iako sam mislila da zaista padam u svom balansiranju ipak održavam ravotežu. Elsa, ako čitaš, hvala ti još jednom na divnim rečima, nisu mogle doći u boljem trenutku.
Mogla bih vam reći još toliko toga u ovom postu, ali neću. Ostaviću vas sa par poruka. U životu morate balansirati, raditi ali i zabavljati se. Nemojte odbijati prilike, i budite ta osoba, ta šarmantna, prijatna osoba koja svima ulepša dan. Danas želim da uputim kompliment vama, ko god da ste ako čitate ovo želim da se zahvalim na vašem vremenu, i na tome što mi uvek pomognete kad god krenem da padam. Nadam se da na neki način i ja mogu biti tu za vas da vas podsetim da morate držati glavu iznad vode kako biste nastavili plivati. Želim vam divan dan, još malo pa vikend.