26 Aug, 2016



I didn’t forget about these last photos from Maldives, but ever since I got back life got out of hand a little bit. I spent the past week in South of France and can not tell you I made some amazing memories. If you are following the rest of my social you know exactly what happened. So without trying to use it as an excuse, I have to tell you that internet here is the worst I have ever come across . But lets not ruin this story with another one. I just wanted to apologise for the brief absence on this platform, but from today everything will go back to normal, so hope you will enjoy it.

In the meanwhile, please make sure to catch up on my latest YouTube video as its the biggest reveal I made to date.

Nisam zaboravila na ove poslednje fotografije sa Maldiva, ali od kako sam se vratila život mi je haotičniji nego inače. Provela sam ovu nedelju na jugu Francuske i ne mogu vam reći da sam se dobro provela. Ako pratite moje društvene mreže znate tačno šta mi se desilo. Bez korišćenja bilo kakvih izgovora moram vam reći da je internet ovde najgori na svetu. Ali hajde da ne kvarimo ovu priču negativnim mislima. Hoću da se izvinem za moje odsustvo, ali od danas me očekujte u standardnom rasporedu.

U medjuvremenu pogledajte moj poslednji video na YT kanalu, jer vas tamo čeka najuzbudljiviji nov dodatak mojoj kolekciji.

The Outfit

To start of, I have to tell you that this crochet kaftan exceeded my expectations, its just so pretty, flattering and light. It was my absolute favourite during the stay. The ultimate favourite piece I wore in Maldives has to be this swimming suit, its like a mix of a beautiful outfit and swimmer. All the lace, detailing, cut outs and just beautiful work that has been put into this piece made me speechless. The best part about it is that it keeps everything where it should be. Wink Wink.

I wore this for a little walk and had my favourite summer espadrilles together with a beach bag. Not much to tell you but trust me, this was an outfit that made everything so easy. You just throw things on and somehow they work. I am not sure if its about the fact that it was in Maldives, but I was really happy with the outcome. What do you think?

Počeću tako što ću vam reći da je ovaj pleteni kaftan zaista predvazišao sva moja očekivanja. Toliko je lep, lagan i prijatan. Ujedno mi je bio i jedan od omiljenih komada za vreme ostanka na Maldivima. Ipak sve je nadmašio kupaći kostim koji možete videti u ovom postu. On je kao kombinacija prelepe haljine i kupaćeg kostima. Svata čipka, isečci i rad koji je uložen u ovaj komad su me ostavili bez teksta. Najbolje od svega je što ovaj kostim drži sve pod kontrolom, znate na šta mislim.

Ovo sam obukla za šetnju, te obula omiljene letnje espadrile i uzela torbu koju znate da najčešće nosim upravo za plažu. Ne znam šta vi mislite, ali meni se ova kombinacija dopada, možda je i do okruženja, možda je sve u mojoj glavi ali nekako funkcioniše. Šta vi mislite?