23 Jul, 2016



Zurich. A City where there is no Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Colosseo, Berlin Wall, Sagrada Familia, you know there is no Belvedere, Buda Castle or Charles bridge. When I wanted to go to Zurich people asked me what is there to see, and i stopped. Its hard to explain to you the charm of this city. Very specific, yet somehow magical. I once asked a Swiss person what is there to see in Zurich, and they told me the city is like its people, very modest, not showing off but still very nice and appealing (maybe slightly awkward)

Ok so, this is the country of my two out of three favourite Cs. Chocolate and Cheese, my third favourite C is obviously Chanel, but I didn’t have to tell you that did I? I strolled around the city, walked by the river and questioned everything I saw. I loved it. It was a beautiful day, and perfect one to wear my very new dress from Avenue 32 website.

Cirih. Grad koji nema Ajfelov Toranj, Big Ben, Koloseum, Berlinski Zid, Sagrada Famijila Crkvu, znate sta mislim, tamo nema Belvedere Muzeja, Buda Zamka ili Karlovog Mosta. Kada sam htela da odem u Cirih ljudi su me pitali cemu se najvise radujem, a ja bih uglavnom zastala. Tesko je objasniti sarm ovog grada. Veoma specifican, ali nekako caroban. Jednom sam pitala osobu koja zivi u Cirihu da mi preporuci sta da vidim u gradu, a ona je rekla da je ovaj grad bas kao i njegovi ljudi, skroman, ne odudara previse, lep i privlacan (mozda i pomalo cudan)

Ok, dakle ovo je drzava u kojoj uvek uzivam u dve od omiljenih mi tri reci na slovo C. Chocolate i Cheese (cokolade i sira), a ako vas zanima koja je to treca rec, u pitanju je Chanel, ali to vam nisam morala reci, zar ne? Setala sam gradom, pored reke i divila se svemu sto sam videla. Bio je prelep dan, savrsen da obucem novu haljinu sa Avenue 32 sajta.


Anyone who has seen the Devil Wears Prada knows that not only florals aren’t groundbreaking trend in spring, but summer either. Yet I love getting more and more of these beautiful floral patterns as soon as the calendar says March, and they stay in for quite a good while. This particular one is ranked really high in my summer sartorial choice. Its a beautiful pastel pink and white floral piece with impeccable detailing. Who else but by Zimmermann and I scored it before it became such an online hit on Avenue 32.

Avenue 32 is my go to spot when im looking for beautiful luxury pieces that emit youthfulness, fun and just variety. I sometimes get lost there browsing different dresses, looking often at Roksanda, Zimmermann and Peter Pilotto pages. I picked quite a few pieces on there, some of which are more classic and other more statement, but you will soon have a chance to see them here.

This Zimmermann dress was just perfect choice for strolling around Zurich on the only sunny day of my stay. I was contemplating shoes to go with, and couldn’t decide between my Chanel slingback and these, but then these seemed to look better together. I love this dress because you don’t need to accessorise, everything was here, the style, the details, the vibe. I was in love with its beautiful flow every time I saw my reflection in a shop window. How do you like it?

Hope you enjoy this dreamy summer look, I guess that sometimes floral for spring really is groundbreaking!

Svako ko je pogledao Djavo Nosi Pradu zna da cvetni print nije nista novo na prolece, ali ni leti. Ipak, onog trenutka kad na kalendaru okrenem stranicu na kojoj pise mart, meni se nosi cvetni print, a to se u mojoj glavi zadrzi jos dobrih 5-6 stranica. Konkretno ovaj print na haljini koju vidite danas mi je posebno lep. Zanimljiva paselna roze boja, malo cipke, malo cveca. Ko bi drugi umeo da dizajnira ovako veselu haljinu nego Zimmermann a ja sam svoju ugrabila na cuvenom sajtu Avenue 32.

Avenue 32 je mojo online lokacija za interesantne luksuzne komade koji odisu mladoscu, zabavom i raznovrsnoscu. Ponekad se tamo izgubim gledajuci razne haljine, cesto gledam sta je to novo kod mojih omiljenih brendova kao sto su Roksanda, Zimmermann i Peter Pilotto. Izabrala sam nekoliko komada, neki su klasicniji od drugih, neki su mladalacki i sasavi. Uskoro cete videti vise.

Ova Zimmermann haljina je bila idealna za setnju Cirihom, pogotovo jer je ovo bio jedini suncan dan za vreme mog putovanja. Razmisljala sam koje cipele, i nisam mogla da se odlucim da li Chanel slingbacks , ali na kraju mislim da su ove bolje izgledale uz kombinaciju. Uz ovu haljinu vam zaista ne treba mnogo modnih dodataka. Divila sam joj se svaki put kada bih je ugledala u odrazu nekog izloga. Kako vam se dopada?

Nadam se da vam se dopada ova letnja kombinacija, ipak je cvetni print na prolece ponekad zaista revolucionaran!