July is the month of peace, love and sunshine. Visiting Daios Cove with my girl friends was exactly that apart from being peaceful, as 6 girls in one place usually means a lot of champagne and noise, right? As much as I love sun and enjoyed being in such a gorgeous place, heath can sometimes be a little bit too much, or am I just not used to it anymore having lived in UK for 9 years?
I mean I love sun and it makes me so happy, but sometimes it can be so hot and humid, specially in the part of the world where I come from. It gets impossible to look stylish and to be dressed appropriately. Its always too hot, garments get stuck to your body and you are already regretting leaving home and comfort of air conditioning. How to dress for temperatures above 30 degrees if you want to go shop with your friends, have some drinks or walk around the city. I feel like I mastered this in the heath of Crete and of course growing up in Serbia. Today I am going to share my secrets with you.
Jul je mesec mira, ljubavi i sunca. Poseta Kritu i hotelu Daiois Cove sa mojim najboljim drugaricama bila je upravo to, osim sto nikada nije bila mirna, s obzirom da 6 devojaka na jednom mestu podrazumev mnogo sampanjca i buke, zar ne? Koliko god volela sunce, shvatila sam da nekad vrucina ume i da dosadi, pogotovo jersam sada posle 9 godina zivota ovde skroz navikla na klimu Velike Britanije.
Obozavam sunce, uvek sam srecna kada me toplota probudi rano ujutru, ali ponekad je velika vlaga u vazduhu, pogotovo u delu sveta sa kojeg poticem. Bude nemoguce obuci se lepo a skladno vremenu. Uvek je prevruce,pa se odeca lepi za telo, posle 5 minuta pozalim sto sam uopste napustala kuci i komort ispod klima uredjaja. Kako se obuci za temperaturu iznad 30 stepeni ako zelite da izgledate lepo, da odete u shopping sa drugaricama, na pice, rucak? Mislim da sam ovo apsolvirala na Kritu i naravno odrastajuci u Srbiji. Danas cu sa vama podeliti moje tajne.
My first rule for dressing in summer is “Its all about accessorising” . So sure, you can still wear that very plain white dress, or in my case simple denim shorts, but make sure to bring a cute, French girl style hat, and sunglasses which steal the attention. These gorgeous mirrored Le Specs really saved my holiday, as they complimented every look.
Instead of a boring white tee, I opted for a linen top, in my current favourite pastel blue colour. Its not any kinda top but a really cute one, super on trend since t has this off shoulder detail. This is one of my favourite tops this summer and you can get it HERE.
I spoke about these wedges in my Designer Shoe Collection video. I love the lace up detail, the small wedge and the use of course, these sandals let my feet breathe while looking super cute. What more can I ask for?
You know that the main role of my every outfit is played by a designer bag. Chloe Drew brings something special to this look, since hat, shorts and the top are all high street. Didn’t I tell you its all about the accessories? Do you have any summer tips for dressing? I hope you like this outfit!
Moje prvo pravilo je “Modni dodaci su najbitniji”. Dakle i dalje mozete nositi najobicniju belu haljinicu, ili u mom slucaju obican teksas sorts, ali ponesite i zanimljiv sesir u francuskom duhu. Dodajte naocare koje ce sretati paznju na sebe. Ove Le Specs naocare su spasile letovanje, jer idu uz sve i zaista su lep detalj.
Umesto bele obicne majice, odabrala sam laneni top, u trenutno omiljenoj pastelno plavoj boji. Izabrala sam ovu majicu jer mislim da je posebna, zbog otvorenih rameni i trenutno meni jedna od najdrazih koje imam. Ako vam se dopada, mozete je kupiti OVDE.
Vec sam vam pisala o ovim platformama, a videli ste je i u mom Designer Shoe Collection videu. Jako mi se dopada to sto se pertlaju, mala platforma je udobna, a i prozracne su pa mi ne bude vruce u njima. Sta jos pozeleti?
Znate da su torbe moja boljka, te sam dodala ovu Chloe Drew koja donosi lepu dozu zemljanih tonova i nekako upotpunjava ovaj outfit. Osim torbe i cipela sve ostalo je veoma povoljno. Zar vam nisam rekla da je sve u modnim dodacima? Da li i vi imate letnje favorite? Nadam se da vam se moji dopadaju!
Photos by my dear friend Amelia Liana