20 Jun, 2016

Why You Should Love Mondays | Monday Confessions


I remember it like it was yesterday. Monday was my most hated day of the week, in school, at work, univeristy. I would start getting that bad feeling on Sunday afternoon, the feeling I would call “Sunday Anxiety”. It would  hit me around 4:30-5pm and it wouldnt leave auntil Monday 10am approximately. What a way to live.

Mondays were not my favourites because they meant long week ahead, and  not because I am a  lazy person, in fact I always loved school, I loved to work, but there was something that made  me feel so anxious about mondays, they just brought a certain cloud of worrying around them, and I didnt like that. It was a viscous circle because I didnt like worrying and I didnt like Mondays, but it was an ongoing thing that I decided to change.

Since I managed to learn to love Mondays and finally got rid of the Sunday feeling I decided to teach you to how to feel more optimistic about new week. What better day than today?

Secam se kao da je bilo juce. Ponedeljak je bio moj najomrazeniji dan u nedelji, za vreme godina u  skoli, na fakultetu, poslu. Neki osecaj anksioznosti poceo bi u nedelju posle podne oko 4-5 i trajao svedoponedeljka ujutru, da ne kazem do podne. Svakako to nije idealan nacin zivota.

Ponedeljak mi nikada nije bio omiljeni ne zato sto podrazumeva rad, ne zato sto sam lenja osoba, vec iz razloga  koji ni meni nije bio poznat, pomisao na  novu radnu nedelju bi me pritiskala, kao neki oblak brige i anksioznosti koji mi se  nije dopadao. Sve je ovo bio jedan zacarani krug, jer  sam brinula zato sto ne volim ponedeljke, a nisam ih volela jer su donosili brigu. Odlucila sam da je vreme da se to promeni.

Posto sam naucila da volim ponedeljke i da se otarasim tog neprijatnog osecaja, odlucila sam da naucim i vas kako da  se osecate bolje u vezi nove nedelje. Kad bolje nego danas?


Dont just sit there feeling  like the weekend wasnt enough. If you do stuff that you like during the weekend, you are less likely to feel terrible on Monday because you will know you utilised your free time properly. I say dont do too much drinking, but  rather do stuff which relaxes you, and makes you feel happy. Visit friends, watch movies at home, organise a dinner at yours. These things always make  me forget that tomorrow is a working day.

If you ask me now why I love Mondays, the answer is really simple. I love having a new beginning for all the exciting stuff I want to achieve. I want to go to gym  more, I want to have successful meetings, great fun with my friends, there is  just so much stuff I want to do in the week. Before I  used to look at the Mondays like someone just clicked reset on the clock, and I had to do it all over again, now I realised that new week means a new chance, and thats something I love.

You feel anxious, there is that tightness, a cloud of worry , but you cant quite figure out why. The best way to get rid of the bad feeling is to write down what exactly is bothering you. Often we realise hat actually its nothing in particular or  nothing major. while writing it down, make sure to also list what is worst that can happen, and what is it that is causing Sunday’s depression. Soon you will realise that its not worth feeling bad during the weekend.

Maybe you have that long meeting on Monday, but a really exciting cinema date on Tuesday, new Game Of Thrones episode is coming out, you are seeing your friends, or you are getting paid. Not every day of the week is negative, so instead of focusing on that Mondays Anxiety, focus on all the positive stuff that the  new week will bring. Make it such an exciting thing to start the new week. If you find it hard to focus on those, write a list of all the fun stuff and keep it in a place you often pass.

Nemoj samo sedeti na kauci i razmisljati kako ovaj vikend nije bio ispunjavajuci, kako nisi stigla sve da uradis, a ni da se odmoris. Nedelja jedan koji treba biti ispunjen srecom, zadovoljstvom i mirom kako bi sledecih 5 dana bilo produktivno. Takodje bih rekla da ovaj dan nije za alkohol, vec za malo opustenije aktivnosti, koje vas cine srecnim. Poseti prijatelje, gledaj filmove kod kuce, organizuj veceru u svom domu. Ove stvari mi uvek pomognu da zaboravim da je sutra ponedeljak.

Ako me pitate zasto volim ponedeljke odgovor je jednostavan, Volim novi pocetak, novu priliku da uradim sve ono sto nisam uspela prosle nedelje.  Zelim da idem vise u teretanu, zelim uspesne sastanke, sjajnu zabavu sa drugaricama, toliko toga zelim da uradim i ovo je prava prilika. Ranije su mi ponedeljci bili kao kazna, jer sam se osecala da je  neko vratio sat na pocetak, ali sam onda shvatila da je ovo nova  nedelja, ato znaci nova sansa, to je ono sto sam zavolela.

Osecate nervozu, teskobu, brigu, ali ne znate zasto. Najbolji nacin da se resite ovih osecanja je da sve zapisete na papir. Zasto brinete, sta  je najgore sto se moze desiti, cesto cete uvideti da su ova osecanja bezrazlozna i da nemate razloga za brigu i da je ovaj osecaj samo u vasoj glavi.

Da, mozda vam predstvoji dugacak i dosadan sastanak u ponedeljak, ali i uzbudljiv dejt u utorak, nova epizoda Game of Thrones-a, rucak sa drugaricama, ili vam leze plata. Ma hajde, nije sve tako lose. Nije svaki dan u nedelji negativan, tako da vam predlazem da se umesto na negativne emocije koncentrisete na pozitivne dogadjaje. Ako vam to ne polazi od ruke, zapisite sve cemu se radujete i postavite listu na vidno mesto.