16 Jun, 2016

In My Shoes


Sometimes I wake up and know exactly what I want to wear. It usually happens on days that I wake up in a certain mood, girly or confident, cosy or sporty. I tend to pick my clothes entirely depending on my mood, or on how I want to feel. There is a reason why we dress up for a first date, we want to look good, but not like you know – try hard. I always rely on shoes to give me that factor, to make me feel cute, or powerful, to give me the confidence I need for the day.

I don’t have a rule not to wear heels or dresses on Sunday mornings, or for example not to put on makeup on weekends, I do exactly how I feel like, and that is what keeps me feeling good. I don’t buy clothes to give me confidence, but I do believe that shoes and clothes can make me feel better, stronger and just happier, do I make sure to make the right choice always.

Ponekad se probudim i znam tacno sta zelim da obucem. To se uglavnom desi kada ustanem u odredjenom raspolozenju, sportskom, ususkanom, zenstvenom, klasicnom ili kada zelim da se razveselim. Biram odecu totalno u zavisnosti od raspolozenja i kako zelim da se osecam. Sigurno postoji razlog zasto svi volimo da se sredimo kada idemo na prvi sastanak, zelimo da izgledamo lepo ali ne ocajno. Uvek se oslanjam na cipele da mi daju taj neki ekstra faktor, cipele odrede da li se osecam zenstveno ili mocno, daju mi samopouzdanje koje mi je potrebno tog dana.

U mom garderoberu nema pravila. Nedeljom nosim bilo sta, od pidzame do stikli, sminkam se ako zelim, cak i ako ne idem nigde, ili ne nosim ni trunku sminke cak ni napolju. Sve zavisi od toga kako se osecam. Ne kupujem odecu da bi mi dala samopouzdanje, ali se u razlicitoj odeci razlicito osecam. Zato se uvek trudim da izaberem prave komade.



On my last visit to Milan I had an opportunity to learn more about Casadei as a brand, and the history behind the family secret of making shoes. I always admired the styles, specially the famous “Blade Heel”, but haven’t had much chance to experience the materials, to feel the leather and to pay attention to the detail and passion that every single pair of shoes was made with. It was awakening. I immediately felt such a connection with the brand and decided to write a blog post around the shoe of the moment – the gorgeous lace up, bronze heel that you can see today. I must add that I was not affiliated to say these lovely things about the brand, it all comes from my heart.

The beauty of lace up heels is that you can wear them with jeans, suits or a shirt dress in this case. I picked my cute Gucci wallet on a chain and strolled around the town for a delicious breakfast, catch up and my favourite – flower picking. I was so excited to be productive and the whole day was just bright and exciting, which is something I feel I owe to these shoes. They made me feel great, a little bit more in control and I had a fantastic morning wearing them.

What do you think? What would you like to wear these shoe with and do you agree that shoes can totally change our mood?

Kada sam bila u Milanu imala sam veliku cast da naucim vise o brendu Casadei i istoriji uspeha ovog porodicnog, ali sada ogromnog biznisa. Oduvek sam se divila njihovim dizajnima, pogotovo cuvenoj stikli pod nazivom “Blade”, ali nisam imala priliku da ih pogledam blize, da opipam meku kozu i da se posvetim detaljima rucnog rada. Ovo je bilo zaista neverovatno iskustvo. Odmah sam osetila neku vezu sa brendom i odlucila da napisem ceo post. Moram da naglasim da ovo nije sponzorisan post, vec da sam se zaista iskreno zaljubila u ove sandale na vezivanje sa veoma elegantnom stiklom. Ovaj post dolazi iz srca.

Lepota u ovim sandalama je to sto ih mogu nositi uz sve, farmerice, haljine ili kosulja-haljinu u ovom slucaju. Uhvatila sam se za ovu Gucci torbicu, nabacila suncane naocare i krenula u grad na dorucak sa drugaricama, ovo se zavrsilo u biranju omiljene kombinacije ruza i bozura. Bila sam jako uzbudjena jer sam bila produktivnija i veselija i mislim da je sve to zahvaljujuci carobnim cipelama.

Sta vi mislite? Uz sta biste nosili ove cipele i da li ste slazete da jedan pogled na stopala ukrasena novim parom cipela zaista popravlja raspolozenje?