2 Jun, 2016

Grand Canyon Visit


You probably know that this is not my first time visiting the Grand Canyon, never the less, whenever you see one of the natural wonders of the world you feel speechless, so humble and small. It was always on my bucket list seeing this incredible place, but it just never seemed feasible. Who would have known that I am going to visit it twice in just 6 months.

We took a helicopter early morning, and I was joined by the rest of the Benefit team as well as my friend Fleur with whom I created this photo you guys loved so much.

I must add that if you ever find yourself in Las Vegas, Nevada, Arizona area, maybe even Utah, this is definitely place you should consider visiting. It is for sure something that made me discover this world a little bit more, but saying that I am going to leave the lap top now and go to enjoy and currently I am in the middle of a rain forrest in Costa Rica.

Sigurno znate da mi ovo nije prvi put da posecujem Veliki Kanjon, ali kada se nadjete u jednom od sedam prirodnih cuda na svetu odjednom se osecate tako skromno, malo i bez reci. Oduvek sam zelela da posetim ovo mesto, ali nisam ni sanjala da je tone samo moguce vec da cu ga posetiti dva puta u 6 meseci.

Veoma rano smo seli u helikopter i uputili se ka ka Velikom Kanjonu. Kada kazem mi, mislim na Benefit tim i moju drugaricu Fleur sa kojom sam se sjajno zabavila, kao sto ste mogli videti ovde.

Moram dodati da ako se nadjete u Las Vegasu, Nevadi, Arizoni ili mozda Utah, ovo je mesto koje morate posetiti. Za mene je ovo bilo neko neverovatno iskustvo, nesto sto mi je pomoglo da bolje upoznam nasu planetu i vidim sta sve ona krije. Sada ostavljam lap top i idem da uzivam jer sam se upravo probudila usred prasume na Kosta Rici.

So about the outfit, you have probably noticed if you already checked my previous post from Grand Canyon that I came in two different seasons, it was very hot this time around, pretty sunny which made it so hard to take photos. I opted for the Chanel sandals which were the only shoes appropriate for this type of ground. So that was where I started.

Since my pastel colour obsession is never ending, I decided to go for  a simple white dress, made of rich cotton, and with beautiful detailing. Accessorised it with my favourite summer leather jacket by Diesel Black Gold and some killer Fendi Sunglasses. It gets a bit chilly in the morning, and super sunny when flying over Arizona, so I needed to be comfortable.

Hope you enjoy this look. Do you prefer it to the previous one?

Ako pogledate  moj prethodni post odmah ce vam biti jasno da sam Veliki Kanjon posetila u dva razlicita godisnja doba. Ovaj put je bilo jako vruce i suncano, te prilicno tesko uslikati bilo sta. Izabrala sam Chanel sandale, jer su gumene i idealne za ovakav teren. One su bile jedine u mom koferu prikladne za ovako nesto, tako da sam pocela odatle.

Posto moja opsesija pastelnim bojama nije prestala, odlucila sam obuci belu pamucnu haljinu sa lepim detaljima i svetlo roze koznu jaknu brenda Diesel Black Gold, jer je naprosto obozavam. Fendi naocare su mi se cinile kao odlican izbor. Ujutru je hladno a u helikopteru jako suncano, tako da su ovi dodaci bili neophodni.

Nadam se da vam se kombinacija dopada. Koja vam je lepsa,ova ili prethodna?