My life policy is pretty much summed up in the title of this paragraph. Good Vibes Only! I don’t really let negativity get to me, and unless people have a really good reason to complain about something I don’t have understanding for it. You know people who complain that its too hot, then its too cold, then their dressing is too sour, their soup too salty, they won’t shut up about other people who are too loud, too annoying or they complain about stuff they can’t even change like the school system or the society.
I mean there are so many amazing thing to focus on that I really don’t have time for complainers. If you spend time with me you will often hear me say “I am so happy to be home”, “I am so excited about this trip”or even when the experience is bad, I try to say “I am so happy that is over”. Sure you can focus only on negative stuff, but trust me, no one likes to be around negative people, and I am sure neither do you, which is why you are reading this text.
Let me tell you some of my strategies on how to get rid of negativity in your life.
Moj zivot u sustini staje u naslov ovog paragrafa! Samo dobre vibracije! Zaista ne dopustam negativnim vibracijama da mi zatruju energiju i osim ako neko nema zaista dobar razlog za kukanje nemam razumevanja. Znate oni ljudi kojima sve smeta, prevruce je, paje prehladno, salata je prekisela, supa preslana, drugi ljudi su im preglasni, ili kukaju oko stvari koje se ne mogu promeniti kao sto je skolski sistem ili drustvo.
Ima toliko toga na svetu na sta se ja radije fokusiram tako da zaista nemam vremena na ljude koji se hronicno zale. Ako provedete malo vremena sa mnom primeticete da cesto kazem “Srecna sam sto sam kod kuce”,”Uzbudjena sam oko ovog putovanja”, ili cak i kadaje lose iskustvo u pitanju kazem “Srecna sam sto je proslo”. Naravno da se svi mi mozemo koncentrisati na lose aspekte zivota, ali verujte mi da niko ne voli da bude okruzen negativnim ljudima,bas kao ni vi ukoliko citate ovaj tekst.
Sada cu vam reci moje strategije i misli o tome kako se otarasiti negativnih vibracija i ljudi.

Negative people are like a black hole that drains everything good on this planet. so these are my tips on how to deal with them:
There is a big difference between the two, so its important to make sure you can differentiate it before you start judging and dealing. There are some people who are just gong through a lot in life hence don’t know how to act. People who are actually in need of you and you shouldn’t just brush them off. Ask yourself if your friend was difficult and negative even before they got in trouble, if the answer is no, they maybe just need you. If the answer is yes, keep on reading.
Remember that its not your responsibility to cheer people up. I always used to make it a mission to make people feel better, confident, happy, and then realised that there are some people who just enjoy being miserable. Yep, that is true. There are people who feed of scaring and making other people sad, so don’t be a victim of this. If you notice some severely negative people in your life, its really time to get rid of the poison by simply distancing yourself. Not sure how? Try not to engage too much, and just smile and nod to their negative remarks.
That negative person in your environment constantly talks bad about everyone. Cant remember last time they complimented someone? Don’t be the same. Outline how much you like different things, be great example of positivity and don’t let their attitude become your attitude. Engaging in negativity is the first step in becoming negative yourself.
If the person really can’t stop being negative and its someone you feel really needs help, try stopping the negative thought process by good conversation. When they complain about a certain scenario ask them “What would be your dream outcome instead?” Often people realise that they are unhappy without a reason. Try and reason then into thinking that hate and negativity is only bad for themselves.
Never let energy drainers get to you. Its not your fault that people are negative, not your responsibility to look after them. The only thing that you have to make sure is to keep healthy positive attitude if you want to get anywhere in life. There will always be people who try to drain you and take your time and your happiness away. Don’t let them. Make sure to stand up for yourself and tell them that if they really want to poison a water they have to go to someone else well.
Remember that saying “You are either a well or a fountain” taking people up or down. Don’t be a well, as sooner or later you will be alone in the world with no friends around you. Be that person that makes others feel good about themselves, happy and positive. There is no better reward than that.
Negativni ljudi su kao crna rupa koja u sebe uvlaci sve dobro na planeti, ovo su moje misli kako se boriti sa ovakvim pojavama.
Jako je bitno da razlikujete osobe koje su negativne i osobe koje trenutno prolaz kroz tezak period. Ljudi koji se ponasaju cudno zato sto ste im potrebni su takvi jer ne naju drugacije. Pitajte sami sebe da li je vas prijatelj bio negativan i pre teskih zivotnih situacija ako je odgovor ne, onda mu pruzite podrsku i nemojte ga terati od sebe. Ako je odgovor da, nastavite citati.
Zapamtite da niste vi odgovorni za tudju srecu. Ja sam se uvek trudila da oraspolozim druge ljude, trudila se da im pomognem da se osecaju bolje, da imaju samopouzdanja, ali neki ljudi vole da budu ucveljeni. Da, upravo tako. Ima ljudi koji se hrane negativnoscu i vole da sire takve stavove, nemojte biti zrtva ovoga. Ako primetite nekoliko negativnih ljudi u svom zivotu, onda je vreme da se otarasite otrova. Ne znate kako? Nemojte podrzavati njihovo kukanje, samo klimajte glavom nasmesite se i produzite.
Negativne osobe koje stalno pricaju lose u drugima su prisutne svugde. Ne mozete se setiti kada je ta vasa drugarica rekla ijednu lepu stvar za nekoga? Nemojte biti isti. Uvek budite iskreni i recite kada vam se nesto dopada na ljudima cak i ako generalno ne volite tu osobu. Budite primer za pozitivne misli za lepo raspolozenje. Ako se ukljucujete previse u negativne rasprave i sami cete postati negativni.
Ako vasa prijateljica ne moze da prestane sa negativnoscu i vi zelite da joj pomognete, ima nekoliko nacina za zaustavljanje negativnih misli. Kada kuka pitajte je sta bi bo njen ocekivani rezultat umesto tog koji je dobila, sta bi volela da se desilo i kako bi mogla sledeci put doci do toga. Ljudi cesto ne shvataju da su nesrecni bez razloga. Pokusajte im pomoci da dodju do pravog resenja i shvate da je mrznja i negativnost losa najvise po njih same.
Ne dopustite ljudima da crpe vasu energiju. niste krivi ako je neko drugi negativan, niste ni odgovorni za njihovu srecu. Jedino sto mozete jeste da budete srecni i pozitivni i da ne dopustate drugima da vas more. Uvek ce biti ljudi koji zele da oneraspoloze druge, koji misle da su na taj nacin realni i ljudi koji zele da svi drugi budu nezadovoljni. Ne dozvolite im. Drzite se svojih stavova i ne dozvolite njihovom otrovu u vas potok.
Setite se izreke “Ili si bunar ili fontana”, osob koja spusta ili podize ljude. Nemojte biti bunar, jer pre ili kasnije necete imati nikoga oko sebe. Budite osoba koja je srecna, pozitivna, nasmejana i vesela. Nema bolje nagrade od toga.