21 Jun, 2016

Beach Life


Sun, pineapple juice with mango, no, actually , coconut water. Wait, cant decide which one is my favourite. Sand between your toes, music of the ocean. Sounds so relaxing and it’s my favourite experience to have. I am often at the beach and not only because I live by one, but also because I have this incredible opportunity to do what I love and travel the world with it. I learned to be efficient and to pack well for beach, it always includes my must have essentials which this post is all about.

Sunce, sok od ananasa i manga, ne zapravo kokosova voda. Uf, ne mogu da se odlucim sta vise volim. PEsak izmedju prstiju i muzika okeana. Ovo je jedno opustajuce iskustvo kome se uvek radujem. Cesto sam na plazi i to ne samo jer zivim blizu jedne, veczato sto imam neverovatnu priliku da radim ono sto volim i da zbog toga putujem cesto. Naucila sam da budem prilicno odgovorna i da se pakujem na pravi nacin. U ovom postu mozete procitati i sta sve cesto nosim u torbi za plazu.


Costa Rica is one of the most divine places I have been to, iguanas on the beach, sun, crazy waves and wild life, I truly loved it, every second of it. My beach bag was packed every morning with essentials that I would need through out the day and this would usually include:

Kosta Rika, jedno od najcudesnijih mesta na kojima sam ikada bila. Iguane na plazi, sunce, divlji talasi i prasuma. Uzivala sam u svakom trenutku na ovom prelepom ostrvu. Moja torba za plazu bila je teska, ali puna stvari koje su mi bile neophodne :

-Perfectly light summer read. A book that helps me kill time and enjoy while I am getting that Vitamin D into my system. Currently I would recommend “The Weekenders” as a great beach read!

-Sun Protection. PIZ BUIN® has been by my side ever since our Cape Verde vacation, so a good three years or so, but their new product impressed me even more. This incredible cooling mousse is cooling your skin while protecting it from the sun. I love using the SPF 30 just so I have to apply it less often and can relax more, but you can also get SPF 15 if you are more adventurous person. I love the smell of it, it brings back so many memories which is if you ask me the best part about it.

-Lip Balm. I never leave my house without a lip balm and you guys know how much I love them. Not gonna talk to much about it now, as there is a whole blog post coming on this topic.

-Bottle Of Water. Always. I know it can get warm quickly and become quite sickening, but if you drink it quick which you should you will be fine. This is just for the walking time to the beach, and then its time for some delicious smoothies.

-Earphones. For when I wanna nap in the shade. I love listening to music or even audio books. My all time favourite is The Secret, because it always puts me in such a good mood.

-Sunglasses. Of course, I have listed selection of my favourite models below. Picking sunglasses with UV protection is so important because this is the best protection for the delicate skin around the eye area. Useful and pretty for makeup free days, doesn’t get better right?

What are your beach bum essentials? Please share them with me as I am super curious to see.

-Knjiga za plazu. Neko dobro, lagano, letnje stivo koje ce mi pomoci da ubijem vreme dok uzimam neophodnu dozu vitamina D. Trenutno preporucujem knjigu “The Weekenders”.

-Zastita od sunca. Ne moram objasnjavati. PIZ BUIN® je brend koji je bio uz mene jos od Zelenortskih Ostrva, dakle vise od tri godine. Njihov najnoviji proizvod me je osvojio, jer je u pitanju hladna pena koja osvezava ali istovremeno pruza neohopnu zastitu. Ja koristim SPF 30, jer volim da budem oprezna, da se odmorim i ne razmisljam o apliciranju svakih 30min. Ukoliko ste avanturisticki nastrojeni, mozete naci i penu sa SPF 15. Jako mi se dopada miris ove pene i podseca me na predivne sa uspomene proslih letovanja.

-Labelo. Nikada ne napustam kucu bez neke vrste hidratacije za usne. Obozavam gomilu razlicitih ali o ovome cu uskoro napisati ceo post, pa sada necu previse da otkrivam.

-Flasa vode. Uvek. Znam da se brzo ugreje sto uopste nije privlacno, ali ako je brzo popijete bice ok. Ja volim da imam vodu cisto za setnju do plaze, a onda je vreme za ukusne sejkove.

-Slusalice. Kada zelim da odspavam u hladu. Slusam muziku ili mozda audio knjugu – omiljena mi je Tajna jer me uvek oraspolozi.

-Suncance naocare. Naravno da sam ostavila ispod nekoliko omiljenih linkova. Naocare ne zaboravljam, jer je UV protekcija jako bitna, pogotovo kada je u pitanju osetljiva koza oko ociju. Takodje lepe naocare me uvek spase kada mi se ne sminka na odmoru.

Bez cega vi ne idete na plazu? Jako me zanima, pa mi recite u komentarima!