13 May, 2016

New Gucci in Barcelona

That moment of revelation when you open your suitcase and realise you didn’t quite pack for the occasion. I mean Barcelona in May would require bikinis, mojitos and kaftans, and not an umbrella, big coat and warm knits. I was so looking forward to chill by the pool and drink most colourful bubbly beverages that usually come with an umbrella or at least some sort of fruit stabbed on the grass edge. You know thats what I thought spring – summer means.

On the other hand, I cant quite complain as the weather did improve on the other days. Besides that it allowed me to visit some museums, discover doughnut places, eat breakfast in super hipster places and chill in the room with my boyfriend, because when you have a long distance relationship there is always so much to catch up on. I have a lot of content from capital of Catalonia so I hope you will enjoy it.

Trenutak eureke kada otvorite kofer i shvatite da su u njemu totalno pogresne stvari za vremenske uslove. Mislila sam da ce Barselona u maju podrazumevati kupace kostime, mojito koktele i koktele, a ne kisobran, kaput i debeli dzemper. Radovala sam se uzivanju pored bazena a jedini kisobran koji sam zamislila bio je onaj u mom penusavom, sarenom napitku. Znate, to za mene podrazumeva prolece- leto.

S druge strane ne mogu da se pozalim jer se vreme popravilo sledeci daqn. Osim toga, kada je oblacno i hladno uvek radim vise toga, obilazim muzeje, otkrivam nove restorane, jedan dorucak na hipsterskim mestima ili pricam sa momkom satima, jer je to ono u cemu uzivate kad imate vezu na daljinu. Imam mnogo toga da vam pokazem iz glavnog grada Katalonije, nadam se da ce vam se dopasti.


You probably already know about my obsession with anything that ever came out of mind of Alessandro Michele. I mean man made the brand I barely thought about totally on my mind 24/7. Of course I am talking about the huge Gucci come back, and my obsession with grandma shoes.

If you watch my YouTube you know about this new bag and the shoes, they were a result of long lusting and one long afternoon browsing on LuisaViaRoma. brave women later they were in my cart and I was already confirming my shipment address. So happy I did.

I decided to wear these girlfriend jeans, lose shirt and my new accessories on a cloudy day in Spain. Of course I had to bring my coat along, purely because my boyfriend said “But you are always cold, you should bring it” I complained and moaned and refused, but still brought it, and of course I was cold – even with the coat, but please don’t tell him, I don’t want to admit he was right.

Hope you like this post, let me know what you think about my new accessories.

Takodje sigurno znate za moju opsesiju sa bilo cim sto je rezultat stvaralacko kreativnog rada Alessandro Michele- a. Ovaj covek pretvorio je brend o kom skoro nikada nisam mislila u brend koji mi nije izlazio iz glave. Naravno da govorim o Gucci-ju i mojoj opsesiji bapskim cipelama. Ako pratite moj YouTube, znate i da sam ove cipele i torbu narucila na LuisaVia Roma sajt jedno vece dok sam krstarila internetom, a ova torba i cipele su spletom okolnosti zavrsile u mojoj korpi. Veoma sam srecna zbog toga.

Odlucila sam da cipele ukombinujem sa jednostavnim dzinson, te dodala moje dodatke za oblacan dan i razgledanje Barselone. Naravno da sam obukla kaput, jer se moj momak protivio da ga na obucem. “Ali tebi je uvek hladno, ponesi kaput”, kukala sam, zalila se i odbijala, ali ga nakraju ponela i opet mi je bilo hladno. Molim vas da ne kazete mom momku, necu da priznam da je bio upravu.



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