Time flies when you have a lot to do, but this Santa Monica moments seem like they were ages ago, even though these photos were taken so recently. My US trip took really most of the April and I am just now managing to go through all the photos and tell you the stories, which I am sure you all are dying to hear about…
If you followed closely you probably know that I was in LA for work and meetings between my Dallas and Coachella trips, but spent most of the time with Leonie and Alex, also known as guys behind OhhCouture. It was just so much fun eating all the guacamole/avocado toast/ anything with avocado while staying in LA, or strolling around Melrose Avenue, shopping or just sitting on the floor of my room while discussing all sorts of different photo ops.
Yeah,blogger life might not sound so glamorous when you remove the curtain, but trust me, I wouldn’t change it for anything else.
Vreme leti kada radite mnogo toga, ipak ovi trenutci na Santa Monika plazi cine mi se kao davno secanje iako su se desili veoma skoro. Mojeputovanje po Americi zauzelo je vecinu aprila, a tek sada stizem da pogledam sve fotografije i da vam ipricam sta sam sve radila, a sigurna sam da se i vi tome radujete.
Ako ste pratili moje putovanje sigurno znate da sam u Los Andjelesu bila zbog posla, ali sam vecinu vremena provela sa Leonie i Alex – om, prijateljima iz Nemacke koji vode blog OhhCouture. Sjajno smo se proveli, iako smo uglavnom jeli guacamole/avokado tost/bilo sta sa avokadom i setali Melrosom, isli u kupovinu ili sedeli na podu moje sobe, dok smo razmenjivali misljenja o svetu blogovanja.
Da, kada pogledate iza kulisa, zivot blogera i nije toliko glamurozan, ali ga ja ipak ne bih menjala ni za sta na svetu.
There isn’t much to talk about in this post, since as you can see I took my slingback off – really didn’t want to get them all covered in sand and dirty. But I must say, I had my favourite shorts, or the only piece of summer denim that I currently love.
When it comes to denim shorts, I am really particular, I don’t like the ones that show too much, you know what I mean, no bum situation allowed. I also don’t like those that seem like they are longer, but when you put them on, actually they are just high waisted, and basically so short that they are cutting in so much. Don’t like them too baggy or those safari ones. When I tried these on I was like YES! Thats it, got my perfect piece. I think if you thy them on, you will understand my enthusiasm.
The Jimmy Choo Lockett Petite is becoming one of my favourite summer bags, I love the white colour with silver and gold details, its just so perfect for making a simple look like this a little bit more special, right?
This open back top is something I ve had in my wardrobe for a while, but its almost never warm enough to wear it in UK. I couldn’t find exactly the same one online, but this one, that I just purchased is a pretty good alternative.
Hope you like these photos, not as many as usually, but I am so happy I have some thanks to my OhhCouture guys.
Nemam mnogo da vam pricam o kombinaciji, jer kao sto vidite, izula sam se kako ne bih unistila moje voljene Slingback cipele. Moram priznati da je ovo ipak moj omiljeni sorts, te vredan celog posta.
Kada je rec o teksas sortsevima, ne nosim ih mnogo, jako sam izbirljiva po pitanju modela. Ne volim one sto otkrivaju mnogo, znate na sta mislim, prekipljeni deo zadnjice ne dolazi u obzir, ne volim ni one vrecaste modele, pa ni one sto izgledaju malo duze, ali kada ih obucete shvatite da su samo duboki,ali kratki. Safari sortsevi takodje ne dolaze u obzir. Kada sam probala ovaj model zaista sam se obradovala. Sve je taman kako volim.
Jimmy Choo Lockett Petite torba mi je zaista jedan od favorita za leto. Mnogo volim belu sa srebrnim i zlatnim detaljima, a o va je bas savrsena jer dodaje nesto posebno i skroz obicnoj kombinaciji.
Majica sa otvorenim ledjima je visila u mom ormanu skoro godinu dana, ali posto je u Engleskoj hladno skroz sam zaboravila na nju i tek je sada prvi put obukla. Nazalost nisam mogla naci link na internetu ali sam vam ovde ostavila link za novu koju sam juce kupila, a mozda je cak i jos lepsa.
Nadam se da vam se slike dopadaju, nema ih mnogo, ali ipak veliko hvala mom omiljenom OhhCouture timu.