27 Apr, 2016

Pastel Dream

Even thought weather isn’t as warm as I would like it to be, my wardrobe of choice is all in pastels. A lot of white, beige, light pink, lilac, all those dreamy shades waiting for spring.

If you watched my Dallas blog, you could probably see that I am not joking about being obsessed with pastels, in fact, my whole suitcase was in these colours. Talking about spring and clothes,I recently published a video, which is all about my spring staples, and new pieces in my wardrobe. You can see it HERE. Hope you enjoy it!

I am finally at home, for another day or so, getting ready for my next trip to Barcelona. I am so excited to visit one of my absolute favourite cities soon, because I haven’t been there for over a year.

Iako nije toplo koliko bih ja volela da bude, u mom ormanu preovladavaju pastelne boje. Mnogo bele, svetlo roze, lila, i svih onij neznih boja savrsenih za prolece.

Ako ste gledali moj Dallas vlog, znacete da se ne salim. Kofer mi je bio pun belih, bez i svetlo roze komada, skoro sam objavila i video sa stvarima koje sam kupila za prolece, a i tamo su sve same pastelne boje. Mozete ga pogledati OVDE. Nadam se da ce vam se dopasti.

Sada sam vec kod kuce, jos jedan dan, a onda idem za Barcelonu na novo radno putovanje. Jedva cekam da posetim ovaj grad, jer kao sto znate, meni je veoma drag.


I started with the white jeans, I knew I really wanted to wear them with the rose gold Stella McCartney shoes I recently got from Monnier Freres. Then I thought obvious choice would be copper tone or pink, so I picked both.

Not sure if I told you how much I love these shoes, they are so comfortable to walk in and really make outfits look great. Not to mention the great effect of “visual” slimming” that they have.

I actually had my Chloe Drew bag with this look, but I left it in the car and when I found this pretty pastel street to shoot I just didn’t have it on me. Other than that white bag would look pretty cool with this look. What do you think?

Pocela sam tako sto sam izvadila bele farmerice iz ormana. Zelela sam da ih nosim taj dan, onda sam zgrabila ove Stella McCartney cipele koje sam skoro izabrala na Monnier Freres vebsajtu. Onda sam pomislila da bi logicna kombinacija bila sa svetlo roze i bakrenom bojom, te ih ukombinovala.

Nisam sigurna da li sam vam rekla koliko volim ove cipele, veoma su udobne a i poseban su komad koji uvek osvezi svaku kombinaciju. Veliki plus je i sto vizuelno izduzuju noge, zar ne?

Taj dan ponela sam i Chloe Drew torbu, ali kada sam ugledala ovu pastelnu ulicu shvatila sam da mi je torba ostala u kolima. Osim nje mislim da bi i bela torba super isla uz ovu kombinaciju, sta vi mislite?