25 Apr, 2016

How to Deal With Changes | Monday Confessions

I know that you have been waiting for this moment for so long, and I am happy to finally be back with the Monday Confessions. Due to a lot of recent life events I got specially inspired to write about changes.

When I was in elementary school I found this book at home called “Who moved my cheese?” I never really stopped thinking about it and got fascinated by the topic. One thing I realised at the very young stage is how important it is to adapt to changes.  Before I was 6 years old, we changed about 7 different homes, I changed cities and even kindergartens. I very early learned that if you don’t adapt quickly to what life throws at you, you get thrown out of game.

But actually we all go through changes in life, its just that some people adapt to new situation easily whereas others are holding onto the old times for as long as possible, even until it becomes painful for them and the environment

I decided to write this post about changes because I have been going through a lot of them recently, some unexpected, some for better, some for what I thought are going to be for worse. After all I just realised that the only constant thing in my life are changes, yesterday I was in LA, today in London, tomorrow Barcelona, my job is unpredictable and no one knows what will happen the day after tomorrow.

Changes can happen at any point of your life, from changing from one school to another to changing jobs, cities, breaking your relationship, losing friends, pets, money…anything at all. If you cant remember your own difficulty in adapting to a change, then think of that one friend that for sure you have, that one that could never get over her ex and would still not move on years after. Yeah that is unhealthy way to deal with changes

Znam da ste cekali ovaj post toliko dugo, ali sam srecna sto sam konacno u mogucnosti da opet pisem Ispovesti Ponedeljkom. Mnogo toga mi se desilo u poslednje vreme i inspirisana skorasnjim dogadjajima odlucila sam da vam pisem o zivotnim promenama.

Kada sam bila u osnovnoj skoli pronasla sam knjigu koja se zove “Ko je maznuo moj sir?” Nikada nisam prestala da razmisljam o njoj, zaista me je fascinirala.  Sa veoma malo godina shvatila sam da je neophodno biti prilagodljiv i znati kako se nositi sa promenama. Pre nego sto sam napunila 6 godina moja porodica i ja smo se preselili 6 puta, ziveli smo u 2 grada i ja sam pohadjala nekoliko razlicitih vrtica. Shvatila sam da uvek moras biti spreman na novu promenu i da ako se ne prilagodis dovoljno brzo, zivot te nece cekati.

Svi mi prolazimo kroz promene u zivotu, neki se ljudi jednostavno prilagoda lakse, neki ljudi ni ne primete da se promene odvijaju,a drugi zaista cvrsto stoje u proslosti i drze se starih vremena sto moze biti lose i za njih i za okruzenje.

Odlucila sam da napisem post o promenama jer sam prosla mnogo toga u poslednje vreme, neke neocekivane stvari, promene na bolje, neke koje sam mislila da su na losije i slicno.Juce sam bila u Los Andjelesu, danas sam u Londonu, sutra u Barceloni, moj posao je zaista nepredvidiv i niko ne zna sta ce biti sutra.

Promene se mogu desiti bilo kada, mogu i da podrazumevaju mnogo toga. Od menjanja skole, do posla, grada, prekida veze, gubljenja prijatelja, kucnih ljubimaca, novca…bilo sta. Ako ne mozete da se setite jednog trenutka u zivotu kada vam je bilo tesko da se prilagodite na promenu, setite se te prijateljice koja dugo dugo nije mogla da se navikne na zivot bez bivseg momka, pa je ostala sama i izgubila mnogo vremena na negativne emocije.

Now lets discuss why changes are important, how to deal with them, and my experiences:

1.Changes will always happen so better learn to deal with them. I once read a quote which said, “This too shall pass”, meaning that no matter if its good or bad, it will pass, as things change with the time. Nothing stays the same. It is a really good attitude to have, because we all know that we have been through many changes in life, and even what seemed like such a challenge in the past, its over now.

2.Grow with the change. Changes can be challenging as I previously said which means that you will grow as a person and become better. If you are constantly immersed in comfort of routine, there is absolutely nothing new and you can not develop. So if you are at that job, where you are not exactly happy, but very comfortable, its time to change and become better at what you do.

3.Changes can be frightening, moving to another city is your dream, but just not something you think you can do, you will never know unless you try.

4.Having an open mind an accepting changes as a new chapter in your life always helps. In life everything is about how you perceive it. Is that a black dot on the wall or an ant? It can be anything you think of. The same is with the changes. You can look at the change as the end of the world, but you can also look at it as the beginning of something amazing. Whatever you think of it, that is exactly what it will become.

Panta Rhei – Everything Floats, everything can change. The only constant thing in life is the change. If you got fired, dumped, you loose documents or the house of your dreams? It just means that its time to try and build a better one, get a better job, or find a better partner. Changes happen so that we can evolve and make the most out of our lives, its on us what we do with it.

Nego da se bacimo na ono sto sve zanima, kako se nositi sa promenama:

1.Promene se desavaju svakodnevno, zato je bolje nauciti kako sa njima. Jednom sam procitala citat citat :”I to ce proci”, shvatila sam da bez obzira da li bili srecni ili tuzni, to nije zauvek, tako da nista ne ostaje isto. Ovo je odlican stav za usvajanje, jer cete uvek biti spremni na promene u zivotu, cak i oni trenuci koji su bili veoma teski za vas u zivotu su sada iza vas, zar ne? I to je proslo.

2.Napredujte sa izazovom. Promene mogu biti nezgodne, ali donose odlicnu lekciju sa kojom mi rastemo i razvjamo se dalje. Ako ste konstantno u zivtonoj situacji gde se nista ne menja nikada necete napredovati.Izazovi i nova iskustva su neophodna za razvice.

3.Promene su zastrasujuce. Oduvek ste zeleli da zivite u drugom gradu, ali se bojite da necete uspeti? Ako ne probate nikada necete znati.

4.Uvek budite otvoreni za sve opcije. Slobodan um je neprocenjiv. To ce vam pomoci da prihvatite promene, a u zivotu je zaista sve onako kako se vama cini. Da li je to samo crna tackica na zidu ili je mrav? To je upravo ono sto vi mislite da je. Isto je i sa promenama, mozete na njih gledati kao da su smak sveta ili kao pocetak neceg novog, boljeg. Sta god vi mislite, to cete i postati.

Panta Rhei – Sve Tece, sve se menja. Jedina konstanta u zivotu je promena. Ako ste dobili otkaz, raskinuli vezu, izgubili vazne dokumente ili kucu iz snova, sve je to promena. Samo znaci da je vreme da izgradite bolju, nadjete boljeg partnera, bolji posao i da od svog zivota napravite najbolju mogucu verziju istog.