1 Apr, 2016

My Hair Transformation

Good hair day can really put me in the best mood. You know you wake up, the hair feels soft, it looks good, its nourished, and all you need to do is put some lip gloss.

Approximately two and a half years ago I went from some caramel colour hair to ombre, and absolutely loved the transition. It was simply smitten with the new look, but after bleaching my hair ends, I never really wanted to repeat the process.

My hair is naturally curly which means dry as it is. There isn’t much that can be done to hydrate the hair itself, and even though there are certain bonuses comparing to the naturally greasy hair, there still is that dryness, that makes me be vary of products I use, and how often I dye my hair.

I was very lucky to be invited by L’Orea Paris to visit Christophe Robin in his gorgeous Paris salon and to get a superstar treatment and consultation about my hair colour. We decided that its time to bring back a bit of shine, and to go mono colour.You can see how it all looked in the video below.

Dobra frizura mi cesto moze popraviti raspolozenje. Ustanem ujutru, prodjem prstima kroz kosu i osetim da je meka i svilenkasta, tada sve sto mi treba je sjaj za usne i spremna sam.

Pre skoro dve i po godine ofarbala sam svoju kosu koja je tadabila nekog karamet tona u obre i bila odusevljena transformacijom. Sve mi se dopadalo, ali nakon sto sam koristila farbu na krajevima, shvatila sam da ne zelim ponavljati taj proces.

Kosa mi je prirodno kovrdzava, sto znaci i suva. Ne postoji nesto sto bih mogla uraditi da je hidriram dodatno, jednostavno dlaka je prirodno takva i iako ima nekih bonusa u odnosu na masnu kosu, moja nikada nece biti toliko hidrirana. U svakom slucaju jako sam pazljiva kada su proizvodi i farbe u pitanju i trudim se da pruzim kosi odgovarajucu negu.

Imala sam veliku srecu da me L’Oreal Paris pozove u posetu Christophe Robin salonu, koji se nalazi u Parizu. Gde sam od ovog cuvenog frizera dobila zaista divan tretman. Dogovorili smo se da se vratim u jednu boju, a ostalo mozete videti u videu ispod.


The colour we used is L’Oreal Infinia in 5.0 and I would call it a warm chestnut colour. Its what gave my hair a lot more shine, optically made it appear longer and also gave it a thicker vibe. Not that I needed any more thickness :)

My hair takes approximately 3 hours to was, dry and style, because its very thick, its curly and unruly. After colouring it, I found it much easier to achieve this effortless brunette hairdo, and the new colour has given me more shine.

I am very happy with the final results, and wanted to share what I did with you, so you don’t get surprise seeing me with a different hair colour. Do you think I should maintain it, or should I maybe go all over lighter for the summer? Any thoughts are welcome. I will make a poll on my twitter, go and vote what should I do with my hair during the summer!!

Farba koju smo koristili je L’Oreal Infinia 5.0 i ja bih rekla da jetoga neka topla, kestenjasta boja. Dala je mojoj kosi mnogo sjaja, ucinila je da izgleda duze i gusce. Gustina mi zaista nije bila neophodna, ali ajde kad vec nabrajam :)

Mojoj kosi obicno treba oko 3 sata da je operem i osusim, sto upravo zbog te gustine, sto zbog lokni i cinjenice da je teska za oblikovanje. Nakon farbanja postala je mnogo laksa za stilizovanje, jerje sama po sebi izgledala lepse.Nova boja mi je zaista donela mnogo vise sjaja.

Jako sam zadovoljna rezultatom, pa sam to htela da podelim i sa vama,kako se ne biste iznenadili kada me vidite sa tamnijom bojom. Da li mislite da treba da odrzim ovu boju, ili mozda da idem u nesto svetlije za leto? Napravicu opciju da glasate na twitteru, pa zeljno iscekujem vasa misljenja!