14 Apr, 2016

Classic Romantic


Is it really true that everything you are living right now, every life circumstance, every experience, good and bad is what you attracted with your thoughts? Even though I am a big melancholic by nature, I try to control my thoughts, in order to attract only positive things to my life. I am not sure if its working, but I must tell you one thing, I feel much better, much happier and considering that I am writing this post from Los Angeles, about an amazing trip to Venice – looks like I really have no reason to complain. Venice was beautiful, and even though I will never know whether our thoughts really direct our future, I can still be grateful for all the amazing things that happened to me.


Da li je istina da sve ono sto dozivljavamo, svaki dogadjaj u zivotu, svako iskustvo dolazi kao rezultat nasih misli? Iako sam melanholicna po prirodi, trudim se da kontrolisem svoje misli i da privlacim samo pozitivne stvari u zivotu. Nisam jos sigurna da li ova tehnika funkcionise, ali vam moram priznati da se osecam bolje, lepse, srecnije a s obzirom da ovaj post pisem iz Los Andjelesa, o prelepom putovanju u Veneciji, zaista nemam razlog za zaljenje. Venecija je bila prelepa, a iako necu saznati da li moja teorija funkcionise ili ne, moram priznati da zaista osecam veliku zahvalnost sto mi se desavaju neke divne stvari.

Outfit Details

This was the first time I wore my new Balmain blazer. I wanted something classic yet nice, something that would take me from day to night, but won’t feel like its annoying, too short, tight or similar.

Coincidentally it was also the first time I proper wore these Hermes boots. When I say proper, I mean walking around my house in the doesn’t count, even if its for hours, right? I really love what a beautiful, classic and timeless piece they represent. I really can not even bring myself to think what would happen if they get scratched and old, as they are such a special piece in my collection.

Talking about these new pieces, you can watch my latest YT video with all the new items in my wardrobe HERE. It went live tomorrow, and I show you some of my most recent acquisitions. That is if the US trip doesn’t count.

How do you like this look? What else would you wear the boots with?

Ovo je bio prvi put da sam obukla novi Balmain sako. Zelela sam nesto klasicno, ali lepo, nesto sto ce biti prikladno i za dan i za noc, ali ne tesno, kratko i neudobno.

Igrom slucaja ovo je bio prvi put i da sam zapravo obula nove Hermes cizme. Kazem zapravo, jer hodanje u njima po kuci se neracuna, cak iako sam u njima provela sate, zar ne? Zaista obozavam bezvremenske, klasicne komade, kao sto su ove cizme. Ne mogu ni da pomislim na dan kada ce biti iznosene, izgrebane ili ruzne, jer ih toliko volim da zelim da ih nosim zauvek.

Kad smo vec kod novih stvari u mom ormanu, mozete pogledati najnoviji videu na mom YT kanalu u kom vam pokazujem neke od komada ciji sam skoro postala vlasnik. Video pogledajte OVDE. Juce sam ga objavila, a ako ne racunamo shopping u Americi to su sve stvari koje imam od skoro.

Kako vam se dopada ova kombinacija? Uz sta biste jos nosili ove cizme?

