30 Mar, 2016

PFW Day 4

Sometimes I don’t realise stuff when I am in the middle the tight schedule and crazy events, but then when I look back I understand how lucky I am for many reasons One of them are these wonderful people surrounding me.

After blogging for several years I realised that the most valuable thing about this job is meeting people. Every day I meet several bloggers, readers, designers, other creatives and PRs, and the most important part is that some of them become my friends and people who impact my life in so many ways, including Leonie from OhhCouture who you can see in this post.

Ok, I promise this won’t be a soppy post about friendship, but I can’t help and express my gratitude to people who made my fashion month so much better. They know who they are and so do you. Working with friends is just the best thing that ever happened to me.

Ponekad u zurbi zivljena ne uvidim neke stvari. Izmedju bezbroj obaveza i ludackog rasporeda ne stignem da vidim koliko sam zapravo srecna. Ali zato sada u retrospektivi dok pisem ovaj post mogu da primetim koliko sam zahvalna na predivnim ljudima koji me okruzuju.

Blogujem vec nekoliko godina, dovoljno da znam da mi je u ovom poslu omiljeno to sto svakodnevno upoznajem ljude. Druge blogere, citatelje, dizajnere, kreativne ljude, PR sluzbenike i slicno. Najbitnije od svega je sto mi neki od ovih ljudi postanu apsolutno nezamenjivi, prijatelji koje mnogo volim, bas kao Leonie blogerka sa OhhCouture, koju mozete videti u ovom postu.

Ok, obecavam da ovo nece biti patetican post o prijateljstvu, ali ne mogu da ne iskazem moju zahvalnost prema ljudima koji su obelezili i ulepsali mesec mode za mene. Svi znamo ko su oni. Rad sa prijateljima je nesto najlepse sto mi se ikada dogodilo.


Layering was the key for this look. Weather was unpredictable, we had quite a lot on schedule and didn’t want to miss out on feeling comfortable too. Jeans were a good idea.

These Chanel Slingbacks are a heaven for my feet, as I can walk in them for days. I would buy them over and over and over again, and pay double the price, thats how you know you made a right choice regarding a pair of shoes.

Gestuz is one of my favourite brands, specially for outerwear, and couldn’t help myself but layer the waistcoat with the suede trench. I felt like it was perfectly appropriate for the occasion, and the suede trench kept me warm when necessary.

How do you like this look? Would you wear anything else? Also how gorgeous are these Aquazzura shoes that my friend Leonie wore?

Slojevito oblacenje je osnova ove kombinacije. Vreme je bilo nepredvidivo, a mi smo imale gomilu toga na rasporedu. Farmerice radi udobnosti bile su odlicna ideja.

Ove Chanel Slingback cipele definitivno su najbolja stvar koju sam kupila do sada. Kupila bih ih opet i opet i platila duplo vise za njih. Valjda je to znak da nisam pogresila. Udobnost im je neprikosnovena.

Gestuz je jedan od mojih omiljenih brendova, pogotovo za jakne. Svi se secamo mog sivog kaputa bez rukava? Mislim da je kaput od prevrnute koze bio odlican za ovu priliku.

Kako vam se dopada kombinacija? Da li biste nosili nesto slicno? Takodje, da li ste i vi ludi za ovim Aquazzura stiklama koje Leonie nosi?