After this there is only one more outfit to show you from Paris,and we are officially over with all of that stuff, including the winter mood. Well it is spring officially, so I think some variety and lighter topics are over due, right?
I am planning to get back with Monday confessions, and to introduce few more things so keep your eyes focused. There is so much happening, so many changes in world of blogging. I am sure you all heard that instagram is changing their algorithm? Posts won’t be shown chronologically any more, but sort of like on Facebook,so if you want to keep following me on insta, which is I would say my main platform after blog, make sure to click on the three dots on my profile (theglamandglitter) and turn on notifications.
That being said, lets go onto the outfit.
Nakon ovog posta tu je jos samo jedan iz Pariza, a onda smo zavrsili sa mesecom modei zimskim raspolozenjem. Konacno je prolece, pa se mozemo posvetiti i nekim laksim temama, zar ne?
Planiram da vratim Ispovesti Ponedeljkom i da zapocnem par novih tema, koje bi osvezile sadrzaj na blogu. Toliko se toga desava, da je neophodno konstantno unositi promene. Da li ste culi da instagram menja svoj algoritam? Umesto hronoloskih postova, sada cete videti samo odredjene slike koje oni zele da pokazu. Nesto kao na Facebook-u. Ukoliko zelite da nastavite pratiti moje slike na ovoj drustvenoj mrezi kliknite na moj profil (theglamandglitter), pa one tri tackice, pa upalite notifikacije.
Sada kada sam vam sve to ispricala, da se bacimo na kombinaciju.

About This Look
I was eyeing up these shoes for a while. I wanted few pairs of Aquazzura and few pairs of Gianvito Rossi, but tried to stay sensible, until I saw them. Must I even add that they are on sale? Rush and get yourself a pair HERE. They are super comfortable which made them a favourite during the PFW.
I really craved some casual clothes, so went for jeans, oversized shirt and knit and new Valentino bag from Monnier Freres. I never really craved this VaVaVoom model Valentino bags, until I got it and realised how beautiful it is, and how perfectly organised it is inside. Love it.
Gledala sam ove cipele neki period. Zelela sam neke Aquazzura ili mozda Gianvito Rossi, ali nista sto je preseklo dok nisam videla ove. Da li moram dodati i da su bile na rasprodaji? Ako i vi zelite par, potrcite pa KLIK ovde. Jako su udobne zbog cega su mi bile favorit za vreme PFW.
Zaista mi je nedostajala opustena odeca. Obukla sam farmerice veliku kosulju, dzemper i detalje koji su izvukli sve to. Ova Valentino torba sa Monnier Freres sajta osvezila je izgled. Nikada nisam zelela VaVaVoom torbu, ali kada sam primetila izvanrednu kozu koja je koriscena za izradu, kao i lep enterijer torbe, odmah sam sezaljubila.