20 Mar, 2016

PFW Day 1

Finally we are coming to the last leg of my fashion month outfits, then life can go back to normal. Or at least I think so. I must admit that every city has a different vibe, hence my outfits get inspired by different things. The same goes with Paris.

The city of love, lights, classicism and sophistication always inspires me, and I must admit its the city where I find my style fits the best. Paris is currently the only other place I could possibly live, but rest assured I am way to happy in England to change anything. The atmosphere, the mood and the occasion are the things that affect what I pick to wear the most. How do you pick your looks?

Konacno stizemo na sami kraj outfita sa meseca mode, a onda se zivot vraca u normalu, ili se ja bar tako tesim. Moram priznati da svaki grad ima posebnu vibraciju, nesto u vazduhu sto me inspirise na drugaciji nacin. Isto je i sa Parizom.

Grad ljubavi, svetla, klasicizma i sofisticiranosti mi donosi posebnu inspiraciju, to je grad gde se moj stil najbolje uklapa i grad u kom bih mogla ziveti. Ipak, trenutno sam presrecna u Engleskoj tako da necu popravljati ono sto nije pokvareno. Atmosfera, raspolozenje i prilika poticu odabir garderobe u mom slucaju, kako vi birate svoje outfite?


It was a beautiful day and I couldn’t wait to wear this sleeveless jacket by Isabel Marant. I was thinking what could I wear it with and pieces just naturally started coming together. These grey trousers have that slouchy, way too long and way too wide vibe, and I just love that about them.

Since all the colours are pretty simple and monochrome I decided to take a powder pink Valentino bag and my favourite Maison Michel hat. What do you think? Would you also wear this?

Bio je predivan dan, a ja nisam mogla da docekam da nosim ovu Isabel Marant jaknu bez rukava. Dok sam razmisljala uz sta da je obucem, shvatila sam da su mogucnosti velike te sam samo izvlacila komade iz ormana i nekako je sve doslo zajedno na zaista prirodan nacin. Sive pantalone su predugacke i presiroke, ali to je upravo ta lezerna varijanta koju sam zelela.

Posto su sve boje jako jednostavne i monohromatske, dodala sam torbu u puder roze boji, i omiljeni Maison Michel sesir. Kako vam se dopada? Da li biste i vi nosili nesto ovako?